$Unique_ID{PAR00225} $Pretitle{} $Title{2 1/2 Years to 5 Years: Introduction} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Mendelson, Robert A Mendelson, Lottie M Meyerhoff, Michael K Ames, Louise Bates} $Subject{2 1/2 Years to 5 Years Introduction Introductions cooperative mature preschooler preschoolers} $Log{ Your preschooler will interact cooperatively with you*0054201.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book 2 1/2 Years to 5 Years: Introduction From two and a half years to five years of age, your preschooler will make a tremendous amount of progress. She not only will continue to grow in stature and strength, but she will exhibit considerable coordination and grace as well. Her thinking abilities, although not yet fully mature, will become extremely sophisticated and impressive. There will be a virtual explosion in her imaginative and creative activities. She also will exhibit a significant capacity to interact cooperatively and congenially with her parents and with other people. In this and other ways, she will demonstrate that she is ready to be regarded as a full-fledged member of her family and a responsible citizen of her ever-widening community. This period will not be without occasional difficulties. For the most part, however, you will find that dealing with your preschooler is exciting and delightful. As you introduce her to and guide her through new and different experiences each day, you will have the opportunity to rediscover the world from her innocent yet interesting perspective. Indeed, you may very well learn as much from her as she does from you. There probably will be occasional challenges and a few pitfalls along the way, but as long as you remember to enjoy as well as educate your child, you are likely to have a wild and wonderful ride through the preschool period.