═══ 1. Help for SuperPreview Help ═══ Use these choices to get help on SuperPreview. Help Index Displays the index of all help items available. Help Contents Displays a list of all items in SuperPreview help. Extended Help Contains additional help information. About... Displays product information. ═══ 2. Extended Help for SuperPreview ═══ The SuperPreview program is a tool for viewing and converting monochrome images. Help is available any time you press the F1 key from anywhere within the program. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program F1 was selected. For instance, you receive help for the File pull-down on the action bar when you highlight File and press F1. However, this is not the same help that is displayed when you press F1 while the Open choice in the File pull-down is highlighted. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the main SuperPreview window if there are no other help windows. ═══ 3. Help for File ═══ Use the File pull-down choices, or the toolbar to: Open... a new file. Save As... the current file. Batch Convert... a directory of image files. Print... the current file. or Exit the program. When SuperPreview starts, the menu items Save As..., and Print... will be grayed out. These items will become available when a file is open. ═══ 4. Help for Open... ═══ Use this icon or menu item to open a monochrome image file. SuperPreview will automatically detect the file type such as BMP or TIFF, and open a view of the first page. ═══ 5. Help for Save As... ═══ Use this icon or menu item to save the currently displayed page. If modifications were done to the image such as rotation, the image will be saved the way it appears. Images may be saved in a variety of formats to facilitate exchanging files between applications. If a multipage document is open, only the current page is saved. For maximum space savings on disk, it is recommended to save all files as TIFF G4. ═══ 6. Help for Batch Convert... ═══ Use this menu item to convert a directory full of image files from one format to another. Any valid image files in the source directory will be converted from any source format to a specified destination format. Any of the image manipulation options of SuperPreview such as rotation can be performed on the images during conversion. An option exists to delete the source image files after successful conversion. ═══ 7. Help for Print... ═══ Use this icon or menu item to print the currently displayed page to a graphics printer. If the image is larger than will fit on the output device, the options of tiling or fitting to the page are presented. ═══ 8. Help for Exiting SuperPreview ═══ Use this menu item to end the SuperPreview program. If modifications were made to the current image, they will not be saved automatically. ═══ 9. Help for Edit ═══ Use the Edit pull-down choices to Copy to or Paste from the OS/2 Clipboard. ═══ 10. Help for Copy ═══ Use the Copy menu item to copy the contents of the selection rectangle to the OS/2 Clipboard. If the clipboard had any data in it, it will be overwritten by the new data. This menu item will only be available when a selection rectangle exists, otherwise it will be disabled. ═══ 11. Help for Paste ═══ Use the Paste menu item to create a new document from the contents of the OS/2 Clipboard. This menu item will only be available when bitmap data is present in the clipboard, otherwise it will be grayed out. If the bitmap in the clipboard is not monochrome, it will be converted to monochrome by OS/2's graphics engine prior to becoming the currently open document. ═══ 12. Help for Next Page ═══ Use this icon or menu item to go to the next page of a multi-page document. If the document contains only one page, this option will not be available. ═══ 13. Help for Previous Page ═══ Use this icon or menu item to go to the previous page of a multi-page document. If the document contains only one page, this option will not be available. ═══ 14. Help for Goto Page ═══ Use this icon or menu item to go directly to a specific page in a multi-page document. If the document contains only one page, this option will not be available. ═══ 15. Help for View ═══ Use the View pull-down choices, or the toolbar to: Next Page Go to the next page. Previous Page Go to the previous page. Goto Page... Go to a specific page. 100% Scale the view to 100%. Fit to Width Scale the view to fit the width of the window. Fit to Window Scale the view to fit entirely in the width. Zoom Zoom to the current selection rectangle. Rotate Rotate the image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Invert Invert the image. Flip Vertical Flip the image vertically. Flip Horizontal Mirror image. Scale to fax Scale the current page to a fax compatible size. Scale x2 Scale the current page to twice its original size. ═══ 16. Help for 100% ═══ Use this icon or menu item to show the currently open page at a 100% scale. 100% in this case means that one document pixel corresponds to one screen pixel. ═══ 17. Help for Fit to Width ═══ Use this icon or menu item to show the currently open page so that it fits entirely within the width of the viewing window. This option is useful for scanned documents containing text. Because of the scaling technique used by SuperPreview, a typical fax document can be legible when viewed on a VGA display with this scale. ═══ 18. Help for Fit to Window ═══ Use this icon or menu item to show the currently open page so that it fits entirely within the viewing window. This option is automatically chosen when a document is first opened or pasted into SuperPreview. ═══ 19. Help for Zoom ═══ Use this menu item to display the area enclosed in the selection rectangle so that it fills the viewing window. A selection rectangle is made by pressing and holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse around the area of interest. When a selection rectangle exists, pressing the right mouse button will perform the same action as selecting the Zoom menu item. ═══ 20. Help for Invert ═══ Use this icon or menu item to invert the color of the currently open page. This will turn all white pixels to black and all black pixels to white. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 21. Help for Flip Vertical ═══ Use this icon or menu item to flip the current page top to bottom. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 22. Help for Flip Horizontal ═══ Use this icon or menu item to flip the current page left to right (mirror image). The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 23. Help for Scale to Fax ═══ Use this menu item to scale the current image to fit in the standard fax width of 1728 pixels horizontally. This option is useful for images that were scanned at a higher or lower resolution than the standard fax resolution (200 dpi). Both the horizontal and vertical directions are scaled proportionately so as not to distort the aspect ratio of the original image. Because of the technique SuperPreview uses to scale images, very little image degradation should be noticeable after performing this function. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 24. Help for Scale x2 ═══ Use this menu item to scale the current image to twice its original size in both the x and y directions. This option is useful for changing the target resolution of an image. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 25. Help for Rotate ═══ Use this menu item to rotate the image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees. This option is useful for fixing images that have been scanned upside-down (180 degrees), or sideways (90,270 degrees). The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 26. Help for Rotate 90 degrees ═══ Use this menu item to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise. This option is useful for fixing images that have been scanned sideways. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 27. Help for Rotate 180 degrees ═══ Use this menu item to rotate the image by 180 degrees. This option is useful for fixing images that have been scanned upside-down. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 28. Help for Rotate 270 degrees ═══ Use this menu item to rotate the image by 270 degrees clockwise. This option is useful for fixing images that have been scanned upside-down and backwards. The actual page is modified not just the view. If the page is saved, it will be saved the way it is displayed. ═══ 29. Help for Options ═══ Use this menu to enable or disable the display of the status line and toolbar features of the output window as well as enable or disable the status line help associated with these features. ═══ 30. Help for Status Line ═══ Use this menu item to enable or disable the status line at the bottom of the output window. The status line displays the attributes of the currently opened document as well as help information for menu items and toolbar icons when enabled. ═══ 31. Help for ToolBar ═══ Use this menu item to enable or disable the tool bar at the top of the output window. The toolbar contains icons which allow fast access to frequently used functions. ═══ 32. Help for Menu Help ═══ Use this menu to enable or disable the display of help on the status line when the current focus is on a menu item. The help displayed is a single line describing what function the menu item will perform. ═══ 33. Help for ToolBar Help ═══ Use this menu to enable or disable the display of help on the status line when the mouse pointer passes over the toolbar icons. The help displayed is a single line describing what function the toolbar icon will perform.