Tweaked some AI paths. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked the fog settings. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked sound propagation. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Precious Cargo --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked lighting for better stealth experience. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked the mantling puzzle. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Fixed a bug where you could play through mission and not trigger an important objective --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- change. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked sound propagation. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Kidnap --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Added some powerups to mission. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Fixed a bug in one of the conversations that caused it to repeat each time you trigger it instead --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of playing just once. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Made some scrolls easier to find. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Made some lighting tweaks to make it easier to sneak by certain places. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked some AI behaviors to make them better responses to possible player interactions. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Fixed a couple of little map bugs. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked difficulty levels. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Casing and Masks --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Made several aesthetic improvements to the levels. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Tweaked some AI patrol paths for better game play. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Added some more powerups to the level. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Made some lighting tweaks to make it easier to sneak by certain places. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Fixed a couple of physics bugs that caused some objects to act strangely. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Fixed a couple of map bugs. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Hid some secret doors better. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Fixed a model problem with some clocks that caused transparency problems. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Made it so that a container for an important quest item appears in different places on different