In Money, you can set up a realistic budget with very little effort. Money starts a budget for you that includes any scheduled deposits and bills youÆve already entered. The Budget Planner takes you step by step through setting up your income and expenses. You see how much income is available after you pay your regular expenses. With that extra cash, you can set savings goals, like paying down a debt, contributing toward investments, or purchasing something special.
Once your budget is established, Money helps you track your progress, and lets you make adjustments for one-time expenses that come up occasionally. You can also edit your budget to make permanent changes.
The Budget Planner is fully integrated with the rest of Money. Scheduled bills and paychecks are automatically included. Your budget is linked to the Debt Reduction Planner as well as the Cash Flow Review. You see spending thermometers with your budgeted limits in your account registers.
Watch the budget video. The video provides a demonstration and can give you a better sense of how to use the Budget Planner. On the Help menu, point to Instructional Videos, and then click Create a budget.