The available transaction forms vary depending on the type of account youÆre working with:
Entering transactions in one of the available forms is as easy as filling out a check.
In this fieldà | Enterà |
Number | Check number, if applicable. The check number is automatically incremented from the previously used check number for this account. For online transactions, you can enter Epay, Apay, or Xfer in this field. |
Date | The date of the transaction. A date is automatically entered. If you need to change the date, clicking the down arrow displays a pop-up calendar. |
Pay To | For withdrawals, the name of the company or person to whom youÆre writing the check. If youÆve entered this payee before, Money automatically completes the field after you type the first few letters of the payee name. Enter the payee names consistently, so that you can get accurate summary information about each payee. |
From | For deposits, the company or person from whom the deposit originated. For transfers, the account youÆre transferring from. The accounts youÆve set up in Money are in the drop-down list. |
To | For transfers, the account youÆre transferring to. If you type in a different account name, you can create the account on the spot. |
Category | The type of expenditure or income this transaction represents. Click the down arrow to see the list of categories, and then click the category that applies to this transaction. For example, for gasoline or car repairs, select Automobile. If youÆve previously entered the payee, Money will automatically complete the category that the payee is associated with. If this is a new payee, Money may use key words in the payee name to estimate the category. |
Amount | The amount of the transaction. |
Memo | An explanatory note for the transaction. Certain reports print the memos you enter. This field is optional. |