$Unique_ID{PAR00275} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: FOREWORD} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{EMERGENCY FIRST AID FOREWORD emergencies Causes Signs Symptoms Treatment} $Log{} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book EMERGENCY FIRST AID FOREWORD "Children are our most precious and valuable resource." Most people would agree with this statement. And it is for this reason that the National Safety Council is excited about Emergency First Aid for Your Child, which it has produced in conjunction with the Editors of Consumer Guide (R). This concise and simple-to-read guide details 26 childhood medical emergencies. Instructions for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation appear first, followed by the emergencies, which are listed in alphabetical order for quick and easy reference. Examples of specific emergencies discussed include: - Bites and Stings - Fever - Head Injuries - Poisoning and Overdose - Shock Please note that this publication is intended to be used as a guide for dealing with childhood emergencies and should not be a substitute for your family's personal physician. Each profile covers three important points you should know in order to quickly handle a medical crisis. They are: - Causes: Briefly addresses the factors that can trigger a given emergency situation. - Signs and Symptoms: Explains how to identify a given emergency with easy-to-read phrases. - Emergency Treatment: Describes appropriate first aid through step-by-step illustrations and instructions. The first page of each profile has a red border; it lists the causes, signs, and symptoms. The emergency treatment instructions begin on the following page and are broken down into numbered steps to make them easy to follow. Preventable accidents and illnesses are the leading killers of our children. Adults who care for children can benefit tremendously from this guide. Used wisely, the guide will help parents better protect their youngsters from harm. Best of all, children reared by safety-conscious adults will grow up more alert and aware of safety and health practices.