═══ 1. FleetStreet ═══ Welcome to FleetStreet 0.81 Beta FleetStreet is a FTS compatible message editor for OS/2 2.x PM. FleetStreet can handle *.MSG and Squish type message areas. Topics: o Design goals of FleetStreet o Limitations (yes, there are some) o Installation and configuration o Using FleetStreet o Registering FleetStreet o Future enhancements ═══ 1.1. Design goals ═══ We had several design issues in mind while developing FleetStreet. Maybe you want to read about some of them. Why a PM editor? The Presentation Manager (tm) interface may be slower than the VIO interfae (but only when you use VIO in full screen). On the other hand, PM provides many advantages to the user. The clipboard is now fully usable (VIO clipboard is a kludge!), the user can select fonts and colors easily and isn't bound to a 80x25 (or similar) screen format. PM also gives us the ability to implement all the dialog boxes that make FleetStreet so easy to use. Integrated setup With other editors you may have struggled with a lot of ASCII configuration files with as many different keywords. If you are used to the various notebook settings dialogs of the workplace shell, you will not have difficulties setting up FleetStreet. You can change settings while FleetStreet is running and don't have to restart your editor to make the changes take effect. If you are in doubt about one setting, just press F1 or the HELP buttons around. There's no need to read a lengthy ASCII documentation. Support for Squish (tm) FleetStreet supports Squish in two ways: Firstly, it uses the squish API implemented in MSGAPI.DLL. Secondly, FleetStreet can read your Squish.Cfg configuration file. Ease of use Most PM applications are easy to use, but we've added to that. Generally speaking, if you've used the WPS you will know how to use FleetStreet. We have settings notebooks, popup menus, containers etc. All the features you ever need We've implemented a lot of features that we found to be useful in other editors, and some that we didn't find elsewhere. Power FleetStreet makes use of multiple threads, CUA'91 and 32 Bit processing. ═══ 1.2. Limitations ═══ There are some limitations of FleetStreet. Some of them are imposed by the Squish API, some by OS/2 and some by FleetStreet itself. We'd like to inform you about these. Edit window At the moment we use the MLE control of OS/2 for the editor window. The MLE control doesn't handle all the fonts and colors that are available with OS/2. In particular, it can use only bitmapped fonts (ie. Helv, Courier, Tms Rmn, System font) and only non-mixed colors. Squish API The squish API doesn't allow for messages that are longer than 16 KB. There is a maximum of 5200 messages per message area. There is no "direct" message attribute. If any of these limitations are removed in a newer version of Squish, we'll be prepared to it. Setup You may have a maximum of 50 user names and 50 network addresses. ═══ 1.3. Installing FleetStreet ═══ If you've started FleetStreet for the first time you have to configure the program. There are two things you have to look after: 1. Setting up general options, 2. Setting up message areas. If you like to change the outer appearance of FleetStreet you may change colors and fonts as well. ═══ 1.3.1. Setting up general options ═══ FleetStreet needs to know some settings to operate properly. To enter these settings select "Setup Options" from the menu bar. The settings will be saved when you exit FleetStreet or when the system is shut down. ═══ 1.3.2. Setting up message areas ═══ There are two ways to add message areas to the area list: 1. Reading areas from the squish configuration file. Open the "Setup Options" dialog, go to the "Squish" page, activate "read SQUISH.CFG" and fill in the path and name of the configuration file. The area definition will be read and these areas will appear in the area list. 2. Adding private areas to the area list. Open the area list, press the minor mouse button (usually this is the right button), and select "Create another" from the popup menu. Fill in the fields of the settings notebook and close the dialog. To change settings for message areas, do the following: 1. Open the area list 2. Click on the area which settings you like to change, use the right mouse button for this 3. Select "Settings" from the popup menu 4. Change the area settings in the settings notebook 5. Close the dialog To edit the description of an area, do the following: 1. Open the area list 2. Hold down the ALT key and click on the apropriate area using the left mouse button. 3. Edit the description 4. To save changes click on another area using the left mouse button To delete a private area, do the following: 1. Open the area list 2. Click on the area you want to delete using the rigt mouse button 3. Select "Delete" from the popup menu. Areas that were read from the squish configuration file can not be deleted, but they may be hidden from the area list. ═══ 1.3.3. Changing colors and fonts ═══ You won't find any menu item or dialog for changing colors or fonts of the main window of FleetStreet. This is because FleetStreet uses Workplace Shell objects to costumize its appearance. The color palette Open a color palette, drag a color to FleetStreet and drop it on the appropriate element in the window. To change the color of textual elements hold down the CTRL key while dropping. If you don't hold down CTRL the background color of the element will be changed. The color of the following elements will be saved: - message window (foreground and background) - window background (drop color above the speed buttons) - area title (foreground and background) - message numbers (foreground and background) - message dates (foreground and background) - message header (foreground and background) - menu bar (foreground and background) - status line (foreground and background) - status line border (hard to hit) - clock (foreground and background) - area list (foreground and background) - message list (foreground and background) - message thread list (foreground and background) - address indicator (foreground and background) The font palette Open a font palette, drag a font to FleetStreet and drop it on the appropriate element in the window. The font of the following elements will be saved: - message window - area title - message numbers - message dates - message header - menu bar - status line - clock - area list - message list - message thread list - "Change" button - address indicator ═══ 1.4. Using FleetStreet ═══ Select one of the following topics: o Entering Fidonet addresses o Writing messages o Changing messages o Crossposting messages o Using carbon copy lists o Using the message list o Using the thread list o Using message templates o Finding messages ═══ 1.4.1. Entering Fidonet addresses ═══ When writing messages you must specify the network address of the recipient. This is usually done by entering the full 3-D or 4-D address. However, FleetStreet can assist you by completing uncomplete addresses. If you enter an uncomplete address, the missing components are automatically added using your own address as the default. The following examples illustrate the process. The default address 2:2490/2520.17 is assumed: ┌────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │Entered │Resulting │Comment │ │address │address │ │ ├────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │2:2490/2520 │2:2400/2520 │3-D address specified │ ├────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │2520 │2:2490/2520 │Node specified, same net & │ │ │ │zone │ ├────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │247/2099 │2:247/2099 │Net & Node specified, same │ │ │ │zone │ ├────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │1030.42 │2:2490/1030.42 │Node & point specified, same │ │ │ │zone & net │ ├────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │.42 │2:2490/2520.42 │Point specified, same boss │ └────────────┴───────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ The general rules are: 1. A single number is treated as "Net". 2. If the point number is not specified, it is set to "0". ═══ 1.4.2. Writing messages ═══ There are two different ways to add new messages to your message base: Writing new messages If you want to enter a new message, click on the button or press the INS key. The message window will be cleared and your own name and address will be inserted into the appropriate fields of the message header. You can now enter the name and address of the receipient (see "Entering Fidonet addresses") and write your message in the message window. After you've entered your message, click on the button or press CTRL-S. The message will then be saved to your message base. Click on the button or press ESC if you don't want to save your message. Replying to a message To reply to a message you've received, click on the button or press CTRL-R. You may either reply to the sender of the message (the usual case), or to the recepient. You may also place your reply in a different message area (usually a Netmail area. After editing your reply message, click on the button or press CTRL-S to save it. Click on the button or press ESC to discard your reply. ═══ 1.4.3. Changing Messages ═══ Messages can be changed after you've saved them. Press the button to switch to edit mode. Now you can re-edit your message. You can change the message text and the message header. To toggle the attributes of the message, press the Change button. A dialog window appears, where you can set or clear the message attributes. If you edit a message that was already sent or that is not not a local message, you will get a warning. Press the button to save your changes. If you want to discard the edited message, press the button. ═══ 1.4.4. Crossposting messages ═══ Crossposting a message means that the same message is saved in more than one area. You can activate crossposting by selecting Crosspost from the menu. This function is available when you are writing a message. The area list is opened and you can select the areas, where the message should be saved. Note: You don't have to select the current area in the list. The message is always saved in the current area. Just select the additional areas. When crossposting mode is active, a checkmark is displayed in front of Crosspost in the menu. You can deactivate crossposting mode by selecting Crosspost again. The checkmark will disappear again, indicating that you're in normal editing mode. ═══ 1.4.5. Using Carbon Copy Lists ═══ Using a carbon copy list means that you're sending the same message to different recipients. Carbon copy lists can only be used for Netmail. Imagine the following example: You're compiling a newsletter that you're sending to a number of people on a regular basis. To perform this task with FleetStreet, you can create a carbon copy list named "Newsletter". Now you can add all the people who should receive the newsletter to the list. Now, when you want to send the letter via Netmail, compose your message as you would normally do it. But instead of entering a recipient, select Carbon copy from the menu. You can now select your carbon copy list "Newsletter" that you've configured before. The text "*** Newsletter ***' appears, indicating that you're using the list. When you're sending the next issue of your newsletter, you don't have to create a new carbon copy list. You can simply re-use the previous one. ═══ 1.5. Registering FleetStreet ═══ This Beta version need not be registered. However, it can only be used for a limited amount of time. Verification of the registration code may be active for testing purposes, but that has no further meaning. All features in this version that are currently de-activated can not be activated with a code. They are simply not yet implemented. We will inform you about terms and conditions just before version 1.0. ═══ 1.6. Future enhancements ═══ Some things that we have in mind for future versions: We will port it to MS Windows - NOT! It would cost us a lot of time and/or money to do a Windows port. Even if we did it, the Windows version wouldn't be as powerful and comfortable as the OS/2 version. Enhancements to the user interface We have several things in mind, but we like to hear from YOU, too. Other message base types At the moment Squish is the only OS/2 based mail processor. But if a different system is ever going to be as popular as Squish, we will be prepared to it. ═══ 2. Help for keys ═══ You can use different key combinations depending on if you're reading or editing messages. o Keys generally available o Keys only available when reading messages o Keys only available when editing messages ═══ 2.1. Keys generally available ═══ The following keys are generally available: Alt-X Exit FleetStreet F1 Help Ctrl-F1 Help for keys Ctrl-D Change default name and address ═══ 2.2. Keys only available when reading ═══ The following keys are available when you're reading messages: Ctrl-R Reply to sender Ctrl-N Reply to sender, place reply in different area Ctrl-C Change a message Ctrl-A Select message area Ctrl-L List of messages Ctrl-P Print message Ctrl-T List of threads Ctrl-M Move/Copy/Forward message Ctrl-F Request files Ctrl-E Export message Ctrl-W Write new message Del Delete message Cursor left Go to previous message Cursor right Go to next message Ctrl-Cursor left Go to previous reply Ctrl-Cursor right Go to next reply Ctrl-Home Go to first message Ctrl-End Go to last message ═══ 2.3. Keys only available when editing ═══ The following keys are available when you're editing messages: Ctrl-Y Delete the current line Ctrl-U Undo last changes Ctrl-S Save message Ctrl-I Import file Ctrl-X Crosspost message Ctrl-C Carbon copy F2...F12 Insert keyboard macro Esc Discard message Ctrl-A Change attributes of message Ctrl-Shift-K Toggle the "Kill/Sent" message attribute Ctrl-Shift-C Toggle the "Crash" message attribute Ctrl-Shift-A Toggle the "File attached" message attribute Ctrl-Shift-R Toggle the "File request" message attribute Ctrl-Shift-P Toggle the "Private" message attribute ═══ 3. Menu ═══ ═══ 3.1. File ═══ Menu items for importing and exporting files. ═══ 3.1.1. Import File ═══ Inserts text from a given file into the message window. This is only available when editing a message. ═══ 3.1.2. Export File ═══ Writes the current message to a text file on disk. This is only available when reading messages. ═══ 3.1.3. Write Echotoss now ═══ Write the echotoss file immediately. ═══ 3.1.4. Exit FleetStreet ═══ Exits the program. Changes to the configuration will be saved. ═══ 3.2. Edit ═══ Menu items to perform changes to a messages and for interaction with the clipboard. ═══ 3.2.1. Cut ═══ Copies marked text in the message window to the clipboard and deletes the marked text. ═══ 3.2.2. Copy ═══ Copies marked text in the message window to the clipboard. If no text is marked, the whole message is copied to the clipboard. ═══ 3.2.3. Paste ═══ Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the message window. ═══ 3.2.4. Clear ═══ Deletes marked text in the message window. ═══ 3.2.5. Undo ═══ Takes back the latest changes in the message window. Note: This does only apply to text in the message window, not to whole messages. Deleted messages can not be recovered. ═══ 3.2.6. Delete Line ═══ Deletes the current line in the message window. ═══ 3.3. Message ═══ Menu items to manipulate messages ═══ 3.3.1. Move/Copy Message ═══ Move, copy or forward the current message ═══ 3.3.2. Crosspost Message ═══ Post the message in more than one area If this menu item is checked, you've already selected the destination areas. Select this menu item again to uncheck it. ═══ 3.3.3. Request Files ═══ Request files from the current message ═══ 3.3.4. Carbon Copy ═══ Send the message to more than one receipient using a carbon copy list. If this menu item is checked, you've already selected a carbon copy list. Select this menu item again to uncheck it. ═══ 3.3.5. Mark all messages ═══ Mark all messages in the current area as "read", up to the current message. See "Mark messages". ═══ 3.4. Setup ═══ Menu items to set up FleetStreet. ═══ 3.4.1. Setup Options ═══ Press the help buttons on the various pages of the setup notebook to get further help. ═══ 3.4.2. Message Template ═══ Define the various fields of the message template ═══ 3.4.3. Carbon Copy Lists ═══ Define and modify carbon copy lists. ═══ 3.4.4. Current Name/Address ═══ Change your current name and address. This function is only available in Netmail areas. ═══ 3.4.5. Save Options ═══ Saves the current configuration. ═══ 3.5. Windows ═══ Menu items for switching to one of the FleetStreet windows ═══ 3.5.1. Kludge lines ═══ Switch to the kludge line window ═══ 3.5.2. Thread list ═══ Switch to the thread list window ═══ 3.5.3. Find results ═══ Switch to the find results window ═══ 3.5.4. Find progress ═══ Switch to the fin progress window ═══ 3.6. Help ═══ Menu items to give you information about FleetStreet ═══ 3.6.1. Help index ═══ Show the help index ═══ 3.6.2. General Help ═══ Introduction to FleetStreet ═══ 3.6.3. Using Help ═══ Show help for using the help facility ═══ 3.6.4. Keys help ═══ Shows the keys combinations you can use ═══ 3.6.5. About ═══ Shows information about FleetStreet and its authors ═══ 4. Dialogs ═══ ═══ 4.1. Move/Copy Message ═══ Move message Copies the current message to another message area and deletes it from the current area. Copy message Copies the current message to another message area. Forward message The message is sent from you to another destination. You may select a different area for the new message. ═══ Setup ═══ You should never see this help panel! Now you've seen it, please send a note to the authors and say that you've seen Panel #1. Thank you! ═══ 4.2. Setup ═══ Setup ═══ 4.2.1. User settings ═══ If you want to use FleetStreet you must have at least one user name and one address. The origin line is optional, but it's a good idea to have one. Your names and your addresses are shown in two lists. To add new names or new addresses, press the corresponding "Add" button. You are prompted for a new item. To delete a name or an address, select the item in the list and press the "Delete" button. To change a name or an address, select the item in the list and press the "Change" button. To make a name or an address the default, select the item in the list and press the "Default" button. If you create new message areas or read areas from the squish configuration file, the default name and default address will be selected as the initial name or address for that area. ═══ 4.2.2. Squish options ═══ FleetStreet can read the squish configuration file, thus making it easier to provide consistency between your message base maintained by SQUISH and that maintained by FleetStreet. Echotoss.Log The Echotoss.Log file is a plain ASCII text file where all the message areas are listed, where you have entered mail. Squish and other utilities read this file to process only these areas (normally Squish processes all areas, which may take much longer). FleetStreet creates this file if necessary and writes the appropriate area names to it. If this option is turned off, FleetStreet does not write to the file. Lastread This is the offset into the lastread file for each message area. The number of the message that was last read is stored in in a lastread file (*.SQL files for Squish message areas). Each user of a BBS has his own offset, the sysop usually has offset 0. Some utility programs use an offset as well. If you don't understand the meaning of this setting it's best to leave it at 0. The current limit for this setting is 500, thus giving the sysop access to the lastread pointers of his first 500 users. If you really have a need for more users, feel free to drop us a note. Squish.Cfg If you want FleetStreet to read the squish configuration file automatically at startup, klick on "read SQUISH.CFG". Specify path and name of the file in the entryfield below, or press the "Locate" button to select the file via a file dialog. Caution: If you have already specified a file, you will loose the descriptions of the areas that were read from the old file. This will also happen when you read the old file for a second time. Private message areas (i.e. areas defined in FleetStreet only) will not be touched. If an error occures while reading the new file, you will get an error message and nothing will be lost. Note: You must have entered at least one user name to read the file. ═══ Error reading SQUISH.CFG ═══ An error occured while trying to read the squish configuration file. There are two causes for this error: 1. The file didn't exist or FleetStreet couldn't access it, maybe because it was already in use by another program, or 2. The file was read, but there is no area definition in it. Try again and select a valid configuration file. ═══ Duplicate Areas ═══ One or more areas that were read from the squish configuration file are already defined as private areas, i.e. they have the same area tag. Area tags must be unique in the area list. To solve the problem do one of the following: o Change the area tags of your private areas, o Edit the squish configuration file. ═══ 4.2.3. Nicknames ═══ With FleetStreet it is possible to define nicknames for users you often write to. To use these nicknames, just enter the nickname in the TO field of the message and press "Enter". The nickname will be replaced by the real name, and the address of the user will be entered automatically in the address field. If you defined a subject line for this nickname, it will be inserted in the subject field as well. To define a nickname, do the following: 1. Press the "Add" button, 2. Fill in the fields, 3. Press "OK". To change a nickname, do the following: 1. Select the nickname in the list, 2. Press the "Change" button or double click on the entry, 3. Do your changes, 4. Press "OK". To delete a nickname, do the following: 1. Select the nickname in the list, 2. Press the "Delete" button. ═══ Nickname ═══ Enter a new nickname or change an existing nickname. Nickname This is what you type to reference this nickname. Real name This is the name of the addressed user as you would usually use it. Address Address of the user. Use a 3D or 4D address. Subject Default subject line. Useful for pseudo-users like area managers. Leave this field blank if you don't want to have a subject line for this nickname. 1st line First line in message text. When this line contains a %?, you are prompted for additional text. This feature is intended to be used in conjunction with UUCP gateways. Consider the following example: Nickname: u Real name: UUCP Address: 1:234/567 Subject: test First line: TO: %?"Enter UUCP address" Now, when you use the nickname "U", the UUCP gateway is addressed and you are prompted to enter the FQDA of the addressed user. You can use the tokens %? or %?"prompt text". Attributes Default message attributes. These are set automatically when you use the nickname. Press OK to confirm your changes. Press Cancel to abort editing. ═══ Prompt ═══ There is a %? token in the nickname attribute "first line". You are prompted to enter additional text. ═══ Delete Nickname ═══ Press "YES" if you want to delete the selected nickname. Press "NO" if you want to keep it. ═══ Have Nickname ═══ There already is an entry in the list with the same nickname. Nicknames must be unique. Re-edit the entry. ═══ 4.2.4. Macros ═══ If you are editing a message and press F2 through F12, the text associated with that key is inserted into the message window. Note: F1 is reserved for HELP. You may use the following tokens: ^M New Line [...do you need more?] ═══ 4.2.5. Domains ═══ FleetStreet can look up fidonet addresses of sysops by reading one or more compiled nodelists. Domains List of currently defined domains. Add Add a new domain to the list. Change Change the domain information for the selected domain. Delete Delete the selected domain. Nodelist Enable nodelist lookups. You may either disable lookups or enable lookups for Version 7 nodelists. Note: Version 6 nodelists are not supported. Modem types Press this button to define the modem types, that are saved in the nodelist. ═══ Domain ═══ A domain has three attributes: Domain name Name of the domain, which must be unique. Sysop index file Index file of the compiled nodelist for this domain. This is usually SYSOP.NDX for your primary AKA. The full path and name of the file must be entered. Nodelist data file Data file of the compiled nodelist for this domain. This is usually NODEX.DAT for your primary AKA. The full path and name of the file must be entered. ═══ Modem types ═══ The compiled nodelist contains information about the modem of each node. This information is saved in a single byte. When you compile your nodelist, the nodelist compiler sets the bits of this field according to the modem flags that are in the distribution nodelist. With some compilers you can associate the bits with one or more flags. Refer to the documentation of your nodelist compiler for details. Example: When FastList (written by Alberto Pasquale) is configured with TypeDef HST 1 TypeDef PEP 2 TypeDef V32 4 TypeDef V32B 8 TypeDef MNP 16 TypeDef V42 32 TypeDef V42B 64 TypeDef ISDNB 128 TypeDef ISDNC 128 TypeDef ISDNA 128 TypeDef UISDNB 128 TypeDef UISDNA 128 TypeDef UISDNC 128 set up FleetStreet with Bit 0: HST Bit 1: PEP Bit 2: V32 Bit 3: V32b Bit 4: MNP Bit 5: V42 Bit 6: V42b Bit 7: ISDN When looking up a node, the modem flags are displayed correctly. ═══ Domain already defined ═══ You have already defined a domain with this name. Domain names must be unique. Enter a unique domain name and press OK ═══ Delete Domain ═══ You are about to delete a domain. Press YES to delete the domain, press NO to keep it. ═══ 4.2.6. Quote-O-Meter ═══ Excessive qouting is considered annoying in Fidonet. The Quote-O-Meter of FleetStreet will help you avoiding flames because of too many quoted lines. When this function is turned on and your reply message contains more quoted lines than the warning level allows, FleetStreet will give you a warning message. ═══ 4.2.7. Options ═══ You may specify several options that influence the way FleetStreet operates. Startup Area Specifies whether FleetStreet opens a specific area when started, or whether the area is opened that was open when you last used FleetStreet. Tab size Number of whitespace charaters that are inserted into the message text when you press the TAB key while editing. Use ^aPID The ^aPID klugde line is used instead of the long tearline. Use tearline in netmail Tearline and origin line are used in netmail areas. When turned off, tearline and origin are only used in echomail areas. Area scan at startup The areas are scanned automatically when FleetStreet is started. Beep on personal mail FleetStreet makes noise when a message is displayed which is addressed to you. Ask for confirmation When you delete messages or make other significant changes, FleetStreet will ask you to confirm the changes. Don't use API for scanning When scanning the areas for new mail, FleetStreet doesn't use the Squish MsgAPI, but accesses the message base files directly. This is usually much faster, but may not work with versions of the API newer than the current one. This option only affects Squish style message areas. ═══ 4.2.8. Thread list ═══ The thread list can be displayed in various modes: All Threads All message threads containing all messages in the current area are displayed. Threads with unread messages Only those threads, that contain at least one unread message, are displayed. Unread messages only Only unread messages are displayed. Message threads begin with the first unread message in the thread and end with the last unread message. If a thread of unread messages is interrupted by a read message, two threads will be displayed. In addition, you may specify whether the name of the sender of the message should be displayed or not. ═══ 4.2.9. Exit ═══ When you exit FleetStreet, two different actions may be performed: Generate ERRORLEVEL FleetStreet generates exit codes that my be queried in batch file using ERRORLEVEL or Rexx programs using RC. The exit codes are: 0 Nothing special happened 1 You have entered new netmail only 2 You have entered new echomail only 3 You have entered new echomail and new netmail 255 An unrecoverable error occured Execute command line One of the three command lines are executed, depending on the conditions mentioned above. ═══ 4.2.10. Register ═══ After you've registered FleetStreet, enter your registration code and serial number here. FleetStreet will then run in registered mode. Registration code Registration code, that you've received. The code must be entered exactly in the same way, it must be exactly 40 letters long. Serial number Serial number, that you've received. ═══ Invalid registration code ═══ The registration code and/or serial number is not valid. FleetStreet will still run in unregistered mode. If you've registered FleetStreet, check the code and serial number. If you've not registered FleetStreet, REGISTER! ═══ 4.2.11. Printer ═══ FleetStreet knows two ways of printing messages: Via a PM printer driver FleetStreet uses the currently active printer object and the driver associated to it when printing messages. This ensures that FleetStreet can print on every printer that has a driver, even if it can't print plain ASCII text (e.g. Postscript printers). Directly to a device FleetStreet sends the message in plain ASCII text to the device specified below. If you enter "PRN" as the device name, OS/2 prints the message on your printer with the default printer font. This is usually much faster than printing via a PM driver, but may not work with all types of printers. ═══ 4.2.12. Layout ═══ Show date arrived The date and time when the message arrived at your system is displayed. Arealist in original order The areas in the area list are not sorted alphabetically, but appear in the same order as they are in the Squish configuration file. Layout Select a layout pattern. ═══ New username ═══ Enter the new name or edit the old name. Press "OK" to confirm your changes. Press "Cancel" if you don't want a new name or if you want to keep the old one. ═══ Delete username ═══ If you want to delete the selected name, press "YES". Press "NO" if you want to keep it. ═══ New address ═══ Enter the new address or edit the old address. Press "OK" to confirm your changes. Press "Cancel" if you don't want a new address or if you want to keep the old one. ═══ Delete address ═══ If you want to delete the selected address, press "YES". Press "NO" if you want to keep it. ═══ Area already defined ═══ There already is a message area with this area tag. Area tags must be unique. Choose a different tag for the new area. ═══ Template ═══ You should never see this help panel. ═══ 4.3. Template ═══ blabla General order: New Message: [Header template] [Message text] [Footer template] Reply: [Reply-Header template] [Message text] [Footer template] Reply in different area: [Reply-in-different-area template] [Reply-Header template] [Message text] [Footer template] Crosspost: [Crosspost template] [Header template] [Message text] [Footer template] Carbon copy: [Carbon copy template] [Header template] [Message text] [Footer template] Forward: [Forward template] [Original message text] [Forward footer template] [Header template] [Footer template] ═══ 4.3.1. Tokens ═══ The following tokens are available in message templates: %T Name of the addressed user (original message) %Z First name of the addressed user (original message) %R Address of the addressed user (original message). When replying to echomail or when forwarding echomail, this token is ignored. %O Name of the addressed user (new message) %P First name of the addressed user (new message) %F Name of the sending user %G First name of the sending user %J Address of the sending user %A Area tag. When crossposting a message, this is the destination area. When replying in a different area or forwarding a message, this is the original area. %E Area description. When crossposting a message, this is the destination area. When replying in a different area or forwarding a message, this is the original area. %U Your own name %I Your first name %W Your own address %C Names of the users in the carbon copy list %D Date of the message you are replying to %M Time of the message you are replying to %S Subject of the message you area replying to %% A literal % ═══ 4.3.2. Quotes ═══ Quoting messages is influenced by the following settings: Quoted line length Length of the lines measured in characters when the message is converted to quoted text. Quoting style Either use the writer's initials and a ">" as indicator of quoted lines, or use ">" only. ═══ 4.3.3. Header ═══ The header template is inserted at the top of the message. It is only used when you write new messages, but not when you reply to a message. Available tokens: %T, %Z ═══ 4.3.4. Footer ═══ The footer template is inserted at the bottom of the message. It is used when you write new messages or reply to a message. Available tokens: %U, %I ═══ 4.3.5. Reply ═══ The reply template is inserted at the top of the message. It is only used when you reply to a message. Available tokens: %F, %G, %T, %Z, %A, %D, %M, %O, %P, %J, %R, %S, %E ═══ 4.3.6. Reply in different Area ═══ The reply-in-different-area template is inserted above the reply template. It is only used when you reply to a message and place the reply in a different area. Available tokens: %A, %E ═══ 4.3.7. Forward ═══ The forward template is inserted at the top of the message. It is only used when you forward a message. Available tokens: %F, %G, %T, %Z, %A, %U, %I, %J, %R, %S, %E, %D, %M, %W ═══ 4.3.8. Forward footer ═══ The forward footer template is inserted after the original message text. It is only used when you forward a message. Available tokens: %F, %G, %T, %Z, %A, %U, %I ═══ 4.3.9. Crosspost ═══ The crosspost template is inserted at the top of the message. It is used when you crosspost a message in several areas. Available tokens: %A ═══ 4.3.10. Carbon copy ═══ The carbon copy template is inserted at the top of the message. It is used when you use a carbon copy list to send a message to more than one recipient. Available tokens: %C ═══ 4.4. Carbon Copy Lists ═══ Topics: Carbon copy list setup Carbon copy list Carbon copy list entry Carbon copy list name Select carbon copy list ═══ 4.4.1. Carbon copy list setup ═══ The currently defined carbon copy lists are displayed. You may add new lists, delete lists, change the content of a list or change the name of a list. Add Add a new carbon copy list. Contents Display, change, delete and add entries in the selected carbon copy list. Delete Delete the selected carbon copy list. Rename Change the name of the selected carbon copy list. ═══ 4.4.2. Carbon copy list ═══ The entries in the selected carbon copy list are displayed. You may add new entries, change entries or delete entries. Add Add a new entry to the list. Change Modify the selected entry. You may also double click on the entry to change it. Delete Delete the selected entry. ═══ 4.4.3. Carbon copy list entry ═══ Enter a new entry or change an existing entry. Name Username of the recipient. You may also use a predefined nickname here. Enter the nickname and press TAB. The nickname will be replaced by the real name, and the address of the user will be inserted into the address field. Address Network address of the recipient. Show name in CC lines Specify whether the name of this user should appear in the list of names that is added to your message if you use a message template. ═══ 4.4.4. Carbon copy list name ═══ Enter a name for the new carbon copy list or change the name of the existing list. Carbon copy lists must have unique names. Press OK to confirm your changes. Press CANCEL to abort editing. ═══ 4.4.5. Select carbon copy list ═══ Select one of the predefined carbon copy lists. Press OK to confirm your selection. Press CANCEL if you don't want to use a carbon copy list. ═══ Delete carbon copy list ═══ Press YES if you want to delete the selected carbon copy list. Press NO if you like to keep it. ═══ Already have carbon copy list ═══ There already is a carbon copy list with this name. Carbon copy lists must have unique names. ═══ Delete carbon copy entry ═══ Press YES if you want to remove the selected entry from the list. Press NO if you like to keep it. ═══ 4.5. Attributes ═══ Set the attributes for this message. Message attributes explained in detail: Private Set this flag if your message is of private nature, i.e. only the recipient of the message should see it. Note: This flag is only useful for netmail. In most echomail conferences private messages are not allowed. If you use the private flag in such a conference, everybody will still be able to read the message. Crash The message will go directly to the addressed system, i.e. it will not be routed over your uplink. Your mailer will dial out when possible and will try to deliver the mail. Received The message is a personal message and has already been read by you. Sent The message has been sent to your uplink. File Attached The subject line specifies the name of a file that is to be sent to the recipient together with the message. Always combine this message attribute with the "Crash" attribute! Most systems will not route an attached file. In Transit The message is not addressed for your system and is not originating from your system. It will be passed to another system. It's best to leave this untouched. Orphan The destination address is unknown or the destination system is marked as "Hold" or "Down" in the current nodelist. It's best to leave this untouched. Kill/Sent The message will be deleted by Squish after it is packed for your uplink. Local The message has been entered locally, i.e. by you. Hold For Pickup The message will not be sent File Request The subject line consists of file names and magic names of files that will be requested from the addressed system. Squish will generate the request file when packing your mail. Use this attribute in netmail areas only. Return Receipt Request Indicates that you like the receiver of the message to reply to it and at least confirm that he has received your message. Is Return Receipt The message is such a reply. Audit Request This one is used by SEAdog. It's best to leave it untouched. File Update Request Same as a file request, but the files will be transferred only if they are newer than the ones you already have. ═══ 4.6. Reply ═══ You may either reply to the sender of the message or to the receipient (which often is described as "followup reply"). Reply to FROM Reply to the sender of the message Reply to TO Reply to the recipient of the message Ignore hard CRs Ignores CRs inside a paragraph. Uncheck this if the message contains a table or enumeration. Place reply in different area Place the new message in a different area, e.g. a Netmail area. Don't quote message Don't include any quoted text in the new message. ═══ 4.7. Find ═══ Find a text string in the message base. Text to search for The text that is to be searched for in the message base. Header only Only the name of the sender, the name of the recipient and the subject line are searched for the text. Header & text The whole message is searched for the text. All areas The search is performed on all areas. Ignore case The case of search text and message are ignored while searching. Fuzzy, level A fuzzy search is performed, i.e. search text and message need not match exactly. "Level" specifies a sensitivity value, ranging from 0 (exact) to 4 (least exact). ═══ 4.8. Searching ═══ The displayed area is currently scanned for messages containing the text you have entered. Press Stop to stop searching. ═══ 4.9. Results ═══ The results list contains messages that contain the text that you've entered to search for. You can view the full message by pressing Go to message or by double clicking on the line in the results list. Press Clear to clear the results list. The messages found previously stay in the results list until you either close the dialog window or press this button. Select Scroll to make the results list scroll down each time a message is added to the list. ═══ 4.10. Area list ═══ Select the appropriate area(s) and press OK. Press CANCEL if you want to return to the previous area. Press Scan to start a re-scan of all areas. This may be necessary if Squish tossed new messages since the areas were last scanned. The scanning takes place in a separate thread. You may continue reading while the scanning continues in the background. When the checkbox hide excluded areas is checked, all areas that were marked as "excluded" are hidden from the list. When it is unchecked all areas are shown. This dialog appears at three different occasions: 1. Changing the current area for reading, 2. Selecting an area when replying or moving/copying messages, 3. Selecting one or more areas when crossposting. Changing areas You may select one area. To change to that area, press OK or double click on the area name. When changing areas you can also create new areas, change settings for existing areas or delete areas. See "Setting up message areas" Selecting one area Same as when changing areas, except that the area setup is not available. Selecting one or more areas To select one area, click on the name. To select more areas hold down the CTRL key and click on additional areas. ═══ Delete Area ═══ You've decided to delete the selected area. If you press Yes, the area will be removed from the area list. However, the message base file(s) on your hard disk drive will not be deleted and may be re-used at a later time. Press No if you don't want to delete this area. ═══ 4.11. Message list ═══ In the message list, all messages in the area are displayed. To switch to one of these messages, select the message in the list and press OK oder double click on the message. You can delete messages as well: Using the keyboard: Mark the messages by holding down the SHIFT key and selecting more messages using the cursor keys. Delete the messages by pressing the DEL key. Using the Mouse: Hold down the CTRL key and select messages by clicking on them. Click on one of these messages using the right mouse button. Select Delete from the popup menu. ═══ 4.12. About FleetStreet ═══ FleetStreet was developed by Harry HerrmannsdФrfer and Michael Hohner. Thanks to Scott Dudley for inventing the Squish Message API and for designing it in such an open way. We'd like to thank our early beta testers for their support. ═══ 4.13. File Dialog ═══ Select a file an press OK. ═══ Area settings ═══ You should never see this help panel! Now you've seen it, please send a note to the authors and say that you've seen Panel #2. Thank you! ═══ 4.14. Area settings ═══ Topics: General area settings Message base settings Area attributes ═══ 4.14.1. General area settings ═══ Fill in the description, area tag, default address and origin for this area. If default address and area tag are not editable, this area was read from the squish configuration file. The default address and area tag must then be changed there. ═══ 4.14.2. Message base settings ═══ Message base type Specify the format of the message area on disk. Area type Specify whether the area is a netmail area or an echomail area. Area path/file Specify where the messages are stored on disk. For FTS *.MSG areas specify the path to the directory that contains the *.MSG files. For Squish areas specify the path and root name (eight characters) of the area files. If these settings are not changeable, the area was read from the squish configuration file, and settings must be changed there. ═══ 4.14.3. Area attributes ═══ Every message area can have some default message attributes and additional area attributes. Default message attributes Messages entered in this area will have the specified attributes by default. See "Message Attributes" for an explanation of the various attributes. Exclude from reading The message area will not appear in the area list when you activate "hide excluded areas" there. This is useful for sysops who have lots of areas but only want to read a few of them. Foreign characters allowed Indicates that usage of foreign characters (i.e. ASCII values above 127) is allowed in this area. If such characters are not allowed, FleetStreet will convert these characters while typing. See "Translation table". Separator line A separator line will be drawn below this area in the area list. ═══ Character translation table ═══ When foreign characters (8 bit ASCII) are not allowed in a message area, FleetStreet uses the following translation table to convert characters while typing: ┌───┬──────────┐ │а │a │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Г │a │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Д │ae │ ├───┼──────────┤ │О │Ae │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Е │a │ ├───┼──────────┤ │С │ae │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Т │Ae │ ├───┼──────────┤ │A │a │ ├───┼──────────┤ │П │A │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ж │a │ ├───┼──────────┤ │П │A │ ├───┼──────────┤ │с │ss │ ├───┼──────────┤ │З │c │ ├───┼──────────┤ │А │C │ ├───┼──────────┤ │п │>> │ ├───┼──────────┤ │° │deg │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ў │/ │ ├───┼──────────┤ │· │. │ ├───┼──────────┤ │ │| │ ├───┼──────────┤ │В │e │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Р │E │ ├───┼──────────┤ │И │e │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Й │e │ ├───┼──────────┤ │К │e │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Я │f │ ├───┼──────────┤ │ │ │ ├───┼──────────┤ │б │i │ ├───┼──────────┤ │М │i │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Л │i │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Н │i │ ├───┼──────────┤ │н │! │ ├───┼──────────┤ │и │? │ ├───┼──────────┤ │ │<- │ ├───┼──────────┤ │к │-| │ ├───┼──────────┤ │ц │mc │ ├───┼──────────┤ │д │n │ ├───┼──────────┤ │е │N │ ├───┼──────────┤ │в │o │ ├───┼──────────┤ │У │o │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Х │o │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ф │oe │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Щ │Oe │ ├───┼──────────┤ │м │1/4 │ ├───┼──────────┤ │л │1/2 │ ├───┼──────────┤ │о │<< │ ├───┼──────────┤ │ё │+- │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ь │PS │ ├───┼──────────┤ │¤ │qd │ ├───┼──────────┤ │г │u │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ц │u │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ч │u │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Б │ue │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ъ │Ue │ ├───┼──────────┤ │ж │a │ ├───┼──────────┤ │з │o │ ├───┼──────────┤ │Ш │y │ └───┴──────────┘ ═══ 4.15. Squish message base parameters ═══ There are three major parameters that control how Squish message base file are maintained by the Squish Message API. Max. number of messages Maximum number of messages that can be stored in this area. When additional messages are tossed into this area or when you write new messages in this area, older messages are deleted automatically, if the limit represented by this value is hit. Number of skipped messages When deleting messages as described above, this nummer of messages (from the beginning of the message base) are skipped. Note: When you set this number to a value other than 0, you must set a maximum of messages as well. Number of days to keep messages Specifies the number of days that messages should be kept. Messages older than this number of days are deleted when you run SQPACK. When you set all the numbers to 0, Squish will not delete any message automatically. ═══ Error reading parameters ═══ The Squish area parameters could not be read. This may be caused by one of the following reasons: o another process uses the file exclusively o you don't have access rights to the file o the file doesn't exist ═══ Error writing parameters ═══ The Squish area parameters could not be written. This may be caused by one of the following reasons: o another process uses the file exclusively o you don't have access rights to the file o the file doesn't exist o the file is write protected ═══ Incorrect parameters ═══ If you set "Number of skipped messages" to a value other than 0, you must set "Max. number of messages" to a non-null value as well. ═══ 4.16. Renumber Area ═══ *.MSG areas become more and more "fragmented" while being used. It's desireable from time to time to renumber the area. After being renumbered, the message files in the area start from 1 and are numbered contiguously. Start Start renumbering the area Cancel Don't renumber the area ═══ 4.17. Additional message info ═══ This window contains all the kludge lines and SEEN-BYs of the current message. You can copy its contents to the clipboard. Press Close to close the window. Press Copy to copy the marked text to the clipboard. If no text is marked, the whole content of the window is copied to the clipboard. You may leave the window open while reading. It is automatically updated when you switch to other messages. ═══ 4.18. Request files ═══ The requestable files are listed. Select one or more files that you like to request from the sender. Note: Any word in the message text that contains exactly one '.' and has exactly three letters after the '.' is treated as a name of a requestable file. Because of this some names might be offered that aren't valid file names. We find that this is tolerable and better than being unable to request files that don't have an extension of "ZIP" or "ZOO" or the like. ═══ 4.19. Reply list ═══ There is more than one reply to this message. The replies are listed with their message number and the name of the sender. Select the message that you like to read and press OK. Press CANCEL if you don't want to read any of these messages. ═══ Error reading profile ═══ An error occured while reading the profile. This might be caused by a general disk access error, i.e. read only medium, no access rights or the like. FleetStreet will continue with default values, i.e. with no setup. ═══ No profile ═══ The saved profile could not be found or the profile is not valid. The file FLTSTRT.INI must reside in the same directory as FLTSTRT.EXE. If you've startet FleetStreet for the first time, continue with configuring FleetStreet. The settings will be saved when you leave FleetStreet. ═══ Old profile ═══ The profile was saved by an older version of FleetStreet. The settings stored in FLTSTRT.INI can not be used with this version. A new file will be generated when you leave FleetStreet. ═══ Delete Message ═══ You are about to delete the current message. Deleted messages are not recoverable. Press YES to delete the message, press NO if you like to keep it. ═══ Edit Message ═══ The message has already been processed by Squish and has been sent to the destination address. The sent message might not be affected by the changes you make. Refer to the Squish documentation about performing a rescan of the area. If the message is not local, your downlinks may get changed messages, which is not desireable in most cases. Press YES if you want to edit the message anyway, press NO if you don't want to edit the message. ═══ Discard Message ═══ If you press YES the message you have written will not be saved and therefor will not be sent. The message text will be lost. Press NO if you want to continue editing. ═══ Discard Message ═══ You've requested to leave FleetStreet, but you have not saved the message you are currently writing. If you leave FleetStreet your message will not be saved and therefor will not be sent. The message text will be lost. Press NO if you want to continue editing. Press YES if you want to leave FleetStreet. ═══ Message info missing ═══ Your message must have o name and address of the receipient o text in the subject line If one of these is missing, the message can not be saved. ═══ Message text too long ═══ Squish cannot handle messages that are longer than 16 KB. FleetStreet can handle longer messages when editing, but when you save them, they must be short enough for Squish. See also "Limitations" ═══ Error saving message ═══ An error occured while saving the message. This is usually caused by disk access errors like write protected disks, not enough disk space or no access rights. You may try to solve the problem and try again. If you can't, cancel editing. ═══ 4.20. Current Name/Address ═══ Select a name and/or address and press OK. The current address is displayed in the upper right corner of the main window. If you like to have more names and addresses, go to the setup and add more names and addresses. See "Limitations". If you like to change the default name and address for a specific area, go to the area list, click on the area using the right mouse button, click on "Settings...", select a different name and/or address and close the settings notebook. ═══ 4.21. Thread list ═══ Message threads are a number of messages about the same topic. One of these messages is the beginning of the thread. The others are replies to this message or replies to other replies. The thread list displays the messages which are beginnings of threads. A in front of the message indicates that there are replies to that message. To show these replies, press on the or press the + key. The plus sign changes to a indicating that the replies are showing. If a reply itself has replies, the plus sign is shown again. In the thread list setup you can specify, which threads area shown in the thread list. Unread messages are displayed with red text, read messages are displayed with the color you have assigned to the list using the color palette. The thread with the current message is always displayed, even if it doesn't contain unread mail. Press Expand to expand the branch down from the cursored message. Note: FleetStreet totally relies on the linkage information within the message base. If you are using Squish for message linking, the thread list will look quite unexciting. This is because Squish uses the subject line to link messages. We recommend SqLink or SqmLink for "real" message linking via the MSGID kludge. These will give you very nice thread trees in the thread list. See "Mark all messages" on how to mark all messages in the current area as "read". ═══ 4.21.1. Mark all messages ═══ If you haven't used FleetStreet for reading in a particular message base before, all messages are marked as "unread". Therefore the message thread list will show you all messages in that area. Because you may have read these messages before, this menu item provides a way to mark all the messages as "read", up to the current message. After you've done that, the thread list will show only messages that are "really" unread, i.e. messages that were added to this area after you've used this function. This function is usually only needed after you've switched to FleetStreet and want to bring "old" message areas up to date. FleetStreet will maintain the "read" flag automatically in the future. Press OK if you like to perform this function. Press CANCEL if you don't like to perform this function. ═══ Unable to load file ═══ FleetStreet can not load the file specified because of one of the following reasons: o The file does not exist o The file is too long (max. 500 KB) o The user does not have access rights to the file o The file name specifies a directory or a device, but not a file. ═══ Error loading the file ═══ A disk read error occured while loading the file. The file was not imported. ═══ 4.22. Export File ═══ Select the destination drive and path of the file and type in a file name. with header Select this item to save the header, too. If you deselect this item, only the message body will be saved. append to file Append the message to the file if it already exists. overwrite file Overwrite the existing file. ═══ Error saving ═══ FleetStreet could not write to the file because of one of the following reasons: o The drive or path does not exist o The user does not have access rights to the file or directory ═══ Invalid file name ═══ FleetStreet could not write to the file because of one of the following reasons: o The file name contains characters that are not allowed in file names o The file name is reserved ═══ Resend message ═══ The message you have edited has already been sent before. Press YES if you want to send the changed message again. Press NO if you don't want to send the message. ═══ No device ═══ You've set up FleetStreet to print directly to a device, but you haven't specified a name of the device. Open the setup notebook and enter a valid device name, e.g. PRN. ═══ Cannot print to device ═══ FleetStreet can not print to the device that you've specified. Either the device is in use by another application at the moment, or the device name is not valid. Open the setup notebook and enter a valid device name, e.g. PRN. ═══ Not enough memory ═══ The nodelist lookup could not be performed because there is not enough memory to complete the operation. Strange error though! ═══ Error opening index file ═══ The nodelist index file could not be opened. This is usually caused by one of the following reasons: o the index file doesn't exist o the path/filename is not correct o you don't have access rights for the file o another process is using the file exclusively Correct the error and try again. ═══ Error opening data file ═══ The nodelist data file could not be opened. This is usually caused by one of the following reasons: o the data file doesn't exist o the path/filename is not correct o you don't have access rights for the file o another process is using the file exclusively Correct the error and try again. ═══ Error reading index file ═══ An error occured while reading the index file. This is usually caused by one of the following reasons: o another process is using the parts of the file exclusively o the file is corrupt Correct the error and try again. ═══ Error reading data file ═══ An error occured while reading the nodelist data file. This is usually caused by one of the following reasons: o another process is using the parts of the file exclusively o the file is corrupt Correct the error and try again. ═══ Invalid handle ═══ The handle that is used for nodelist lookups is not valid. Strange error! Please check the following: o Which version of FLTV7.DLL is installed? (old one?) o Are other processes acessing the nodelist files? o Is FleetStreet set up correctly? ═══ 4.23. Nodelist lookup ═══ More than one address was found for the addressed user. Select one of the addresses shown in the list. By default, a brief summary of the found entries is shown. You can view the full nodelist entries by unchecking Brief. ═══ 4.24. Attached Files ═══ The Files that you've attached to the message are displayed. For each file the file name and file size is displayed. If a file doesn't exist, a "* not found *" is displayed in the status field. Correct the file name in the subject line then. ═══ ═══ Message areas that are only defined in FleetStreet, not in the squish configuration file. These areas will not be touched by squish.