1 Error registering window class 2 Window creation failed! 4 Wave Files(*.WAV)|*.WAV| 8 Mail Flag 9 32 Bit Version 1.5 10 Third Millennium Technologies 11 P.O. Box 852382 12 Mesquite, TX 75185 13 26166 16 UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE COPY 17 89012345678901234567890 32 Send $10 to Register 33 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 48 54468 64 Could not initialize MAPI. Make sure MAPI.DLL is in your PATH or the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM dir. 65 Mail Flag could not log in to Mail.\nExiting. 66 Stop Mail Flag notification? 67 You have disabled all notification! 68 Configure MailFlag from 69 the Options menu. 70 Choose Help|Registration for 71 registration details. 72 Unread 73 You have moved MailFlag.EXE. The Mail initializtion data has been modified to reflect the new location.\n\nYou need to re-start Mail for the change to take effect. 74 Please use Minutes for > 59 seconds 75 Time 76 Mail For 77 1 File Attached 78 Files Attached 79 Day %d of 30 day evaluation 80 DAY %d PAST 30 DAY EVALUATION. 81 Number of pop-ups must be 1 though 8. Set to 8. 82 You must re-start Mail for the modification to take affect.\nSelect Options/Login "Use Mail" to take advantage of the change.\n\nTo remove the modification, select the Options/Setup menu. 83 Uninstall 84 You must re-start Mail for the modification to take affect. 85 Could not run Mail.\nPress OK to locate Mail Executable file 86 Could not run 87 Save Icon &Posn 88 &Auto Icon Posn 89 &Hide Icon 90 R&un Mail 91 Sen&d Mail 92 Close A&ll Popups 93 Msg From: 94 File From: 95 Action: 96 Action (receipt pending): 97 MailFlag - No Mail 98 MailFlag - Unread Mail