REFERENCES 1. Falkoff, A. D., and K. E. Iverson, The Design of APL, IBM Journal of R&D, July 1973 and The Evolution of APL, ACM Sigplan Notices, August 1978. 2. Hui, Roger, K.E. Iverson, E.E. McDonnell, and A.T. Whitney, APL\?, APL90, ACM. 3. Iverson, K. E., A Dictionary of APL, ACM APL Quote Quad, September, 1987 4. McDonnell, E.E., Complex Floor, APL73, ACM. 5. McDonnell, E.E., Zero Divided by Zero, APL76, ACM. 6. Tu, Hai-Chen, and A.J. Perlis, IEEE Software, January 1986. 7. Bernecky, Robert, Function Arrays, APL84, ACM.