Using Money to print checks can save you time when paying bills, especially if you print several checks at once. Instead of having to write checks out by hand, you can have Money print your check information on special blank checks you can purchase. If you also order window envelopes, you donÆt have to address the envelopes either. Just slip the printed checks into the window envelopes, stamp, and mail.
Wallet size, standard size, and voucher checks are available. To order checks, call MoneyÆs Checks and Supplies department at 800-432-1285.
Printer driver for Money checks. If your checks are not printing correctly, you might need a different printer driver. Check your printer documentation for another printer that your printer can act like, or ôemulate.ö Then go to the manufacturerÆs Web site to find the driver for that emulating printer. Load the driver on your system, and try printing the checks again.