WinIVR Interactive Voice Response

WinIVR is a professional Interactive Voice Response software of Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) and Call Center.

Bases on Microsoft TAPI3, supports a variaty of devices, such as voice modem, voice board including Dialogic, NMS and Music Telecom, and IPPhone.

Supports most functions that operate telephone used in IVR, such as getting caller ID, answering call, making call, playing wav file, recording to wav file, speaking text, receiving DTMF codes, sending DTMF codes and pausing etc.

Is a visible flow edition of treeview frame, easy to use, control and understand.

Integrates Debugger that is easy to trace and test flow, and fix errors.

Supports Microsoft SAPI5.1, you may use multilingual speech synthesis (or text-to-speech (TTS)).

Can access Database using ActiveX Data Object (ADO), you may have multiple connedtions of database, create dynamic SQL statements, open database, move between records of openned database, and get field value of current record.

Can define Variant, you may calculate it, operate it, and convert it as string or datetime.

Has plenty of flow control methods, such as If, Switch, Case, While, Label, Goto, Finish, Restart.