$Unique_ID{PAR00201} $Pretitle{} $Title{Birth to 6 Months: Introduction} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Mendelson, Robert A Mendelson, Lottie M Meyerhoff, Michael K Ames, Louise Bates} $Subject{Birth to 6 Months Introduction Introductions} $Log{} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book Birth to 6 Months: Introduction The first six months of life can be described as an "orientation" period for you and your baby. After making the transition from womb to outside world, your baby will gradually discover his various body parts and become familiar with their basic movements. He will become adept at using his senses to absorb information from his immediate surroundings. And he will get well-acquainted with the people who care for him. Meanwhile, you will become accustomed to his presence, confident in your ability to make him comfortable and meet his basic needs, and familiar with his characteristics and idiosyncrasies. In general, this will be a relatively easy time for you and your baby. Of course, you will need to make a number of adjustments in your lifestyle. You are likely to experience some anxious moments. And you will probably suffer from fatigue occasionally. Still, as long as your baby is healthy and you behave in a naturally concerned and caring manner, chances are he will make optimal progress at this point. In terms of your baby's development, there will be relatively little at risk. With regard to your nurturing role, it will be extremely difficult for you to make major mistakes. The most important thing is that your baby fall in love with you and that you fall in love with him--and that will probably happen with virtually no thought or effort at all.