AI: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - AI in both World and Tactical modes has been enhanced --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - World and Tactical Combat AIs sometimes produced AI errors --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fast Combat and Tactical Combat AIs now protect Heroes and Leaders better --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Tactical Combat AI sometimes mis-targetted spells --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - World AI sometimes took structures that were being rebuilt from players --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the AI was at peace with --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - World AI is more likely to make alliances with players it is at Peace with --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Lord AI Heroes now get +3 EXP/day, instead of the previous +5 EXP/day --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- General: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - On some machines, the game produced desktop redraw problems on exiting --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Having Detail Level set to LOW, with sound/music ON, caused the Fast Combat --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and Unit Windows to lock up --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Fire attacks did not set units on fire --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Pressing F11 or F12 caused error messages --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Various text errors have been corrected --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Campaign: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Heroes' skill points were not transferred between scenarios --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Spells being cast were not cancelled when a scenario ended --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Temporary abilities were not cancelled when a scenario ended --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - When a Hero gained a Level in the last fight of a scenario, they never got an --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Upgrade Dialog --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Global: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Builders could not build roads --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Leaders that began scenarios with items sometimes had problems with those items --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Underground, Holy Woods / Unholy Woods / Poison Plants were impassible --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Summoned creatures sometimes deserted if the player ran out of gold --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Warmonger didn't give new units their rank-abilities --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Animated Heroes could be Animated again --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Items that gave Protection and/or Immunity abilities didn't work properly --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Water Nodes could not be entered when Freeze Water was cast on them --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - Allies could sometimes attack each other if they collided while moving to a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- different target