DirectX Software Development Kit Redistributable Code ----------------------------------------------------- Redistributable Code is identified as the following files and all of the files in the following directories: REDIST\ REDIST\DIRECTX REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS\DISPLAY REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS\DISPLAY\BIN REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS\DISPLAY\MSDDRAW REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS\AUDIO REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS\AUDIO\BIN REDIST\DIRECTX\DRIVERS\AUDIO\MSDSOUND REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ\DISPLAY REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ\DISPLAY\BIN REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ\DISPLAY\MSDDRAW REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ\AUDIO REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ\AUDIO\BIN REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSJ\AUDIO\MSDSOUND REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC\DISPLAY REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC\DISPLAY\BIN REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC\DISPLAY\MSDDRAW REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC\AUDIO REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC\AUDIO\BIN REDIST\DIRECTX\DRVSNEC\AUDIO\MSDSOUND In addition to the Distribution Requirements listed in Section 1 of the EULA, your distribution of the Redistributable Code is subject to the following additional provisions: a. You may either (i) distribute all of the Redistributable Code integrated with your Application together in a single set, or (ii) distribute one or more of the following files separately for use in conjunction with your Application (such as on your Web site): WEBDIST\directx.exe, WEBDIST\, or WEBDIST\ b. You must include all of the the Redistributable Code in your Application in the same order as they appear on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT cd. c. You may not modify the names of the Redistributable Code, nor may you change the directory structure of the Redistributable Code when you include such files in your Application. d. You must not remove the notice included in the "directx\license.txt" file in your distribution of the Redistributable Code. You may, however, disable the presentation of the "directx\license.txt" file in any distribution of the the Redistributable Code integrated with your Application. e. You must include an end user license agreement with your Application that grants a limited license to use the REDISTRIBUTABLE COMPONENTS only with Microsoft operating system products and otherwise protects Microsoft's and its suppliers intellectual property rights in the REDISTRIBUTABLE COMPONENTS. f. You must otherwise comply with the terms and conditions of the EULA.