One of the most useful resources in Money is the Monthly Report. Keep your Money file updated on a weekly or daily basis, and at monthÆs end you can examine a wealth of relevant financial information. No matter what your income or your goals, you can use the Monthly Report to help you review the past, analyze the present, and plan for the future.

A reminder on the Money Home page alerts you each month when the report is ready. The Monthly Report includes the following sections:

To review your Monthly Report
  1. On the Reports menu, click Monthly Reports. The list of monthly reports appears.
  2. Double-click the monthly report you want to view.
  3. Move through a report by clicking report headings in the left pane. Or, use the scroll bar to move sequentially through the report.
  4. To see more information, click the links that appear throughout the report page.
  5. If a magnifying glass icon appears as you move the mouse over values in the report, double-click it to see details.
  6. To print the report, on the File menu, click Print. Select the print options you want, and then click OK.