/mac/util/comm/00index.txt This list is intended to include all and only the files within this directory. You may find that some of the paths listed here do not point to this directory. That is ok; the physical paths are given here but there may be a link in another location. If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write comments@mac.archive.umich.edu. SIZE DATE (KBYTES) ARCHIVED COMPRESSION FORMAT(S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /mac/util/comm/1stbbsremote1.17b1.sit.hqx 134 4/25/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A client which allows your Macintosh to connect to 1st BBS systems. Includes the ability to send mail, send/get files, and databasing. /mac/util/comm/amtconfigure1.0.sit.hqx 42 1/15/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 Easily add, delete and edit Modem definitions for your Apple Modem tool (in the Communications Toolbox/Extensions directory). /mac/util/comm/announce1.0.sit.hqx 35 8/16/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.0 Application and extension that performs the same thing as Broadcast 2.0. Allows across-the-net (AppleTalk) announcement messages that do not interrupt the recipients or their work. System 7 friendly. /mac/util/comm/araclient2.0.cpt.hqx 80 10/21/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Client-ONLY interface for ARA. Many improvements, not the least being its small memory profile. Requires AppleTalk Remote Access and System 7. /mac/util/comm/araintel.sit.hqx 12 10/13/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for the Intel 9600EX and 14.4EX modems. /mac/util/comm/arapp9600sa.sit.hqx 4 7/11/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Practical Peripherals 9600SA modem. This version corrects incompatibilities with Quadras experienced by users of the version shipped with ARA. /mac/util/comm/arapp14400.sit.hqx 15 10/16/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for the high-speed (14.4K) Practical Peripherals modems. /mac/util/comm/arasportster.sit.hqx 2 10/26/92 Binhex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the US Robotics Sportster modems. /mac/util/comm/arasuprafaxmodemv32bis.sit.hqx 3 7/11/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Supra Fax Modem with V.32bis. /mac/util/comm/aratelebitt2500.sit.hqx 3 10/27/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit Trailblazer 2500. /mac/util/comm/aratelebitt3000.hqx 7 7/25/92 BinHex4.0 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit T3000 Modem. /mac/util/comm/araworldblazerturbopep.sit.hqx 14 7/18/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.0 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit WorldBlazer Modem with Turbo-PEP. /mac/util/comm/araworldblazerv32bis.sit.hqx 13 7/18/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.0 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Telebit WorldBlazer Modem with V.32bis. /mac/util/comm/arazoomv32.sit.hqx 3 8/30/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) scripts for all ZOOM Telephonics V.32 modems. /mac/util/comm/arazoomv32turbo.sit.hqx 13 7/25/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Zoom TurboModem with V.32. Extensively commented. /mac/util/comm/arazyxel.sit.hqx 4 10/13/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.02 ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access) script for the Zyxel modem. /mac/misc/demo/asc5pmdemo.cpt.hqx 845 10/2/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Demo version (only runs for 8 minutes) of ASC's (France) 5PM communication system. The package offers front-ending tools for UNIX and IBM mainframe hosts (to name a few), has hypercard-like scripting capabilities, terminal tools, CTB and more. /mac/misc/demo/ascctbtoolsdemo.cpt.hqx 913 10/2/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Mostly functional demo CTB tools from ASC that work with any CTB-aware program (see asc5pmdemo.cpt.hqx also). Tools included are a DEC VT-420 terminal tool (v1.0), IBM 3270 (v2.0) and 5250 (v1.1) emulation tools, FTPack (v1.2) and TCPack (v2.0) tools for TCP/IP connections and FTP, and SNA*ck (v1.1) tp utilize the 3270 tool with Apple's SNA*ps gateway. /mac/util/comm/binhex4.0.hqx2 10 2/20/85 BinHex2.0 Converts Macintosh files of any kind into a text file which can then be uploaded to MTS. That text file contains all the information necessary in order to reconstruct the original file. Use this program to convert any files of type "BinHex4.0" (listed in this !INDEX) back into their original Macintosh form. CO/BINHEX4 is version 4.0 of BinHex, however it is encoded in BinHex2.0 format so that those with the older version can upgrade to 4.0. Version 4.0 is required in order to decompress 4.0 files. Version 2.0 will not work on any files other than CO/BINHEX4. /mac/util/comm/byutelnet2.5b.sit.hqx 251 7/5/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 BYU Telnet program for the Mac, works with both MacTCP and it's own NCSA SLIP driver. This is an expanded version of NCSA Telnet (CO/TELNET) which has a built in ftp-client so you can hook up as an ftp connection to remote machines. /mac/util/comm/chat1.00.sit.hqx 24 7/11/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 A background-only appl that lets Macs serve as a primitive IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Multiple people can Telnet to a port on your Mac and have online discussions. Requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/comet2.14.sit.hqx 530 10/2/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 The Cornell Macintosh Terminal Emulator. A powerful, scriptable terminal program. /mac/util/comm/communicator2.0.cpt.hqx 137 8/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Sends sounds (which you can record with your microphone) or text to another, listening-in-the-background Macintosh on your AppleTalk network. /mac/util/comm/converse.sit.hqx 117 4/15/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 You show your friend a wild new Artificial Intelligence program... he types something in, the mac writes back something profound. Wooooo.. impressive. 'Cept we know you have a friend doing the typing on another mac on the network. /mac/util/communication/cterm2.0.cpt.hqx 35 12/18/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 CTerm allows your mac to talk to IBM mainframes as if your mac was a 3270 Terminal. You need System 7 or the Communications Toolbox installed. /mac/util/comm/counterpoint2.1.sit.hqx 504 10/18/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 Off-line mail reader for QWK, Cope, Tabby, and WhiteMailer systems. A complete solution for retrieving, posting and archiving mail for networked BBS systems (like those on Fidonet). /mac/util/comm/demondial1.2.cpt.hqx 26 5/19/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A Microphone II 4.0 settings document that dials a consecutive series of phone numbers and records the responses. May be illegal in some areas. New version has improved handling of long- distance numbers and other features. /mac/util/comm/demondialer.617.sit.hqx 336 3/15/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 Demon Dialer .617 allows you to dial up, via your modem, those constantly busy BBS's or 2400-baud UM-MTS dial-in lines. You can put numbers into four fields: prefix (area code), first number, last number and baud... /mac/util/comm/dialscript1.7.sit.hqx 110 12/23/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 For those terminal programs which don't automatically dial the modem for you, use a script which redials and dials, connects up.. and then switches to that terminal program for you. V 1.7 /mac/util/comm/easytransfer.cpt.hqx 73 9/8/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A simple but effective set of tools to let you transfer files between macs over the network. Requires MacTCP. Very fast and efficient. /mac/util/comm/fernmail1.1.sit.hqx 143 2/22/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Allows a UUCP endowed mac user to read and send e-mail. Neat included tricks include the ability to attach binary files which then get automagically binhexed and segmented. Version 1.1. /mac/util/comm/fetch2.1.sit.hqx 254 9/5/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 A MacTCP based ftp client that allows you to ftp multiple files, suffixed files (.gif, .hqx), a pop up menu for frequently accessed sites... Requires MacTCP or KSP. /mac/util/comm/finger1.35.sit.hqx 165 2/29/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 SO/ Two applications. One's a finger daemon (so when people "finger" your tcp-endowed Macintosh, they'll see stats and an info file. The other application allows you to finger other people, as well as has the finger daemon built in. Version 1.35 /mac/util/comm/firstclassclient2.0.cpt.hqx 336 10/16/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A client application which will allow you to hook up (via AppleTalk or modem) to First Class Bulletin Board systems. The client is freeware. /mac/util/comm/freddie1.2.cpt.hqx 492/CO 8/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Allows your Mac to send mail back/forth and download from Bulletin Board systems which handle "QWK Packets". Version 1.2. /mac/util/comm/freeterm2.0.cpt.hqx 60 7/25/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Ultra-simple TTY (dumb) terminal emulator. Supports XModem and MacBinary and that's about it. The price is right, though. /mac/util/comm/ftpd1.10.sit.hqx 108 10/22/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 Set up your Macintosh to be an FTP Server. Requires System 7, MacTCP, file sharing turned on. It's a background-only application which depends on Users & Groups, as well. /mac/util/comm/gopherapp1.3b56.cpt.hqx 267 7/26/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A Gopher client which looks and feels much like the Finder itself. It allows you to access a wide range of Internet services. Requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/grafterm2.4.cpt.hqx 16 7/2/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A terminal program that can emulate a VT100 or Tektronix 4010/4014. /mac/util/comm/hermes1.8.sea.hqx 323 12/23/91 BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe A Bulletin Board System for the Macintosh. Keeps a log of users/e- mail, etc. Set up your own at home and give local users access to files you get from mac.archive (hint hint). /mac/util/comm/hytelnet6.3.sit.hqx 618 10/16/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 A nice front-end to most Internet databases and services. Consistent with the UNIX and PC versions. /mac/util/comm/ircle1.0.cpt.hqx 127 9/8/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Connect up to your favorite IRC Server with this client. It works, it's on a Macintosh (i.e. it has menus for some of your favorite commands), and it's no longer beta software! /mac/util/comm/leemail1.24.cpt.hqx 132 6/22/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Allows you to send and receive mail from the Internet directly from/into your Macintosh if you have MacTCP installed. It uses SMTP to send and receive... and works in the background under System 7. /mac/util/comm/macgnuucp4.3.sit.hqx 303 5/11/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 A Macintosh port of the GNU UUCP code. Useful to send and receive electronic mail directly from a Macintosh to colleagues on USENET and the Internet. Requires a direct Mac-mainframe connection. /mac/util/comm/mackermit0.9997.sit.hqx 255 8/29/92 BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.01 DO/ A file transfer program with error checking. Kermit is an error- checked file transfer protocol available for the Mac that is supported by MTS. MacKermit is not as elegant as many other terminal emulators that support Kermit (Red Ryder, VersaTerm, etc.), but it does support "Kermit Server" mode. It's a beta version, but then again, it's been that way for 5 years. /mac/util/comm/macnet.sit.hqx 228 7/5/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 The KA9Q Amateur Radio Internet Protocol package. Provides internet services (telnet, smtp, ftp, tcp/ip, udp) for connections over serial lines. /mac/util/comm/macpostserver1.0b6.cpt.hqx 287 1/8/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.32 This is the MacPost server package which you can run on a "dedicated" Macintosh. To use it, you'll need MacTCP installed (it communicates with an SMTP mail gateway). It comes with a few applications which allow you to easily pass mail between the Internet, and the appletalk-connected clients. /mac/util/comm/macpostusclient1.0b6.cpt.hqx 228 1/8/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.32 Here's the U.S. client for MacPost, which allows one to use a server to get mail to the internet. Install the included "Listener" init in the system folder, and you'll be notified when new mail comes in. The client allows you to build a mail address list and communicates over Appletalk. Version 1.0b6 /mac/util/comm/macwoof1.53.cpt.hqx 332 9/7/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Yes, now you too can send and read Echomail and NetMail from your mac via Fidonet, a not-for- profit network of BBS'es scattered worldwide. With this version you can do "file requests", message threading, sorts, and more /mac/util/comm/max.500.1.1.cpt.hqx 71 10/11/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 U-M program that's also useful to the rest of the world. Max500 allows one to "finger" (via MacTCP) and/or get information on students, staff and faculty at various universities. Version 1.1 /mac/util/comm/mergehosts3.02.sit.hqx 29 8/23/91 BinHex4.0,StuffItDeluxe Merges up to 4 Internet number and host files, as well as simplifies smtp mail gateway paths for the various applications (e.g. NCSA Telnet) that use host files.... /mac/util/comm/mubbs1.1.cpt.hqx 480 12/18/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Set up your own BBS on your Macintosh. This is a "modular" set up (i.e. you can add modules to add flexibility). Includes Think C source code so you can program your own. /mac/util/comm/muddweller1.1d4.cpt.hqx 143 11/20/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 It had to happen sooner or later... a comm program designed exclusively to be played on MUDs (Multi User Dungeons, scattered all around the Internet). You can connect via MacTCP or the commtoolbox. Supports MTP (Mud Transfer Protocol... heh heh). /mac/util/comm/multi.sit.hqx 135 5/27/90 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 This is truly one of the snazzier free-ware terminal emulator programs available for the Mac. Emulates at VT-320 terminal (as well as VT100), user definable features include rate-of-scrolling, keyboard sets, answerback, other bells and whistles. Includes docs and template. /mac/util/comm/multixfer.sit.hqx 56 1/27/90 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 Specifically designed to work over Mac serial ports (a modem or similar serial device will also work) this fairly unique--and bare-bones--file transfer program uses an X.25- and Z-Modem-like protocol which allows very fast transfer speeds over regular serial lines AND allows file transfer to go on in the background while other communication works in the foreground. Supposedly works up to 50% faster than Z-Modem. /mac/util/comm/ncsatelnet2.5.sit.hqx 346 8/3/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 SO/ DO/ NCSA Telnet program for the Mac, requires either a Appletalk to Internet gateway or Ethernet card. You can, via the configuration file, choose the built-in or MacTCP drivers to communicate with the outside world. Built-in SLIP driver, also. /mac/misc/documentation/ncsatelnet2.5docs.sit.hqx 699 8/4/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 Documentation for NCSA Telnet. Version 2.5. /mac/util/comm/netagent.cpt.hqx 426 7/26/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Monitors your Unix mailboxes, retrieves news articles, fingers people for you, etc. You run a "server" type program off your Unix account to use the Mac client. /mac/util/comm/netfeed1.01.cpt.hqx 129 4/15/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Allows you to dial in (using a modem) and look through Usenet groups... includes complete docs in both MacWrite and Word format. Does NOT work with MacTCP, tho. /mac/util/comm/netwize0.9.hqx 112 12/5/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 A beta copy of a Mac II Appletalk Manager. It has Network mapping, Internet listing, ECHO that works Node Histories, Zone Statistics and tons more. /mac/util/comm/newswatcher1.02.sit.hqx 320 8/28/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 You specify the NNTP News server, your SMTP mail server, grab/create/write into your unix-box (or standalone) .newsrc file, and read Usenet news groups. You can easily subscribe/unsubscribe, print, save articles, etc. Includes full Think C source code. /mac/util/comm/nuntius1.11d12.cpt.hqx 415 10/14/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A "thread based" newsreader. It uses the NNTP connections. Requires System 7, 1.1 megs RAM and MacTCP. Bug fixes and additions since last version (not much). /mac/util/comm/offhook1.0.cpt.hqx 12 9/29/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Send a string to the modem and wait for a specified time before launching another application. Designed for invoking RAM drivers such as those installed by QuadraLink software, as well as the usual modem and printer drivers. /mac/util/comm/queryit1.1.cpt.hqx 30 8/29/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 An nslookup-type program for the Mac. allows you to look up A, Cname, Hinfo and MX type record given either the IP number or cname as host. /mac/util/comm/qvt2.8.sit.hqx 131 10/30/88 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 A shareware terminal emulator which supports VT52, VT100, VT220 emulations, Kermit, YModem, and XModem. /mac/util/comm/talk1.06.sit.hqx 99 4/25/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1 Yes... it's about time. A Talk client for the Macintosh. Now you can communicate like those Un*X geeks, provided you have MacTCP, of course. /mac/util/comm/telefinderuser2.62.cpt.hqx 363 5/11/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 The client needed to connect to TeleFinder BBS'es. It's very graphical (closely resembling the Finder... with icons for file transfer and mail). Batch Z Modem file transfer. Includes info on a bbs you can try it out as a guest. /mac/util/comm/terminal2.2.cpt.hqx 321 5/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A serial port communications program. Allows easy text capture to disk. Full source is included and compiles for Think C 4.02 and MPW-C 3.2. Easily runs scripts. Allows you to transfer files using X-, Y-, and Z-Modem protocols, as well as Compu$erve's QuickB. /mac/util/comm/termulator2.03.cpt.hqx 97 7/18/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Terminal program with many features. Supports X, Y, ZModem, plus extensive macro support. /mac/util/comm/termy2.0.cpt.hqx 160 8/17/92 Binhex4.0,Compact1.33 Release 2.0 of uATerminal (renamed and improved as Termy). Features XMODEM file transfers and VT102 emulation. Requires CommToolBox (CTB) or System 7. /mac/util/comm/thenews2.2.sit.hqx 300 10/26/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 Scan, post and look through various Usenet groups with this application. It allows you to do just about everything a Unix News program does, only it's a convienent Mac program. Allows for .signature files and bcc (blind carbon copies) your e-mail follow ups... Requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/tn32702.4d9.cpt.hqx 401 7/15/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Full-featured 3270 emulator for IBM and other VM/CMS-based mainframes. Features nice color graphics capabilities, onscreen mouse/cursor movement (and selection), screen printing (or dump to PICT), ability to copy from one session to another, file transfers (see documentation), This version requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/turbogopher1.03.sit.hqx 164 10/19/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.01 Enhanced (mostly for speed) Gopher client with many interface improvements. /mac/util/comm/uupc3.0.cpt.hqx 191 7/23/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Allows your Macintosh to communicate using the unix-to unix copy (uucp) protocols, allowing it to exchange files and e-mail with other uucp sites. Allows in and out-bound phone calls and an automatic call scheduler. /mac/util/comm/virtuoso1.3.cpt.hqx 74 7/15/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A communications program designed specifically for amateur radio "packet radio" transceivers. Split screens for receiving and transmitting, spell checking, etc. /mac/util/communication/waistation0.62.cpt.hqx 440 12/19/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 Retrieve information from the DowQuest* document retrieval system at Dow Jones News/Retrieval,( the Connection Machine( Document Retrieval System, your local Macintosh, and any other database server that supports the WAIS protocol. Requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/xferit1.5b4.cpt.hqx 388 8/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 TCP-based FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client. Open up multiple connections to various hosts (e.g. Unix, MTS, etc..), click on a directory and a new window with the directory contents pops up, you can click on a file, it automatically downloads or you can "view" a text file. Create an alias file for storing your name & passwords. Version 1.5b4 features many System 7-savvy operations like automatic file (archive) handling, drag-n-drop operation, etc. /mac/util/comm/zing1.3.cpt.hqx 32 8/14/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A small "chat" application that uses System 7 AppleEvents for its communication. Not a lot of bells and whistles, but runs in only 30K of memory. Includes Think C source. /mac/util/comm/zterm0.9.cpt.hqx 254 2/16/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 A pretty good shareware terminal program that supports the X-,Y- ,Yg- and Z-Modem protocols. Allows you to dial directly from the program, view/manage the built in phonebook, print selection, basic scripting capability, and an online timer.