Desk Lamp: Created by Dennis Turkington Co-Sysop of The State of Confusion BBS - 19.2 bps. (319) 378-1821R ^ The "R" must be there for the data switcher to direct you to the modem. Software Used: I used Imagine 1.0 to create the Animation from which I pulled this one frame from. The Lamp, Ashtray, and Sun Glasses were converted from LightWave objects using Pixel 3D. I converted the 24bit image to ham using DCTV's convert software. Renderring Info: I rendered this pic on a 030 Amiga 500 with a 50 mhz math chip. It took about an hour and a half in full ray-trace mode. The original picture size was 704x480. The other object (Cigarette, Cigarette Lighter, Paper, and Pencil) I made in the detail editor in Imagine. The converted Lightwave objects needed a lot of touching up after they were converted. I had to merge the points on each of them to get them to phong correctlly. I also had to change all the colors and attribute to get the results I wanted. You can find the complete animtion on the SOC BBS listed at the top in DCTV format. It's over 900k lharced. You can also find the DCTV version of this single pic on there. I have also made many other objects, if any one is interested, such as a cam-corder, chrome-tube alphabit, state of Iowa, and many others. If your looking for Imagine object or need a specific object made you can raech me at 319-378-9648.