===INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES================================================== Please contact the following local dealers to acquire additional Knowledge Adventure (tm) products in your geographic area. Be sure to also inquire about the availability of international versions of your favorite Knowledge Adventure (tm) programs. We are proud to announce that our programs are being translated into German, French, and Spanish, with more languages to come later in 1994. In Australia, contact: Sega Ozisoft Pty. Ltd. Lock bag 7 Rosebery NSW 2018 Phone: (02) 317 0000 Fax: (02) 317 0010 Hot Line: (008) 808 257 In the United Kingdom: GuildSoft LTD. The Computer Complex City Business Park, Stoke Plymouth PL 4BB Phone: (0752) 60 6200 Fax: (0752) 60 6174 In France: EDUSOFT 132 Boulevard Cam‚linat 92 247 MALAKOFF Cedex Phone: (1) 46 73 05 05 In Germany: HEUREKA-Klett Softwareverlag Bestellservice Postfach 11 70 71398 Korb Phone: (711)-66 72-333 Fax: (711)-66 72-800 In Israel: ISB Systems Trade Ltd. 76 Allenby Street Tel Aviv 65812 Phone: (3) 510-5764 Fax: (3) 517-7257 In Spain: ANAYA Multimedia Dpto. De Marketing Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 15 28027 Madrid Phone: (1) 320 90 52