$Unique_ID{PAR00077} $Pretitle{} $Title{Medical Advice: Fractures} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Chasnoff, Ira J} $Subject{Fractures Pain pressure Tenderness immobility Swelling Bruising spine neck fracture broken bone Deformity Deformities splint splints fractured bones splinting injury injuries} $Log{} Your Child: A Medical Guide Fractures Quick Reference SYMPTOMS - Deformity of a bone that can be seen or felt - Pain that is worsened by moving the bone - Tenderness to pressure - Inability to move a bone normally - Swelling - Bruising IMPORTANT - Do not move the child if there is any possibility of a spine or neck fracture. Call an ambulance to take the child to an emergency room. HOME CARE - Whenever you suspect a broken bone, see your doctor. - When a possible fracture occurs, protect the injured part of the body and keep the injured bone from moving. - Use a thick newspaper to splint a possibly fractured arm or leg. - Keep the child from putting weight on a possibly fractured leg, foot, or toe. - Once the injured area has been immobilized in a comfortable position, take the child to a doctor. PRECAUTIONS - Have a doctor treat all possibly fractured bones. A fractured bone that is not properly positioned during healing can affect growth or cause bone deformity in children. - Do not move an injured limb when applying a splint. Splint a possible fracture in the position in which you found it. A fracture is another name for a broken bone. Since children's bones are still growing, their fractures (especially those in very young children) are different in some ways from fractures in adults. For example, broken bones heal more quickly in children than in adults. Also, any fracture that heals in a poor position may cause deformity of the fractured bone, but in a child such deformity is sometimes corrected as the bone continues to grow. (However, if poor positioning of the bone during healing shortens or rotates the bone, further growth of the bone will not correct the deformity.) Certain types of fractures in children (such as fractures through the growing areas of cartilage near both ends of the long bones in the arms and legs) may stop growth of the bone and cause major deformities. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Deformity of the bone that can be seen or felt is the most obvious sign of a fracture. In many fractures, however, there is no visible deformity. Then you must look for other symptoms of a fracture. There is pain in the area of the fracture, which is aggravated by attempts to move the broken bone. There is tenderness to pressure, which is most severe at the point of the fracture. The fractured part does not function or move normally. There is swelling at the fracture site. Bruising often develops, but sometimes not until days later and often in areas many inches from the fracture. HOME CARE If you think that your child may have a fractured bone, see your doctor. If a fracture is found, the doctor will treat it and give you instructions for caring for the child at home. Of course, you must take certain precautions immediately after the injury occurs. Protect the injured part of the body and keep it from moving. If the arm or shoulder is fractured, the child will usually hold the arm in the most comfortable position with the other arm. If a leg fracture is suspected, prevent your child from putting weight on the leg. If splinting is required for your child's arm or leg, a thick newspaper tied around or under the affected area is often the best splint. Once you have immobilized the fractured bone in a comfortable position, take the child to your doctor. If there is any possibility that the spine or neck may be fractured, do not move the child. Call for an ambulance and allow professionals to take the child to an emergency room. PRECAUTIONS - Do not move an injured limb when applying a splint. Splint a possible fracture in the position you found it in; do not try to straighten it out to make it conform to the splint. - Always have a doctor treat possible fractures. MEDICAL TREATMENT Your doctor will examine the injury and order x-ray studies. Treatment will depend largely on which bone is fractured and what the x-ray films show. If necessary, the doctor will return the fractured bone to its normal position for proper healing. A cast or mechanical pins may be used to hold the bone in position while healing takes place. RELATED TOPICS: Dislocated elbow; Sprains and dislocations