$Unique_ID{PAR00429} $Pretitle{} $Title{Pregnancy: The Third Trimester: Introduction} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Ellis, Jeffrey W Ellis, Maria} $Subject{Third Trimester Introduction Introductions tiring prepare preparations labor delivery} $Log{} Miracle of Birth The Third Trimester: Introduction As you enter your last three months of pregnancy, you may find yourself thinking more and more about the upcoming birth. Your large size and your baby's movements are constant reminders that you will become a mother soon. You may find yourself wanting to slow down a bit, preferring quiet evenings at home, leisurely walks, midday rest breaks, and a generally slower pace to life. The 24-hour-a-day job of making a baby--a job that is nearing completion--becomes tiring in this third trimester. As your developing baby continues to add weight and strength, you'll want to continue to eat properly, exercise regularly, avoid any possible hazards, and rest up for the work of labor and delivery. Your large size may make many of your usual tasks more difficult and may make getting comfortable seem nearly impossible. But with a little patience and care and a little extra support from those around you, you'll get through your final trimester with flying colors. As your delivery date draws near, you'll also need to prepare for the arrival of your new baby. You'll need to make room for baby in your home and in your budget. And you'll need to finalize your preparations for labor and delivery. In the following sections, you'll find discussions of the changes occurring in your baby and in your body in preparation for birth. You'll find strategies for day-to-day living that take into account your changing size and shape. And you'll find practical information about preparing for the big event that's soon to occur.