I thought it was about time some 3rd-party DLG software was available for FTP. Feel free to add to this directory. - Mike Oliphant Here are some descriptions: PAROD.LHA - Paragon door interpreter v1.0 CHATAV07.LHA - Let users know when the sysop is available for chat DLGMS12B.LHA - Generate echomail traffic reports for DLGMail systems DLGSYSOP.LHA - View user accounts from the CLI DLGUL060.LHA - Upload files from the CLI DTOPX101.LZH - Generate statistics about your users DFILE07.LHA - Performs file area maintennance LEVED.LZH - Edits a user's level from CLI MAFIA.LZH - Mafia game - be a 'Don' MAFIAUD.LHA - MafiaDoor update - fixes enforcer hit PAR2DLG.LHA - Convert Paragon/Starnet files to DLG READBULL.LHA - Utility to re-read bulletins PCWMA18B.LZH - Replacement for DLG's waiting mail utility SKYLOG14.LZH - Convert DLG logs to human-readable format TFCHK05B.LHA - Performs all sorts of checks on your file areas SKYUPD12.LZH - Update file upload date and size without re-uploading LCPV30.LZH - Last call plus v3.0 SKYLA301.LHA - Makes a list of last users/nodes connected QUEST.LHA - A little new user questionnaire hack SEC1_1.LHA - Security aid - prompts random users for personal info SKYT200.LHA - SkyTick v2.00 SKYFR280.LHA - SkyFreq v2.80 NLFISH12.LHA - Online interface to fish disks WANDERX3.LHA - Get the diamonds game DLGDIGEST1_1.LHA - First issue of online electronic newsletter