Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESA LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE MPINST CreateShortcut SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina SDK Setup Wants Mplayer HereR Mplayer Mplayer1 diagnostic( DIAGNOSTIC( Diagnostic( uninstall( UNINSTALL( Uninstall( register( Register( REGISTER( \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16 InstallerR Mplayera Setup Welcome. This software will enable you to play on Mplayer.a3 It requires a Pentium with at least 8MB RAM and a $ 14,400BPS Internet connection. Welcome to Mplayerb' This will register the version of Mplayer in b Registering different version of Mplayerb& If you make use of this feature, Mplayer Setup may never a3 be able to uninstall properly again; you will need $ to clean up your hard drive and registry yourself or $ reinstall Windows. Are you sure you want to do this?( Welcome to Mplayer Setup. You can install and a. remove different Mplayer components from here. Mplayer Setupb& Welcome to Mplayer Uninstall. When you click Next, a* it will begin removing everything related $ to Mplayer from your system. Press Cancel to quit now. Mplayer Uninstallb' Choose installation type Choose to install, reinstall, or uninstall.a Install Mplayer or Mplayer games2 Reinstall Mplayer or Mplayer games2 Uninstall Mplayer or Mplayer games2 Should've been impossible to turn off all radio buttons!A Select Destination Foldera Click Next to install Mplayer files in the destination folder shown below. Most users should select this option. Click Browse to select a different directory, then click Next.R AskDestPathB8 Mpatha Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16a mplaunch.exe! InstallationInfoB7 Select Destination Folderav Select a destination folder from the Existing Folders list or type a folder name under Program Folders and press Next.R Mplayer Setup Complete$ Mplayer Setup has just finished installing on your a computer. Click Finish to complete setup. Launch to Mplayer web site.! Mplayer Changes Complete$ Setup has just finished with your a configuration changes. Click Finish to exit., Mplayer Changes Complete$ Setup has just finished with your a reinstallation. Click Finish to exit., Mplayer Changes Complete$ Setup has just finished with your a configuration changes. Click Finish to exit., Mplayer Registration Complete$ Mplayer Setup has finished registering the software a in $ Click Finish to exit., Mplayer Uninstall Complete$ Mplayer has finished uninstalling from your computer. a9 If you plan to reinstall Mplayer, you should reboot your $ system to let Windows readjust its configuration. Click Finish to exit. Connect to Mplayer.URL Command% start.exe \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Mpcheck InstallerCompletea Exit installer?( Do you really want to abort the installation?A \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Mpcheck InstallerCompletea QuestionD instramp.ini& FILER If you have a direct connection to the Internet using ISDN or a LAN, click No. If you do not have an Internet service provider, click Yes to install PSINet software and establish an account online. If you already have an Internet service provider, it may work with Mplayer but PSINet offers fastest game performance. PSINet offers a free trial and the software will not affect your ability to use another provider. Click yes to try PSINet. If you have trouble during PSINet installation, contact PSINet technical support at (717) 770-1705. For account creation issues, call (800) 827-7482. You may want to write down these numbers. Install PSINet software?( Question% instramp.ini% instramp.ini Couldn't install INI file.A PSIenabler.exe { \RemoteAccessa wizardA When you want to connect to the Internet, just aB doubleclick the PSINet connection you just created in the Dial-Up $ Networking folder (under My Computer, on your $ desktop). That will get you hooked up to the Net, $ and you will then be able to use Mplayer.* Question, The installer has detected that you have a connection to PSINet already configured on this machine. Would you like to reconfigure your PSINet connection?A PSIenabler.exe { \RemoteAccessa wizardA Mrifk! Choose Mplayer Components Choose components to install. Select a category to read its Description. Check to install or uncheck to not install components. If the Change button is active, click it to select sub-components. If you are not sure what components you need, just press , Choose Mplayer Components to Install Checked components are already installed. Select a category to read its Description. Add check marks to install additional components. If the Change button is active, click it to add additional sub-components. To remove components, Cancel Setup and reru, Choose Mplayer Components to Reinstall Check any components you wish to reinstall to your system., Choose Mplayer Components to Remove Check any components you wish to remove from your system. SdComponentDialog2B7 Mplayer Setup is about to install %d bytes a while drive %s only has %d free. Disk Spaceb& @12001;1;255,0,255A @12004;1;255,0,255A Standard Installs Mplayer, all complete games on this CD-ROM, and support for currently installed games that can work with Mplayer.A Custom Allows you to select individual components for installation. Recommended for advanced users.A Choose Setupa Please choose an installation.B Problema SdOptionsButtons returned %d!B mzap256.bmp;0,0,255 PlaceBitmapB9 mzap16.bmp;0,0,255 PlaceBitmapB8 Mplayer Setup Errora Fatal error. %s returned %d!b Assertion failed: b The directory b does not exist.* The directory b is not writable.* The directory b does not appear to contain $ a working copy of $ . Are you sure $ you want to install the Mplayer enabler there?( Directory b not empty of $ Couldn't delete b Mplayera Setup could not locate $ Please find the Mplayer CD-ROM.b Couldn't get file list from b Couldn't write log file for b uninstall may be crippled.* Couldn't get file list from b Couldn't open uninstall log file b You need a Pentium microprocessor, but the installer has detected that your computer has a b . Proceed anyway?( Mplayer works best under Windows 95. Are you sure you wish to install it under Windows NT?A Mplayer is designed for true 32-bit windows, and will not function under b Mplayer Beta 2 requires 8MB of memory; the installer has detected that your machine has only b K. Do you really want to install Mplayer on your system?( You can connect to the Internet using either a (minimum 14.4KBPS) modem or direct connection through a Local Area Network. The installer has not been able to detect a modem on this system. Would you like to install and/or configure your modem?( mplayer.z% installr.hlp$ -I Check_Your_Modem_s_Configuration -W psigh b& winhlp32.exe Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking support for your modema and $ Audio Compression for Mplayer's voice communications Install Dial-Up Networking and Audio Compression? them, Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking support for your modem Install Dial-Up Networking?, Audio Compression for Mplayer's voice communications Install Audio Compression? You do not need Dial-Up Networking if you will use a direct Internet connection, through a LAN or ISDN for example, instead of a modem. required. Would you like to install $ now?( mplayer.z% installr.hlp$ -I Adding_Dial_Up_Networking_Support -W psigh b& winhlp32.exe Question the Dial-Up Adapter, TCP/IP, and Client for Microsoft Networks have them, the Dial-Up Adapter and , TCP and TCP have Client for Microsoft Networks have them, the Dial-Up Adapter has, TCP/IP has, Client for Microsoft Networks has Internet connectivity requires that TCP/IP support be installed. At this point, b not been detected. Without this support you may not be able to use Mplayer for multiplayer gaming. Would you like to install $ now?( mplayer.z% installr.hlp$ -I Adding_Network_Drivers -W psigh b& winhlp32.exe Mplayer Setup has discovered a different version of a5 Mplayer on your system. Would you like to remove it $ before installing this one?( \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mplayera UninstallStringR .exe! Launching...a %s %sb InstallShield_Wina Mplayer Setup! InstallShield can't find its own ass with both hands!A Please wait while Setup checks your system for setup information...A Setup command line: b In first time install mode.A In maintenance install mode.A In maintenance reinstall mode.A In maintenance uninstall mode.A In complete uninstall mode.A Unknown an unknown cpu type, and is unlikely to be compatible with Mplayer software, 80286 an 80286, and would be too slow for Mplayer, 80386 an 80386, and would be too slow for Mplayer, 80486 an 80486, and would be too slow for Mplayer, Pentium Alpha an Alpha, and is not compatible with the Mplayer software, a MIPS, and is not compatible with the Mplayer software, PowerPC a PowerPC, and is not compatible with the Mplayer software with math coprocessor, CPU: b Memory: b unknown, SVGA, XVGA, better than XVGA (%dx%d with %d colors)B Video: b Windows 16-bit Windows, Windows 95 Windows NT Win32s Win32s booting from drive %c:B7 Operating System: b version $ TSD32.DLL Audio Compression: detectedA Audio Compression: not detectedA Dial-Up Networking: installed.A Dial-Up Networking: not installed.A \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Modema DriverDesca Modem(s): detected.A Modem(s): none detected.A Client for Microsoft Networks: detectedA Client for Microsoft Networks: not detectedA Dial-Up Adapter: detectedA Dial-Up Adapter: not detectedA TCP/IP: detectedA TCP/IP: not detectedA Please wait while Setup checks your system for setup information...A System scan resultsa< Mplayer Setup has determined these things about your system:B SdShowInfoListB CD-ROM drive, network drive, removeable disk, fixed disk Couldn't get info on b removeable disk( CD-ROM drive( free of $ removeable disk( (%s) b (no label) (error getting label) \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\NetworkProvidera Description2 Microsoft Dial-Up Networking( Dial-Up Networking( \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Neta DriverDesca Dial-Up Adapter! \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTransa DriverDesca TCP/IP! \Enum\Network\VREDIRa DeviceDesca Client for Microsoft Networks! %d bytesB %dKB8 %dMBB8 \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Current VersionR \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16 InstallerR 1.0 Beta 2RC16( Current Mplayer (a 1.0 Beta 2RC16$ ) detected. Current Mplayer (b ) is upgraded from or $ parallel to this installer ($ 1.0 Beta 2RC16$ Mplayer detected: version b , not from this installer. \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Start Menu Root DirectoryR \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Root DirectoryR Currently installed in b Currently installed in b Currently installed in b mplayer.z mplayer.z! mpdlls.z! mpwinsys.z! The setup directory you provided appears to be corrupt!A *.*B7 *.*B7 *.*B7 MplayerB The core Mplayer software. Without this, a Mplayer games cannot function. $ MplayerA Mplayer! mplayer.z mplayer.z! mpdlls.z! mpwinsys.z! The install directory you located appears to be corrupt!A MplayerA Mplayer and all enabling of games Installing Mplayer files Mplayer files( *.*B7 *.*B7 *.*B7 Mplayer filesd Mplayer filesA COMCTL32.OCX System% chat.ocx System% gizmo.ocx System% paint.ocx System% portrait.ocx System% sound.ocx System% richtx32.ocx Registering Mplayer... \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16$ InstallShield b Installerb' \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16 Uninstallerb \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16 Uninstall fileb gizmo.Document$ Content Typea application/mpi$ gizmo.Document \shell\open\command Programs% mplaunch.exe$ "%1" gizmo.Document Mplayer Launch Document DefaultIcon% Programs% mplaunch.exe Programs% \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Start Menu Root DirectoryR Overriding target folder %s with %s.b \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Start Menu Root Directoryb \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16 Start Menu Root Directoryb \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Start Menu Root Directoryb \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16 Start Menu Root Directoryb Creating Start Menu icons...< Practice Offline Helpa Practice Offline Practice Offlinea Commands% Mplayer Web Site.URL% Help% Connect to Mplayer Web Site.URL Commands% Mplayer Web Site.URL% Connect to Mplayer.URL Commands% CustomerService.URL% Help% Online Customer Service via the Web.URL mpinfo.hlp Mplayera Helpb& ReadMe.WRI Mplayera README% WRITE.EXE Helpb' \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Tracelevela \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Current Versiona 1.0 Beta 2RC16 \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Root Directoryb Portraits \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Portraits Directoryb& Sounds \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Sounds Directoryb& install.ini install.ini& Sign Upa DistributionR \Software\Mpath\Mplayera Sign Up Distributionb install.ini& Sign Upa Registration DefaultR \Software\Mpath\Mplayera Sign Up Registration Defaultb install.ini& Sign Upa Registration VisibleR \Software\Mpath\Mplayera Sign Up Registration Visibleb install.ini& Sign Upa Registration RequiredR \Software\Mpath\Mplayera Sign Up Registration Requiredb MPINST.DLL System% setup.exe% Uninstall Mplayer.lnk% System% uninstal.ico uninstallb Uninstall Mplayerb* System% setup.exe% System% uninstal.ico Uninstall Mplayera uninstallb) MPINST.DLL System% setup.exe \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Uninstaller Executableb' System% uninstal.ico \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\Maina Uninstall Icon Fileb' \Software\Mpath\Mplayera Users System% cafettl.bmp% System% mpcafe.hlp The Mplayer Cafe--General ChatA System% mpcafe.hlp Mplayer Cafea Helpb' System% helpttl.bmp The Mplayer Help DeskA System% setup.exe uninstall \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mplayera UninstallStringb' Doing pre-unInstallShield cleanup...A System% chat.ocx System% gizmo.ocx System% paint.ocx System% portrait.ocx System% sound.ocx System% richtx32.ocx COMCTL32.OCX \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16R Uninstaller2 \Software\Mpath\Mplayera 1.0 Beta 2RC16R Uninstall file2 \Software\Mpath\Mplayera MainR Start Menu Root Directory2 Online Chata Games Create A New Accounta Modify An Accounta Live Customer Service via Mplayera Help% Help% Online Customer Service via the Web.URL Mplayera Mplayera ReadMe% Uninstall Mplayer.lnk Uninstall Mplayera Games? ReadMe? Help? Doing pre-unInstallShield cleanup...A Invoking unInstallShield...A Invoking unInstallShield...A gizmo.Document \Software\Mpath\Mplayer \SOFTWARE\Classes\.a \SOFTWARE\Classes\a gizmo.Document \Software\Mpath\Mplayer \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigatora MainR Mozilla2 \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigatora Suffixes application/mpia \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigatora Viewers% Programs% MpNscape.exe application/mpib( TYPE%dB \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigatora Viewers application/mpi( \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigatora Viewers application/mpi \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME9 \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME9 PathR Mplayer registry C&C.EXEa GAME.DATR Scanned hard drive(s) Command & Conquera : not found. Command & Conquera You will need to locate your installation of a Command && Conquer$ to upgrade. It will install by default into b You will need to locate your installation of a Command && Conquer$ to upgrade. It will install by default into b Currently installed in b Currently installed in b mpcnc.z *.*B7 Mplayer Enabler for Command & ConquerB This enables a Command && Conquer$ to be played on Mplayer. The $ Command && Conquer$ CD-ROM is also required to play this game and can be purchased at retail outlets. $ Mplayer Enabler for Command & ConquerA Mplayer Enabler for Command & Conquer! Command & Conquer Command && Conquer C&&C.EXE.! Please locate your copy of b . The $ Mplayer enabler for $ will not work if it is $ not in the same directory as $ Select an installation of b to enable $ for Mplayer. Specify b location7 c&c.exea game.dat! Mplayer Enabler for Command & Conquer! Removing a& Mplayer Enabler for Command && Conquer Removing a& Mplayer Enabler for Command && Conquer$ files... mpinst.log mpinst.log Unregistering a& Mplayer Enabler for Command && Conquer$ \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME9 Command & Conquera Games Command & Conquera Help$ Removed a& Mplayer Enabler for Command && Conquer$ mpcnc.z Installing a Command && Conquer$ enabler files FileSetBeginDefine(C&C) = 0 *.*B8 Assertion failed!a CompressGet(%s) returned %d!a mpcnc.zB FileSetEndDefine(C&C) = 0d Assertion failed!a" FileSetPerformEz(C&C) returned %d!B mpinst.log mpcnc.zb& mpcc.bmp% mpcc.dll% mpccext.dll% mpcnc.hlp Command & ConquerA MPathb' mpcnc.hlp Command & Conquera Helpb& mpcnc.wri Command & Conquera Readme% WRITE.EXE Helpb' mpcnc.gid \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME22 \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME22 PathR Mplayer registry \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MW2W95DeinstKey! \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MW2W95DeinstKeya UninstallStringR MECH2.EXE netmechw.dll Found uninstall key, MECH2.EXEa netmechw.dllR Scanned hard drive(s) MechWarrior 2: not found.A MechWarrior 2: b You will need to locate the folder where MechWarrior 2 is installed to set up the enabler., It installs into b by default. You will need to locate your installation of a MechWarrior 2 to upgrade. It installs into b by default. Currently installed in b Currently installed in b mpmech2.z *.*B7 Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2B Enables a Mech Warrior 2 retail CD-ROM to be played on Mplayer. b Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2A Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2! Please locate your copy of MechWarrior 2. The a9 Mplayer enabler for MechWarrior 2 will not work if it is $ not in the same directory as MECH2.EXE. Select an installation of MechWarrior 2 to enable a for Mplayer. Specify MechWarrior2 locationb MechWarrior 2a mech2.exea netmechw.dll! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2! Removing a! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2 Removing a! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2$ files... oldmech2.exe% Original mech2.exe mw2.dll% Original mw2.dll netmechw.dll% Original netmechw.dll mpinst.log mpinst.log Unregistering a! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2$ \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME22 MechWarrior 2a Games MechWarrior 2a Help% mpmech.gid Original mech2.exe% mech2.exe Original mw2.dll% mw2.dll Original netmechw.dll% netmechw.dll Removed a! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2$ Installing MechWarrior2 enabler files mpmech2.z% mech2.exe% Original mech2.exe mw2.dll% Original mw2.dll netmechw.dll% Original netmechw.dll MpMech2! FileSetBeginDefine(MpMech2) = 0 *.*B8 Assertion failed!a CompressGet(%s) returned %d!a mpmech2.zB MpMech2! FileSetEndDefine(MpMech2) = 0d MpMech2A Assertion failed!a& FileSetPerformEz(MpMech2) returned %d!B mpinst.log mpmech2.zb& mpmech.bmp% mech2.exe% mpmw2ext.dll% mpmech.hlp MechWarrior 2A Mpathb' mplayer% mpmech.hlp MechWarrior 2a Helpb& mpmech.wri MechWarrior 2a Readme% WRITE.EXE Helpb' \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME5 \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME5 PathR Mplayer WarCraft: b WarCraft It will into b by default. Currently installed in b WarCraft It will into b by default. Currently installed in b Currently installed in b mpwcraft.z *.*B7 WarCraft: Orcs and HumansB Train armies and conquer kingdoms in this medieval strategy game from Blizzard. b WarCraft: Orcs and HumansA WarCraft: Orcs and Humans! Specify WarCraft destinationa* Pick a directory to install WarCraft into.R WarCraft: Orcs and Humans! Removing Mplayer WarCraft... Removing Mplayer WarCraft files...% mpinst.log save*.sav mpinst.log Unregistering Mplayer WarCraft...% mpwcraft.gid drivers \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME5 WarCrafta Games WarCrafta WarCrafta ReadMe Removed Mplayer WarCraft. mpwcraft.z Installing Mplayer version of Warcraft WarCraft! FileSetBeginDefine(WarCraft) = 0 *.*B7 Assertion failed!a CompressGet(%s) returned %d!a mpwcraft.zB WarCraft! FileSetEndDefine(WarCraft) = 0d WarCraftA Assertion failed!a' FileSetPerformEz(WarCraft) returned %d!B mpinst.log mpwcraft.zb& mpwcraft.bmp% mpwcraft.dll% mpwcraft.hlp WarCraftA Beta 1.0b' MPINST.DLL solo.exe Practice Offline% WarCraft Solo Play$ .lnk% catapult.ico WarCraft Solo Playb) MPINST.DLL mpwcraft.hlp WarCrafta Helpb& MpWcraft.WRI WarCrafta Readme% WRITE.EXE Helpb' \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME7 \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME7 PathR! Mplayer registry% share.pod C:\Games\tv\share.pod! C:\Games\tv! educated guess C:\tv\share.pod! C:\tv! educated guess TV.EXEa SHARE.PODR! Scanned hard drive(s)! Terminal Velocity: not found.A Terminal Velocity: b! mptv.z mptv.z! tvshare.z! The install directory you located appears to be corrupt!A *.*B7 *.*B7 Terminal Velocity Already installed in b! It installs into b! by default. It installs into b! by default. Installed in b! It installs into b! by default. Installed in b! It installs into b! by default. Installed in b! tvshare.log Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2B This aerial combat game from 3D Realms involves up to three opponents in a high-speed dogfight. b Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2A Mplayer Enabler for Terminal VelocityB This enables your Terminal Velocity Shareware to be played on Mplayer. b Mplayer Enabler for Terminal VelocityA Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Pick a location to install a Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2$ into. Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Please locate a copy of a Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2$ to install $ Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity$ into. Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Please pick a destination to install a Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2$ and $ Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity$ into. Specify a Terminal Velocity$ location7 Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Terminal Velocitya tv.exea share.pod! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Removing a Terminal Velocity$ components Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! tvshare.log Removing a Terminal Velocity$ files ... tvshare.log tvshare.log setup.cfg Removed a Terminal Velocity$ Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Removing a% Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity$ files... mptv.log enemy*.sav save*.dat tvstats.txt mptvs.gid mptv.log Unregistering a% Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity$ \Software\Mpath\Mplayer\MANIFESTa GAME7 Terminal Velocitya Games Terminal Velocitya Terminal Velocitya ReadMe$ Removed a% Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity$ Terminal Velocity Shareware 1.2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! mptv.z mptv.z! tvshare.z! The install directory you located appears to be corrupt!A Installing Terminal Velocity files MPTV! FileSetBeginDefine(MPTV) = 0 *.*B8 Assertion failed!a CompressGet(%s) returned %d!a tvshare.zB *.*B8 Assertion failed!a CompressGet(%s) returned %d!a mptv.zB MPTV! FileSetEndDefine(MPTV) = 0d MPTVA Assertion failed!a# FileSetPerformEz(MPTV) returned %d!B tvshare.log tvshare.zb& mptv.log mptv.zb& mptvs.bmp% gametv.dll% mptvs.hlp Terminal VelocityA Shareware 1.2b' tv.pif MPINST.DLL tv.exe Practice Offline% Terminal Velocity$ Solo Play.lnk$ Terminal Velocitya Solo Play% tvship.ico MPINST.DLL mptvs.hlp Terminal Velocitya Helpb& MPTVS.WRI Terminal Velocitya Readme% WRITE.EXE Helpb' You will need to set up Terminal Velocity to run with your sound card, or the game will not work with Mplayer. If you choose to do it now, this installer will run the setup program for you. Would you like to set up Terminal Velocity's sound now? Simply configure your sound card, and exit withoutA launching Terminal Velocity, so that you can finishA this installation.A To do that, press ESC after configuring the soundA card. The Terminal Velocity SETUP program will askA you 'Save changes before exiting?' Select Yes andA press Enter.A If you are not sure what sound card you are usingA try the Sound Blaster Pro setting, since many cardsA are compatible with it.A Configure Terminal Velocity Sounda5 You are about to configure Terminal Velocity's sound.B setup.pif SETUP.EXE if $ Remember, you must run b& you want to be able to play Terminal Velocity via Mplayer.* Use Standard Folders?( To use standard folder names and locations for games and enablers, click Yes. Most users should use this option. To specify folders, click No.A Question You have selected a configuration that includes Mplayer-based software without having Mplayer present to run that software. You will not be able to use Mplayer games. Are you absolutely sure you wish to do this?( Mplayer! WarCraft: Orcs and Humans! Mplayer Enabler for Command & Conquer! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! Mplayer! WarCraft: Orcs and Humans! Mplayer Enabler for Command & Conquer! Mplayer Enabler for MechWarrior 2! Mplayer Enabler for Terminal Velocity! \Software\Mpath\Mplayera MANIFEST% GAME$ TitleA TypeA VersionA ConfigA HelpA PathA CmdLineA InstallShield b InstallerA InstallerVersionA UninstallEXEA UninstallSilentA UninstallInteractiveA UninstallAutomaticA UninstallFilenameA MPINST.DLL MPINST.DLL May not have much luck registering b Registering b System% regsvr32.exe Error registering b /u /s b System% regsvr32.exe Error unregistering b edit( SETUPSTR862R& Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb' _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A 3.00.072