10 Video for Windows 1.1 required for export 14 This sound card cannot play 44.1kHz sampled \nsounds. These sounds will be ignored. 15 Director requires at least %dMB of free \nvirtual memory to run. 16 Could not load Director, check free system \nresources. 120 January 121 February 122 March 123 April 124 May 125 June 126 July 127 August 128 September 129 October 130 November 131 December 132 Janvier 133 Februar 134 M rz 135 April 136 Mai 137 Juni 138 Juli 139 August 140 September 141 Oktober 142 November 143 Dezember 144 Janvier 145 FÈvrier 146 Mars 147 Avril 148 Mai 149 Juin 150 Juillet 151 Aoat 152 Septembre 153 Octobre 154 Novembre 155 DÈcembre 160 Sunday 161 Monday 162 Tuesday 163 Wednesday 164 Thursday 165 Friday 166 Saturday 167 Sonntag 168 Montag 169 Dienstag 170 Mittwoch 171 Donnerstag 172 Freitag 173 Samstag 174 dimanche 175 lundi 176 mardi 177 mercredi 178 jeudi 179 vendredi 180 samedi 1024 Alert 1025 Ctrl+%s 1026 Print File 1027 Unable to start print job 1028 All Files (*.*) 1029 Debug Str 1030 Could not find or open ASIPORT.RSR 1031 Shift+Ctrl+%s 1280 R 1281 P&rint Setup... 1282 X 1283 E&xit 2048 Initialization Error 2049 Windows version must be 3.1 or higher. 2050 CPU must be Intel 386 or higher. 2051 Windows must be in enhanced and protected mode. 2054 Not enough free memory to run Director. 2056 Problem during initialization. Director cannot \nbe run. 2176 Director 6.0 2177 DIRECTOR.HLP 2200 More... 3000 You must have write permission to personalize \nyour copy of Director. \n \nThe disk on which Director is located might \nbe locked. 3001 Quit 3002 Please enter the correct serial number. 3003 Please enter your name and organization. 3100 Macromedia ziplib compressor 3101 Macromedia ziplib decompressor 3102 Missing decompression extra. To view this item, you need the following decompressor: %s 3103 Macromedia ziplib compression, contact Macromedia, Inc., San Francisco, CA 4000 Done 4001 &Create 4002 Create Projector 4010 Projector size: %ldK 4020 %s\nThis file cannot be found.\n\nMake sure \nthe correct path and filename are given. 4100 Unable to read file %s 4101 Unable to create or save file %s.\n\nYour disk \nmay be full. 4102 Windows 3.1 4103 Windows NT and 95 4104 Unable to create any kind of projector because \nof missing resources. 20421 Required Information\n\n^0 can not run without your name and serial number. 31001 Invalid Serial Number\n\nThe serial number has not been entered correctly. Please check it and re-enter it. 31002 Required Information\n\nDirector cannot run without your name and serial number. 31003 Too many characters entered.\n\nYour entry has been shortened to fit the maximum length. 31101 Director 31102 DRW 31105 600 31106 Contact.EXE 31111 (Windows 95 or later) 31112 (Windows NT) 31113 (Windows 32s) 31311 Encountered an error^0\n\n^1 31312 Encountered an unknown error^0 31321 . 31322 while creating a necessary temporary file: 31323 while saving the registration information: 31324 while reading the registration information: 31325 while trying to run the registration program ("Contact.EXE"): 31326 while personalizing Director: 31331 The file containing the registration information was corrupted. 31332 The file containing the registration information was incomplete or corrupted. 31333 The pathname of the registration program "Contact.EXE" is too long.\n\nTry moving the application directory to a location with a shorter path name. 31334 The file containing the registration information is locked. 31335 The registration program "Contact.EXE" could not be found in the same folder as the Director application.\n\nPlease move it to the corrrect location or re-install it. 31336 The file containing the registration information is stored on a locked disk or directory.\n\nRegistration information can be updated only if the file can be modified. 31337 The file containing the registration information could not be created. 31338 Out of memory. 31339 The disk is full. 31340 An unknown disk error occurred while reading or writing to the Director 6.0 folder. 31341 An incorrect serial number was found in the file containing the registration information. 31342 You canceled the operation. 31344 No modem was found. 31345 There was a problem communicating with the printer. 31346 An internal program error occurred.