You can look at your portfolio information from many points of view. First, you can simply review your investment transactions. With the Portfolio Review, you can review overall performance, including potential tax liability, asset allocation, major holdings, and more. You can choose from several different portfolio views. You can even customize your portfolio view to show exactly the investment information you want.

To review or edit transactions in your portfolio

Add new investments, edit existing ones, and review investment details directly from the portfolio.

  1. On the Investing menu, click Portfolio.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of any investment. The investment expands to show its information. Click the minus sign (-) to collapse it.
  3. If you want to edit a transaction, double-click it. Make your changes, and then click OK.
To review investment performance with the Portfolio Review
  1. On the Investing menu, click Portfolio.
  2. In the left pane, click Analyze my portfolio, and then click Portfolio Review.

    This page presents the big picture of all the investments in your portfolio (see Figure 6-5). This includes pie charts with your investment mix by asset allocation, capitalization, and investment type. It also includes your best and worst investment performers, your risk profile, and account list.

Figure 6-5. Review your portfolio.