$Unique_ID{PAR00403} $Pretitle{} $Title{Pregnancy: The First Month: Your Changing Body} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Ellis, Jeffrey W Ellis, Maria} $Subject{First Month Changing Body pregnant pregnancy menstrual period cycle hormone hormones estrogen progesterone ovary ovaries uterus fertilized egg sperm placenta vaginal discharge bleeding spotting nausea nauseous nauseated vomit vomits vomiting morning sickness human chorionic gonadotropin urinate urinates frequently bladder} $Log{ Your Changing Body (First Month)*0040301.tif 28-Day Embryo*0060201.tif} Miracle of Birth The First Month: Your Changing Body Perhaps the first thing you will notice when you are pregnant is that you have missed your menstrual period. During a normal menstrual cycle, the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are produced by your ovaries, cause a buildup of tissue and blood vessels in the inner walls of your uterus. This is the body's way of preparing for the fertilized egg if you should become pregnant. If your egg is not fertilized by a sperm, the thickened lining of your uterus is sloughed away at the end of the month and you have a menstrual period. If your egg is fertilized, however, the lining of the uterus does not slough away. Instead, it grows even thicker and forms the attachment for the placenta (the organ that develops on the inner wall of the uterus to supply nutrients to your baby and carry the baby's waste products back to your body to be excreted). While you are pregnant, you will not have periods. During the first month of pregnancy, however, some women will notice very slight bleeding or light brown vaginal discharge at the time of the month when their period would usually occur. This is quite normal and is thought to be a result of the implanting of the placenta in the inner wall of the uterus. If you notice any bleeding after the first month, however, you should report it to your doctor immediately. When you visit your doctor for the first time during your pregnancy, you will be asked for the date that your last normal menstrual period began. This date is used to calculate the due date for your pregnancy. If possible, keep careful track of the dates of your last normal menstrual period and any other episodes of bleeding or spotting. This will help eliminate errors in calculating your due date (see next section for more on calculating your due date). Another sign that may indicate that you are pregnant is the sudden onset of nausea and vomiting--commonly called morning sickness. About two-thirds of all pregnant women experience this type of discomfort. It commonly occurs in the morning (hence its name) but may also develop at any time of the day. Morning sickness may be triggered by a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by the placenta: however, emotional factors and even unpleasant odors may also play a role. Fortunately, morning sickness is usually easy to control (see The First Trimester: Coping, a further section) and generally does not last beyond the first trimester. If you experience severe morning sickness, however, your doctor may have you modify your diet or may prescribe medication to relieve the nausea and vomiting. Another change that you are likely to notice is the need to urinate more frequently, sometimes even during the middle of the night. When you are not pregnant, your uterus lies wholly within the bony cavity of the pelvis. The bladder, which stores your urine, lies in front of the uterus, also within the pelvic cavity. As your uterus enlarges during the first trimester, it pushes against the bladder and decreases the bladder's capacity to hold urine. As a result, you will urinate more frequently and usually in smaller amounts. During the second trimester, the uterus grows upward into the abdominal cavity, relieving the pressure on your bladder and allowing you to urinate less frequently.