As you become more proficient at using Money, you might find it more convenient to quickly access features and commands using keyboard combinations. This table summarizes the keyboard shortcuts you can use to carry out common tasks or go to frequently used pages in Money.
To Press
File shortcuts
Open a file CTRL+O
Create a new file CTRL+N
Print CTRL+P
Close Money ALT+F4
Editing shortcuts
Cut text and place on clipboard CTRL+X
Undo last typing ALT+BACKSPACE or CTRL+Z
Money tools shortcuts
Go to the Money Home page ALT+HOME
Find a transaction CTRL+F
Find and replace F3 or CTRL+H
Insert todayÆs date in the Date box CTRL+D
Increase a date by one Plus sign (+)
Decrease a date by one Minus sign (-)
Open or close selected dropdown list F4
Open the Windows Calculator CTRL+K
Convert an amount to a foreign currency when the insertion point is in an amount field F8
When updating your investment holdings, select a price, quantity, or cash balance to update F2
Cancel changes ESC
Accounts and bills shortcuts
When entering a new transaction in a register, use information from the same field in the previous transaction CTRL+Y
Go to the same field in the previous transaction in the account register CTRL+UP ARROW
Go to the same field in the next transaction in the account register CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Return to your most recently edited transaction in this account register CTRL+G
Split a transaction CTRL+S
Create a scheduled payment or deposit from the selected transaction in the account register CTRL+E
Switch between Top Line Only and All Transaction Details views in the account register CTRL+T
Switch focus to or from feedback pane in account register F9
Undo delete in the account register CTRL+Z
In the account register, switch the entry amount between the euro and the currency of the account for euro member currencies. F11
Mark a transaction as cleared (C) in the account register CTRL+M
Mark a transaction as reconciled (R) in the account register CTRL+SHIFT+M
Page shortcuts
Go to the Accounts List CTRL+SHIFT+A
Go to the Bills & Deposits List CTRL+SHIFT+B
Go to the Categories & Payees List CTRL+SHIFT+C
Go to the Investment Portfolio CTRL+SHIFT+I
Go to the Lifetime Planner CTRL+SHIFT+P
Go to the Tax Estimator CTRL+SHIFT+T
Go to the Reports Gallery CTRL+SHIFT+R
Open the Help pane F1
Web shortcuts
Go to the Web CTRL+SHIFT+W
Refresh the Money Web browser F5
When using MoneyÆs internal browser, launch Internet Explorer F11


Quicken shortcuts. If youÆre a former Quicken user, your keyboard shortcuts might be set to Quicken equivalents. To set them to Money shortcuts, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Editing. Clear the Keyboard shortcuts for Quicken users check box. For more information, type ôQuicken shortcutsö in the Ask Money box.