1 Twelve Tone Systems digital audio server 2 Processing audio data 3 Preparing waveform display 4 Loading audio data 5 Writing compacted audio 6 Updating audio events 7 Changes will not take effect until the next time you start Cakewalk. To make them take effect now, please choose Exit from the File menu, then start Cakewalk again. 8 Audio Settings 10 Bass 11 Drums 12 Guitar - Acoustic 13 Guitar - Lead or Distorted 14 Guitar - Tight Rhythm 15 Piano 16 Saxophone 17 Brass Instrument 18 Vocal 19 Generic 20 Ensemble 21 Woodwind Instrument 22 Unknown 23 + FX, Left 24 + FX, Right 25 + FX, Mono 26 27 Exception code: %08lX (%s)\n\nModule: 28 \nAddress: %08lX (%04lX:%08lX)\n\n 29 Cakewalk may be unstable as a result of this error. To prevent further damage, please save your work into a different file and restart Cakewalk.\n\nChoose OK to stop processing now, allowing unsaved work to saved.\nChoose CANCEL to continue processing despite the error.\n 30 Access Violation 31 Invalid Page Fault 32 No Memory Fault 33 Illegal Instruction Fault 34 Noncontinuable Fault 35 Invalid Disposition 36 Array Bounds Exceeded 37 Floating Point Denormal Operand 38 Floating Point Divide By Zero 39 Floating Point Inexact Result 40 Invalid Floating Point Operation 41 Floating Point Overflow 42 Floating Point Stack Check 43 Floating Point Underflow 44 Integer Divide By zero 45 Integer Overflow 46 Priveledged Instruction Fault 47 Stack Overflow 48 Control+C Exit 49 Unknown