I. TUNING CHANGES --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ================= --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Defender gun stats adjusted --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Heavy Corvette build time reduced, build cost reduced --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o MultiGun Corvette build time reduced --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Minelayer Corvette build time reduced, build cost reduced --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Cloaked Fighter gun stats adjusted --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Carrier build time decreased --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Carrier hyperspace cost increased --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Attack Bomber armor increased --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Missile armor decreased --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Missile tracking decreased --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Missile Destroyer mass increased --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- II. BUG FIXES --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ============ --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Bounty rating capped at 250. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Homeworld now checks all available CD-ROM drives for the Homeworld CD - the Homeworld --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- CD can be placed in any CD-ROM drive on the system --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Cheat detection for multiplayer games. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Screensavers will no longer activate when Homeworld is running --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- o Various Save Game Bugs fixed