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 This section describes commands typically found in the configuration file
 AE.INI and explains why they are there, what they do, and what changes
 could easily be made.

      key_bind "^M" "line_split"

 When Enter is pressed, the line is split into to halves. If this line is
 ommitted then carriage returns are actually entered into the line raw,
 without line-feeds, which can cause problems.

      key_bind "^I" "character_tab"

 When the Tab key is pressed, either a ^I character is inserted into the
 text or a certain number of spaces are inserted (depending on the tab
 mode). Without this tabbing will not work.

      key_bind "^D"    "character_right"
      key_bind "^X"    "line_down"
      key_bind "Right" "character_right"
      ... etc.

 These allow moving around the file. The control key versions are present
 in the default configuration file since most machines have control keys.
 In particular the traditional WordStar cursor diamond is defined in the
 default configuration file.

      key_bind "F3" "fold_in"
      key_bind "F4" "fold_out"

 These allow entering and exiting of the folds.

      key_bind ".X" "other_exit yes"

 This allows you to exit the editor (without a 'sure?' prompt).

      key_bind ".C" "block_yank other_undelete"
      key_bind ".M" "block_delete other_undelete"
      key_bind ".D" "block_delete"
      key_bind ".Y" "block_yank"
      ... etc.

 These definitions give easy access to rudimentry block editing. The .C block
 copy command works by yanking a copy of the block in the current fold onto
 the deleted stack and then undeleting it to the current cursor position.
 The block move .M definition works in a similar manner.

     key_prefix "^K"
     key_bind "^K ^S" "block_mark_1"
     key_bind "^K ^E" "block_mark_2"
     key_bind "^K ^H" "block_unmark"
     ... etc.

 The definitions above set up double-key key-bindings by first specifying
 that ^K will prefix a following key to form a dual key-press 'key'. For
 example, ^K ^S. When this is done, you can no longer bind to ^K on its own.
 When ^K is pressed the editor displays ^K ...  until a second key is
 pressed and the two of them are used to look up a key binding.

      key_bind "^L ^C" "line_create \"\""

 You will notice that the quotes that form the empty string argument to
 line_create are escaped using \ so that they can be distinguished from the
 quote that ends the key_bind second argument.

      language_create "pascal" "{..." "}" ".*\\.pas" yes 2 "_"
      language_create "ada" "--..." "" ".*\\.ada" yes 2 "_."

 These language definitions allow AE to recognise Pascal and Ada programs
 when it loads them. The escaped quoting in the filename recognising parts
 are especially confusing. Taking one of them in steps :-

      ".*\\.pas"                  As supplied in file, note that the
                                  escape for the second . is escaped!
      .*\.pas                     Argument as language_create sees it,
                                  Note this is a regular expression.
                                  The first . means any character, the
                                  second means a real dot, because its

 To configure AE to your own liking, simply edit AE.INI changing key names
 and possibly actions too. If you make a mistake, AE will complain at run
 time, saying "error at line N, press any key to continue". It will continue
 to process the rest of the file, so you will probably still be able to
 correct your mistake(s).

 Its probably worth checking the Bindable Keys menu in this guide to see how
 you should refer to the keys.

See Also: Keys
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson