WHY AND HOW TO REGISTER FALCON CBCS ----------------------------------- You do not have to register Falcon CBCS at all, unless you want to, or unless it is being used in a commercial or governmental setting. Should you be a regular user who feels guilty about long-term usage of a product you've paid nothing for (and well you should feel that way!), or should you decide that you need unlimited file transfers, then registration is for you. To register and receive a small keyfile that will transform an unregistered Falcon into a registered Falcon, you must fill out the form below and send it with the registration fee to me. The registration fee is going to be $49.95 in Canadian dollars. If you cannot acquire Canadian funds, or find doing so to be too much hassle, I will also accept $44.95 in US dollars. US dollars should be available pretty much everywhere (most notably in the US), and I can exchange them for Canadian money with little more hassle than a trip to my bank. If you cannot get your hands on either currency, send me a message and we'll see if we can manage something in a currency you can get. Please note that I am talking about cheques or money orders, not cash. Sending cash through the mail is generally a bad idea and while I obviously cannot stop you, you should not do it. Besides, with a cheque or money order, you get an automatic receipt. To get the keyfile back to you, we can do one of two things: o First and most easily, I can encrypt it with a code you send me in the form and put it into a private area on my distribution BBS here in Saskatoon, SK, Canada, which runs a 9600 baud HST. An account will be set up for you so you can call up and download it. In the wee hours, a call within North America shouldn't cost more than a few quarters. I'm not sure about overseas. Consult your phone book. o If you cannot go the download route, I can instead send you a disk, which will also include the most recent version of Falcon and my utility for updating files, which is used to cut down on the size of update archives. You will, however, have to pay for the materials (disk and disk mailer) and shipping & handling. Restrictions on Commercial or Governmental Usage ------------------------------------------------ This registration arrangement is only for non-commercial, non-governmental people or groups. Commercial or government registration will be different, probably depending on the situation. If you find yourself in one of the latter two categories, please contact me and I'll work out something with you. Remember that you are not permitted to use an unregistered Falcon in such a setting either, without my permission. I have no intention of gouging anyone, mind you. I just want to be sure that I know and approve of any such uses of my program. The Form -------- Either print this out yourself, or find someone else to print it out for you. If you have absolutely no way of printing it out, you can either type or write it our manually, but remember that I require all the information on the form, and that the agreement before the signature must be copied out VERBATIM. Once you've filled it out, put the following address on it and drop it in the mailbox: Brian Fehdrau P.O. Box 7635 Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4R4 I can also be reached through FidoNet, either at 1:140/22 (my boss node) or 1:140/22.2 (me). Further, I can be reached through UUCP/UseNet/whatever as bf@weyr.fidonet.org. ----------------------------- Cut Here and Print ----------------------------- page 1 Falcon CBCS Registration Form ----------------------------- Name of person or group the key is to be registered to ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Street address of same ________________________________________________________________ City Province/State __________________________________ ____________________________ Country Postal/Zip Code _______________________________ ______________________________ Voice phone number Data phone number _______________________________ _______________________________ FidoNet address where you can be reached Is it yours? ____________________________________________________ Y N If you are going to download the key file, answer these also: Name for user account (maximum 35 characters) ________________________________________________________________ Account password (max 23 chars) Encryption keyword _______________________________ _______________________________ page 2 Falcon CBCS Registration Form ----------------------------- If you are paying in Canadian funds, please mark either that you will be paying to have your key file (plus the current version of Falcon and anything else I have handy) shipped to you or that you will be downloading your key: _X_ CDN $49.95 Registration fee ___ CDN $5.00 Fees for Materials, Shipping & Handling ___ CDN $0.00 No S&H fees; will download key file ---------- Total fees enclosed ---------- If you are paying in American funds, please mark either that you will be paying to have your key file (plus the current version of Falcon and anything else I have handy) shipped to you or that you will be downloading your key: _X_ US $44.95 Registration fee ___ US $4.50 Shipping fees ___ US $0.00 No shipping fees; will download key file ---------- Total fees enclosed ---------- If you will be paying in other funds, please attach a sheet with the fee breakdown that we have agreed on. page 3 Falcon CBCS Registration Form ----------------------------- I, the undersigned, assert that the information I have given is correct, and I understand that the key file being sent to me is personalized and not to be tampered with, given to anyone else, or used by anyone else. Name, printed ____________________________ Name, signed ____________________________ Date (DD/MM/YYYY) ____ / ____ / ________