20013 Money is updating your financial information for %s. Please wait for the connection to finish. 40014 %s has requested that your %s be changed. Please enter in a new %s below and note the change in your own records. 40015 &New %s: 40016 Confirm ne&w %s: 40017 Change %s at %s 40018 Invalid %s has been entered. Please make sure that the two new %s you have entered match, and that they are not blank. 40019 Money experienced an error while calling your bank or updating your account information. Your accounts cannot be set up appropriately at this time. 40020 An error occurred which was possibly due to a corrupted installation of Money. If this problem persists, please reinstall Money. 40021 Microsoft Money 40022 One or more accounts incurred an error while trying to turn off direct services. This may be due to another application simultaneously accessing your Money file. Please make sure no other programs are accessing your Money file and try again.\n 40023 Your request to pay %s to %s on %s will not be sent electronically. Be sure to make this payment by an alternative method 40024 Online services is disabling services for account %s. 40025 You have not specified an account name for your new account.\nPlease be sure to enter an account name. 40026 Invalid Account Name 40027 For the account named '%s', you have used a character which is reserved in Money for special uses.\nPlease remove special characters from your new account name. 40028 For the account named '%s', you have chosen a name reserved by Money for new accounts.\nPlease change your new account name to a non-reserved name. 40029 '%s' already exists in your Money file, or conflicts with another new account name you have chosen. If the account you are dealing with is already in your Money file, please match it instead of creating a new one. 40030 You have matched two downloaded accounts to a single account in your Money file. You need to change this so that each downloaded account is paired with a unique account in Money. If no match exists in your file, click 'New account name 'to create a new account in your Money file. 40031 %s is currently associated with %s. Do you want to change the account so that it is associated with %s instead?\n\nIf you choose No, you must select a different account, or create a new one. 40032 You have matched the Money account %s %s with the downloaded %s account number %s. Money will update the account number in your file to match the downloaded account number. 40033 There was a problem creating '%s'. Please use the New Account Wizard to manually create the account. 40034 There was a problem enabling online services for '%s'. 40035 After enabling your new accounts for online services, Money tried to disable accounts which your financial institution did not mention during automatic account setup. However, an error occurred while attempting to disable your '%s' account. It may still be enabled for online services even though your financial institution does not acknowledge that it is enabled.