Settings Reference

Here you'll find a comprehensive list of all possible settings in XPAntiSpy3 for your reference. Click on the links to expand the items you're interested in.


Do not acquire licenses automatically

Disable identification of player by websites

Disable automatic codec download

Error reports

Disable error reports

Disable error reports for critical errors


Explorer: Turn off remotedesktop support

Don't synchronize with internet-time

Set RegDone=1

Remove MS-support user

Delete Alexa registry entry

InternetExplorer 6

Disable automatic updates

Disable scheduled updates

Disable integrated Windows authentification


Disable error-report service

Disable auto-updates service

Disable timeserver service

Disable task-scheduler service

Microsoft Messenger (MSN)

You have to choose one of these three options (Default: No action).

No action

Disable autostart

Uninstall completely

Regsvr32 DLL's

