With the help of the Microsoft Money cash flow forecast, you can determine when you can make certain expenditures, as well as when you need to make certain adjustments. With the cash flow forecast, youÆll be able to plan for the cash you need to pay your bills on time, and youÆll optimize the ways your money can work for you.
You can also use the cash flow forecast, along with the Personalized Feedback area in the account register, to help you manage your account balances in such as way as to make your money work best for you.
How much is enough?
How much money should you keep in your primary checking account? It's a good idea to keep the balance high enough so you donÆt risk bouncing checks or paying unnecessary fees, but low enough that you donÆt have extra money sitting idle. You may want to adjust the amount of money you keep in your checking account if:
You can have Money warn you when it's time to adjust your balances.