═══ 1. Using PMHoro ═══ PM Horoscope is a Planetary Position calculator. Given a date and time, PM Horoscope finds the Geocentric Longitude and Latitude for the Sun, Moon, and the planets. To make a Planetary Calculation you must first select the Run menu from the Action Bar, then select the Enter Data pull-down item. Use the combo boxes and spin buttons in the Entry Box to set the Date and Time. Use the Coarse and Fine sliders to set Longitude and Latitude, and set the East and South check boxes if the location is in one of those hemispheres, then press the Accept Button to accept the settings and dismiss the Entry Box. After the Main Window is again exposed, its client area will show a message indicating pending calculations. At this point, select the Run menu again, followed by the Calculate pull-down item. Output, for the first release, consisted of a list of Planetary Geocentric Longitudes in Zodiacal Notation followed by Geocentric Latitudes. The convention is as follows: for Sun and Moon and for the Planets This release has added a circular wheel to graph the Zodiacal positions of the planets, drawing color-coded Aspect lines where applicable, and a notebook providing additional information, including another circular wheel to graph the positions of planets in Houses. A Very Short Tutorial in Astrology If you have access to a bookstore with an Astrological book section, that would be the best way to enjoy PM Horoscope. Following is a short description of the meaning of each planet and sign, followed by the aspects between planets. Planets The Sun The Sun is so important that the pop-astrological publications rely on it almost exlusively. The Sun represents the underlying purpose in life, and the conscious will. The Sun rules the sign Leo, being connected with pride and the masculine principle. The Moon The Moon represents the habits and the subconscious, as well as the emotional makeup of an individual. The Moon rules the sign Cancer, being connected with nurturing, needs, and the feminine principle. Mercury Mercury represents the basic, everyday mental processes, as well as communication. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, being the questioning and analytical signs, and is connected with the child principle. Venus Venus represents the appreciation of beauty and the enjoyment of nice things. Venus rules Taurus and Libra, and, like the Moon, is connected with the feminine principle. Mars Mars represents action, initiative and aggression. Mars rules Aries, and co-rules Scorpio. Like the Sun, Mars is connected with the masculine principle. Jupiter Jupiter is connected with expansion and good fortune. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and co-rules Pisces. Saturn Saturn is connected with authority and establishment, as well as character-building experience, such as hard work and hard times. Saturn rules Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius. Uranus Uranus is connected with all things abrupt and disruptive ; all the surprises and mishaps. Uranus rules Aquarius, and is connected also with genius and computers. Neptune Neptune is connected with escape, illusion, and mysticism. Neptune rules the sign Pisces. Pluto Pluto, the last to be discovered, rules Scorpio. Pluto is connected with coercion, vast explosive power, and transformation through some form of death. Signs Aries Aries, a Cardinal Fire sign, is impulsive, energetic, and enthusiastic. Strongly Aries natives are known for their raw energy, and less for their patience or judgement. Taurus Taurus, a Fixed Earth sign, is in its raw state rather lumbering and peaceful, loving luxuries and all the finer material things in life. Strongly Taurean natives are known for their patience and stubbornness. Gemini Gemini, a Mutable Air sign, is light and childlike. Gemini asks many questions and likes to learn, as well as laugh. Cancer Cancer, a Cardinal Water sign, is the mothering, sometimes smothering, sign. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is concerned with security and the home. Leo Leo, a Fixed Fire sign, is the proud father, the creative, the performer, ruled by the Sun. Leo wants to be the center of attraction, and to be as far as possible above all the meaner aspects of life. Virgo Virgo, a Mutable Earth sign, is practical and analytical. Virgo is concerned with all the unglamorous aspects of day-to-day life. Libra Libra is a Cardinal Air sign. Libra is concerned with balance, and equal time given to both points of view. Ruled by Venus, Libra is also concerned with aesthetics and is comfortable only in pleasant surroundings. Scorpio Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign. Scorpio is concerned with depth and passion, as well as control and penetration into the dark reaches of life. Sagittarius Sagittarius, a Mutable Fire sign, is philosophical and cheery. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is optimistic and religious. Capricorn Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign, ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is concerned with ambition and struggle, and has a hard, cold view of the world. Aquarius Aquarius, a Fixed Air sign, is concerned with change. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius often has very original ideas and new points of view. Pisces Pisces is a Mutable Water sign. Pisces is concerned with compassion, empathy, and all things hidden. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces enjoys escape into mysticism and meditation. Planetary Aspects When you choose to Graph the Planets, you will notice red and green lines drawn through the middle of the circle, connecting certain pairs of planets. These are: Conjunction Planets close to each other, signifying Focus Sextile Planets at 60 degrees, signifying Harmony and Opportunity Square Planets at right angles, signifying Interference Trine Planets at 120 degrees, signifying Cooperation and Easy Results Opposition Planets opposite, signifying Conflict The Orb Adjustment While viewing the Aspects, you may narrow the allowance of error by setting the Orb, so that only those close to a particular aspect arc are considered. ═══ 2. Display of Results ═══ The Main Window client area contains the Geocentric Longitudes and Latitudes last calculated. To make new calculations you must first select Run-Enter Data and fill out the Date, Time, and Time Zone, then select Run-Calculate to update the Main Window Coordinate display. ═══ 2.1. Graphing the Planets ═══ This menu choice opens a square window with planetary positions arranged graphically around a circle. ═══ 2.2. General Use ═══ PM Horoscope calculates the Sun, Moon, and planets for the date and time you enter. Selecting Enter Data from the Run menu opens the Entry dialog, where you set date and time with spin buttons. Selecting Calculate initiates calculation of the planets from the last entry made. Release 1.0 now includes a graphic wheel, so you may see the actual planetary positions in the Zodiac. ═══ 2.3. Aspect Setting ═══ Set the Aspect Orb with the slider. ═══ 3. Setting Birth Time and Place ═══ Set the Date using the Month combo box, and the Day, Century, and Year spin buttons. Set the Time Zone using the Time Zone combo box. Each Coordinate, Longitude and Latitude, is set by a pair of sliders, Coarse and Fine. The East checkbox negates the Longitude, and the South checkbox negates the Latitude. ═══ 4. Graphic Wheel ═══ This Wheel Graph was added at Release 1.0. The Wheel graph is known in astrology as the Aries Wheel or the Natural Wheel. The rim is labeled at 30 degree intervals with the hieroglyphs of the Signs of the Zodiac. Inside the rim are the Planet hieroglyphs, placed as they occurred in the Zodiac for the date and time given. When sizing this window you will find that below a minimum diameter the wheel stops shrinking. The lines inside the circle mark the Planetary Aspects. ═══ 5. Book ═══ Houses For those interested in casting a Horoscope, the Houses page offers a few choices of House System, beginning with the ever-popular Placidus House System. The Koch House System is also popular among certain groups of modern astrologers. Helio Coords For those more interested in the workings of the Solar System, as well as certain astrological researchers, the Helio Coords page gives a list of Heliocentric Coordinates: Longitude, Latitude, and Radius (distance from the Sun). In this Release, the Moon is set equal to the Earth, since the Lunar orbital radius of 240 thousand miles results in only negligible variations in Heliocentric position. ═══ 6. Messages ═══ Messages MBxCalcPend Calculate new planets now? ═══ 6.1. MBxCalcPend ═══ MBxCalcPend MBxCalcPend Calculate new planets now? Calculations are pending from the entered data