$Unique_ID{PAR00300} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: NOSE INJURIES} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{NOSE INJURIES fall falls falling blow blows injury foreign object bleed bleeds bleeding pain breathe breathing difficulty Nosebleed Nosebleeds Injured Broken nostril nostrils} $Log{ Nosebleed Not Caused by Direct Blow: Step 2*0030001.tif Nosebleed Not Caused by Direct Blow: Step 4*0030002.tif Injured or Broken Nose: Step 3*0030003.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book NOSE INJURIES CAUSES A fall or direct blow can cause a nose injury. A foreign object inserted into the nose can also result in injury. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - bleeding - pain - breathing difficulty EMERGENCY TREATMENT Nosebleed Not Caused by Direct Blow: 1. Have child sit down and lean forward, keeping mouth open. 2. Pinch nostrils together at lower part of nose for about 5 minutes. Release slowly. 3. Place cold cloth or ice wrapped in cloth against nose. 4. If bleeding continues, pack nostril with gauze, and pinch closed for another 5 minutes. 5. If bleeding persists, have child gently blow nose to remove any clots and excess blood and to minimize sneezing. Pinch nostrils closed for another 5 minutes. 6. If bleeding persists, seek medical attention. Foreign Object in Nose: 1. Tell child to breathe through mouth, NOT through nose. 2. Ask child to exhale or blow out gently through nose, keeping both nostrils open. 3. DO NOT remove foreign object if it cannot be blown out. Seek medical attention. Injured or Broken Nose: 1. If neck or back injury possible, DO NOT move child; see BACK AND NECK INJURIES (previous section). If head injury possible, see HEAD INJURIES (previous section). 2. Control bleeding by pinching nostrils at lower, soft part of nose. 3. Place cold cloth or ice wrapped in cloth over nose. 4. DO NOT splint nose. 5. Seek medical attention.