- Fixed an issue with Leeland in Moonglow so he doesn't say his --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- daddy's gonna die over and over again. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- There are a few items that will only be reflected if you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- install the patch before you reach a certain point in the game. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Note that these fixes are less critical to your gaming --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- enjoyment (the game still works, we just improved upon a few --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- things) and you are not required to start over. The patch --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- will still fix the issues listed above regardless of how much --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- you've played. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ------------------------------------------------------------- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fixed an issue in New Magincia where the quest was not --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- completable if you went to Ambrosia/Hythloth first. Note: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You may be able to continue with an existing savegame --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- depending upon how the quest was triggered. This will fix --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the problem 100% of the time if you have a savegame anytime --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- before you received the quest from Katrina. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - The lighthouses without gems were emitting light before --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the gems were placed. This will be fixed if you install --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the patch before you arrive in Britannia. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Aidon now consistently returns to his house in Britain after --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- you free his daughter in Paws. This will be fixed if you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- install the patch before you arrive in Britannia. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fixed an issue where you could fall through the lift in --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Covetous. If you install the patch before enter Covetous --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- you will see this change. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fixed an issue where the Silver Serpent prison would be --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- unlocked but he would not be free. This would only occur --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- if you got the key, left the cave and then returned later --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to free him. If you install the patch before you arrive --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in Britannia you will see this change. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fixed an issue where the flag wasn't properly being set --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- when you picked up the glyph of compassion. This would --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- cause Raven to not show up outside of Despise and the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Mayor to not move to Paws. You will see this fix if you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- install the patch before entering Despise. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fixed an issue with a cave along the coast of Minoc where