$Unique_ID{PAR00294} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: FROSTBITE} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{FROSTBITE frostbitten exposure extreme cold freeze frozen white yellowish-gray skin burning itching sensation sensations reddened swollen hard glossy blister blisters pain numb numbness} $Log{ Step 3*0029401.tif Step 5*0029402.tif Step 8*0029403.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book FROSTBITE CAUSE Prolonged exposure to extreme cold without adequate protection can cause parts of the body to freeze. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - white or yellowish-gray areas of skin - burning or itching sensations - reddened and swollen skin - skin hard to the touch - glossy appearance to the skin - blisters - pain - feeling of numbness EMERGENCY TREATMENT 1. SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY. Call 911 or operator, or transport child to emergency room. Until Medical Assistance is Available: 2. DO NOT rub or massage affected area. DO NOT rewarm area with hot water or high heat from fireplace, stove, or other open flame. DO NOT allow child to walk on frostbitten feet. DO NOT break blisters. 3. Warm affected areas by placing them against child's body or your body. 4. Take child indoors. 5. Immerse frostbitten area in lukewarm (102 to 106 degrees_F or 39 to 41 degrees_C), not hot, water. If lukewarm water is not available, cover area with warm towels or blankets. 6. Take area out of water or remove coverings once skin becomes flushed. 7. Elevate affected limbs to promote blood circulation. 8. Separate affected toes and fingers with clean cloth. 9. Give child warm, nonalcoholic beverages. 10. Wrap and elevate affected areas when transporting child.