) command names 3094 Zero 1807 WSIS Representation 3053 WS Save 3022 WS PSave 3022 WS PCopy 3024 WS Name List 3021 WS Name Class 3020 WS Erase 3026 WS Copy 3024 Word Formation 1203 With 1701 Whitney, A.T. 2003 WA 3070 Verbs 0401 Verb from Gerund 1709 Vars 3041 Upon 1304 Until 1709 Under (Dual) 1703 Type 3030 Tu, H.C. 2003 TS 3060 Trigonometric Functions 1805 Triangular Matrix 3501 Transpose 1001 Train 0601 Tolerance 0502 Times 0708 Timer 3062 Time-Stamp 3060 Time 3060 Thorn 1608 Tesselation 1202 Terminal Output 3012 Terminal Input 3011 Tanh 1805 Tangent 1805 Tally 1301 Take 1601 Tail 1609 Table 1402 System Command Names 3094 Swap 0903 Surrogates 1806 Suite 0902 Suffix 1501 String Representation 3053 SScript 2902 Square Root 0805 Square 0801 Spread 1814 Spelling 0101 Spawn 3002 Spacer 3072 Space 3070 Sort 1404 Sinh 1805 Sine 1805 Signum 0708 Shift 0907 Shape Of 0901 Shape 0901 Session Time 3061 Session Space 3071 Session Log 2902 Self-Reference 0902 Self-Classify 0701 Select 1709 Script 2902 Screen Refresh 3082 Screen Print 3084 Screen Output 3012 Screen Attributes 3081 Scan 1501 Save 3022 Same 1603 Rotate 0907 Roots, Polynomial 1813 Root 0805 Roll 1707 RL 3090 Right Argument 1806 Right 1603 Rho 0901 Rhematic Rules 0101 Reverse 0907 Residue 0906 Representation, WSIS 3053 Representation, String 3053 Representation, Internal 3031 Representation, Display 3052 Representation, Atomic 3051 Replicate 1301 Roots 1813 Remainder 0906 Refresh Screen 3082 References 2003 Reduce 1402 Recursion 1709 Reciprocal 0708 Raze In 1802 Raze 1104 Ravel Items 1201 Ravel 1103 Rank 1604 Random Link 3090 Random 1707 Quote-Quad 3011 QR Decomposition 3500 Pythagorean Functions 1805 Punctuation 1710 PSave 3022 Prompt 3091 Profile 2902 Print Screen 3084 Prefix 1501 PP 1608 Power 0806 Polynomial 1813 Plus 0708 Pi Times 1805 Permute 1305 Permanent 1003 Perlis, A.J. 2003 PCopy 3024 Partition 1202 Parsing 0503 Parentheses 1710 Outfix 1501 Outer Product 1402 Out Of 1705 Orth, D.L. 2001 Or 0801 Open 0704 One 1807 On 1701 Omega 1806 Off 2901 Obverse 1101 Oblique 1403 Nub Sieve 0905 Nub 0904 Nouns 0201 Not-Or 0801 Not-Equal 0905 Not-And 0801 Not (1-) 0802 Normalize 1812 Nor 0801 NL 3041 Negative Sign 0707 Negate 0708 NC 3040 Natural Log 0806 National Use Characters 2002 Nand 0801 Name List, WS 3021 Name List 3041 Name Class, WS 3020 Name Class 3040 Multiply 0708 Moore, R.D. 2001 Monad 0401 Modulo 0906 Minus 0708 Minimum 0705 Merge 1503 Member of Interval 1803 Member 1802 Mean 1811 McDonnell, E.E. 2003 Maximum 0705 Matrix Inverse 0804 Matrix Divide 0804 Match 0803 Magnitude 0906 Log 0806 Local 0702 Link 1201 License Agreement 2004 Lev 1603 Lesser Of 0705 Less Than 0703 Less Or Equal 0706 Less 0802 Left Argument 1806 Left 1603 LCM (And) 0801 Larger Of 0705 Larger Than 0704 Larger Or Equal 0706 Language Summary 0002 Laminate 1105 Label 1710 Keyboard Input 3011 Key 1403 J 0100 Iverson Software Inc. 2004 Iverson, K.E. 2003 Iverson, E.B. 2001 Itemize 1105 Item Merge 1503 Item 0201 ISI 2004 Is (Local) 0702 Is (Global) 0702 Iota 1804 Inverse 1101 Internal Representation 3031 Integers 1804 Insert 1402 Inner Product 1003 Infix 1501 Infinity 0707 Inflection 0101 Indexing 1502 Index Of 1804 Indeterminate 0707 Increment 0706 In 1802 Identity Function 1402 Identity 1603 Hyperbolic Functions 1805 Hui, Roger 2003 Hui, James 2001 Host 3001 Hook 0601 Hermitian 3500 Help 0001 Head 1601 Halve 0803 Greater Than or Equal To 0706 Greater Than 0704 Grammar 0102 Grade Up 1404 Grade Down 1404 Global 0702 Given Name 0101 Gerund 1708 GCD (Or) 0801 Gamma 1705 FX 3050 From 1502 Frame 0201 Format 1608 Fork 0601 Font 3083 Fns 3041 Floor 0705 Fix 3050 Fit (Customize) 1704 Fill 1601 File Write 3012 File Size 3014 File Read 3011 File Indexed Write 3017 File Indexed Read 3016 File Erase 3015 File Append 3013 Falkoff, A.D. 2003 Factorial 1705 External 1706 Exponential 0806 Explicit Definition 1102 Execution Space 3072 Execution Time 3062 Execute 1607 EX 3042 Evoke Gerund 1709 Evoke 0903 Euler's Number 0806 Error Trapping 1607 Error Texts 3093 Errors 2005 Erase 3042 Equal 0701 Epsilon 1802 Encode 1303 Enclose 0703 Eigenvector 1809 Eigenvalue 1809 E-bar 1803 Dyad 0401 Dual 1703 Drop 1602 Double 0801 Dot Product 1003 Domino 0804 Do Left if Error 1607 Do 1607 DL 3063 Divide 0708 Display Representation 3052 Disclose 0704 Direction 0708 Direct-Cycle 1305 Dickey, L.J. 2001 Dex 1603 Determinant 1003 Derivative 1810 Delay 3063 Del 1102 Definition 1102 Decrement 0706 Decode 1302 Deal 1707 Cycle 1305 Cut 1202 Customize 1704 Curtail 1609 CT 1704 Cross 0903 CR 3051 Cosine 1805 Cosh 1805 Copula 0702 Copy 1301 Constant 1604 Conjunctions 0501 Conjugate 0708 Conditional Execute 1607 Compress 1301 Compose 1701 Comparatives 0502 Commute 0903 Command 1710 Combinations 1705 Color 3081 Circle 1805 Characteristic 1809 Chain 0807 CGA 3080 Cell 0201 Ceiling 0705 Catenate 1103 Catalogue 1502 Branching 0902 Box Drawing Characters 3092 Box 0703 Both 0903 Boolean 1808 Binomial Coefficients 1705 Beta 1705 Bernecky, R. 2003 Behead 1602 Base 2 1302 Base 1302 Average 1811 AV 1801 Atop 1304 Atomic Representation 3051 Atomic Permute 1401 Atom 0201 Assignment 0702 Append 1103 APL 0100 Antibase 2 1303 Antibase 1303 And 0801 Amend 1503 Alphabet & Words 0101 Alphabet 1801 Alpha 1806 Agreement 0401 Adverbs 0501 Acknowledgments 2001 Absolute Value 0906 A 2001