$Unique_ID{PAR00279} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: AMPUTATION} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{AMPUTATION amputate amputates amputated sever severs severed limb limbs body part parts bleed bleeds bleeding tourniquet tourniquets} $Log{ Step 2*0027901.tif Pressure Points*0027902.tif Step 3*0027903.tif Step 4*0027904.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book AMPUTATION CAUSES An amputation occurs as a result of any act that forcibly severs a limb or other body part. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - severed part - bleeding EMERGENCY TREATMENT 1. SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY. Call 911 or operator. Until Ambulance Arrives: 2. Control bleeding by direct pressure and elevation: a) Cover wound with sterile dressing, clean cloth, handkerchief, or sanitary napkin. b) Place your hand over dressing, and press firmly. c) Keep pressure on until bleeding stops. d) DO NOT remove dressing. If soaked through, add more material, and continue pressure. e) Keep injured area elevated. NOTE: A tourniquet is rarely, if ever, needed to control bleeding. Bleeding control efforts should start with direct pressure and elevation. If necessary, pressure points, described in step 3, may also be used. Following these steps can prevent the tissue, blood vessel, and nerve damage that can result from application of a tourniquet. 3. If bleeding does not slow after 5 minutes of direct pressure and elevation, continue direct pressure on wound and push on pressure point between wound and heart. There are 22 pressure points on the body--11 on each side. The 2 most commonly used points are the: a) Brachial point: Use your fingers to apply pressure on inner side of child's upper arm in groove between muscles. b) Femoral point in groin: Use heel of your hand to apply pressure at middle of crease where thigh meets groin. Release pressure point as soon as bleeding stops. 4. After bleeding is under control, secure dressing with bandage. DO NOT remove original dressing. 5. Observe for shock. See SHOCK (later section). 6. Recover amputated part and prepare it for transport: a) Soak clean gauze with clean water. If gauze is unavailable, use clean cloth, towel, or washcloth. b) Wrap amputated part with wet gauze or towel. DO NOT immerse amputated part in water or any other liquid. c) Put wrapped severed part in plastic bag or container. d) Place bag or container holding severed part ON a bed of ice. DO NOT submerge in ice or water. e) Transport wrapped, severed part on bed of ice to emergency room immediately.