$Unique_ID{PAR00292} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: FEVER} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{FEVER FEVERs infection infections symptom symptoms elevated body temperature temperatures chills hot flash flashes flush flushed skin increased pulse breathing rates headache aching joints muscles 103 degrees Fahrenheit 40 degree Celsius Centigrade aspirin aspirin} $Log{ Step 4*0029201.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book FEVER CAUSES Fever is generally a symptom of an infection. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - elevated body temperature - chills or hot flashes - flushed skin - increased pulse and breathing rates - headache - aching joints and muscles EMERGENCY TREATMENT 1. Call doctor immediately if fever is 103 degrees_F (40 degrees_C) or higher. In most cases, fever is not serious; however, fever can sometimes signal a serious problem. Therefore, it is important to follow the general rule that if fever is 103 degrees_F (40 degrees_C) or higher or if fever persists for more than 72 hours or recurs, the doctor should be contacted within 24 hours. 2. DO NOT give medications unless doctor recommends doing so. DO NOT give aspirin. 3. Until you talk to doctor, undress child and hold child in half-filled tub of lukewarm water. 4. Sponge child's body with light strokes for 20 minutes. 5. Dry and dress child in comfortable but not overly warm clothing. 6. Continue to take child's temperature, and repeat these steps if necessary, until doctor is contacted.