/mac/misc/tex/00index.txt This list is intended to include all and only the files within this directory. You may find that some of the paths listed here do not point to this directory. That is ok; the physical paths are given here but there may be a link in another location. If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write comments@mac.archive.umich.edu. SIZE DATE (KBYTES) ARCHIVED COMPRESSION FORMAT(S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /mac/misc/tex/dvim72mac1.9.cpt.hqx 80 11/14/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Application which allows you to print TeX dvi files on QuickDraw (non-ps) ImageWriters and printers. V 1.9 /mac/misc/tex/excalibur1.2.sit.hqx 371 9/15/92 BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.0 Excalibur is a Macintosh spelling checker for LaTex documents. It reads files of type TEXT and is smart enough to ignore most LaTeX / TeX commands. /mac/misc/tex/imgdvim.sit.hqx 142 7/19/90 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 This is a printer driver that allows one to print DVI files (DeVice Independant), such as produced by OzTeX (see below) on an ImageWriter. With docs. /mac/misc/tex/makeindex.sit.hqx 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 This is a stand-alone application that creates TeX usable indices. This is version 1.1b1 of MacMakeIndex, but is really version 2.5 of 'real' MakeIndex with a Mac interface. /mac/misc/tex/ozinfo.txt 5 10/7/89 Text This is the file that tell about all of the things which are in the other OzTeX files. The naming format used in this document was kept for the PC2 naming (so /pub/sources/OzTeX/oztex becomes PC2:TEX/OZTEX, /pub/sources/OzTeX/ozsrc becomes PC2:TEX/OZSRC, etc.). /mac/misc/tex/ozinp.sit.hqx 1070 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/oztex1.4.sit.hqx 930 3/23/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 OzTex Version 1.4.... which includes TeX 3.0. Includes DVIM72 ImageWriter drivers, Sigma Edit DA, TeX fonts, input files, etc. It's a gross interface, but hey.. it's TeX! /mac/misc/tex/pk300.sit.hqx 603 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/pk329.sit.hqx 623 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/pk360.sit.hqx 680 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/pk432.sit.hqx 720 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/pk518.sit.hqx 878 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/pk622.sit.hqx 633 1/12/90 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/pk746.sit.hqx 774 1/12/90 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 ? /mac/misc/tex/polish.sit.hqx 70 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 This is an input file in TeXtures format which will allow one to print out Polish and other Slavic diacritical marks with TeXtures.