website where the files will be autodownloaded from. If a client running 405b or earlier --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- connects to your server, it will ignore the redirection and attempt to download the file directly --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- from the server, so it is important to configure the non-redirected download options even if you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- intend use redirected downloads. If UseCompression is set to True, the files must be stored on --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the remote website as compressed .uz files. You can create a compressed .uz file by using the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- command ucc compress from the DOS prompt in the UnrealTournament\System directory. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Typing ucc help compress will give you a list of supported options (currently this is only a list of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- filenames or wildcards to compress). If UseCompression is set to False, the custom package --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- files should be put on the website as they are. Here are some examples of ucc compress: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- C:\UnrealTournament\System> ucc compress ..\maps\dk*.unr --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- C:\UnrealTournament\System> ucc compress ..\textures\customskins1.utx --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ..\textures\customskins1.utx ..\maps\as-bridge.unr