$Unique_ID{PAR00288} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: DROWNING} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{DROWNING DROWN DROWNs DROWNed suffocate suffocates suffocation water submersion submerse submersed swim swimming pool pools hot tub tubs bathtub bathtubs blue bluish color lip lips fingernail fingernails unconscious unconsciousness breath breathe breathes breathing absence} $Log{ Step 2b*0028801.tif Step 2c*0028802.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book DROWNING CAUSES Drowning is suffocation by submersion in water. It can occur in natural bodies of water, swimming pools, hot tubs, or bathtubs. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - bluish color to lips and fingernails - unconsciousness - absence of breathing EMERGENCY TREATMENT 1. SEND FOR HELP. 2. a) If child is in bathtub or small pool, pull child from water. If back or neck injury is suspected, avoid bending or twisting back or neck. b) If child is near shore or poolside and is conscious, DO NOT enter water. With your body low to ground and your weight away from water, extend arm, leg, life preserver, rope, inner tube, clothing, tree limb, or other device for child to grab on to. Pull child to edge of water. IF CHILD IS UNCONSCIOUS, wade into water and pull child faceup--with nose and mouth above water--to edge of water. c) If child is not near shore or poolside, wade into water until you can extend device to child, or throw life preserver or board for child to cling to. DO NOT swim out to conscious child and DO NOT let child grab you. IF CHILD IS UNCONSCIOUS, swim out and pull child to shore ONLY if you are trained to do so. 3. Check breathing. If breathing has stopped, see MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESUSCITATION (previous section). 4. If back or neck injury is possible, DO NOT bend or twist neck or back. With help, place board under child's body and remove child from water. Move child to land while keeping back and neck immobile. See BACK AND NECK INJURIES (previous section). 5. If child vomits, turn child's head to side and clear child's mouth using your fingers. DO NOT turn child's head if back or neck injury is suspected. Instead, carefully turn child's entire body to side before clearing mouth. 6. Observe for shock. See SHOCK (later section). 7. Cover child with blankets or towels. 8. DO NOT give food or water. 9. Call 911 or operator if no one else has done so.