OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\PITCH&P.OPL Golf.ODB \OPD\ DRIVE$ TIMING% POWER% SHOTTYP% AIMX% WINDLR WINDINTO GCENTX% GCENTY% WLEVEL% IDWIND% IDCLUB% IDABOUT% RESIST THOLES& IDBACK% IDPAR% ROLLING SLOPELR SLOPINTO PLAYERX PLAYERY THETAH STHETA CTHETA SHOTCNT% BUNKX1 BUNKY1 BUNKX2 BUNKY2 TARGETX TARGETY MAXSPDOV DISTMAX% AUTOSCR% AUTOSCR$ SCORE1% SCORE2% CURHOLE% PLAYPAR% LENGTH% TWOPLAY& CURPLAY% PLAYNAM$ NOFILES INTRO PROCS DISTANCE HOLINTRO KGET% SHOWPAR SHOWCLUB REPDIST ROTANGLE TRANSX TRANSY VIEWX VIEWY SLOPE GREEN BUNKER PROCW GOLFER PROCO PROCL KEYCLEAR SWING FLIGHT OOBOUNDS HITREPT INTHEHOL PROCH PROCC RESULT PROCX Player 1 N. Faldo :\pitch&p\p&pstart.picKW :\pitch&p\p&pstart.picKO O O&O O O1O :\pitch&p\backdrop.picKO Y@OP|W @e@2[ 7@2\[: *433333 *433333 ?:`[u $@RWB}* Od|2[ @`@2\ 4@2\[X 4@:[W +&3-click any normal key to play stroke!O *gfffff Don't forget the MENU key!O *gfffff RWBix RWBix |VWBx RWBIx RWBIx RWBIx OF|2[ *433333 PUTTER TEEMARK GCENTX% GCENTY% SHOTTYP% CURPLAY% SHOTCNT% PUTTER SHOTTYP% CURPLAY% KEYCLEAR CROSSHR KGET% SHOTTYP% CURPLAY% DISTMAX% AIMX% POWER% TIMING% Slice Od0[, O h8[@ PL|WBIxOG CTHETA STHETA STHETA CTHETA .@j:[! @VWBx @VWBxO |VWBx JVWBx T|WBix T|WBx $@VNR $@VNRJ (@VZR VIEWX VIEWY DISTANCE SHOTTYP% CURPLAY% AIMX% WINDINTO RESIST POWER% WINDLR TIMING% SLOPINTO ROLLING SLOPELR TARGETX TARGETY MAXSPDOV *333333 |R*433333 *433333 ARROW WINDLR WINDINTO IDWIND% ARROW SLOPELR SLOPINTO IDWIND% Break KGET% WLEVEL% PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% SHOTCNT% has hit the ball out of bounds! will be docked a shot, and the ball returned to the playing area! KGET% WLEVEL% PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% PLAYERX PLAYERY BUNKX1 BUNKX2 BUNKY1 BUNKY2 RWB}* hit the ball `h@:`[ IDCLUB% Drive Pitch Putter AIMX% KGET% WLEVEL% SHOTCNT% CURPLAY% CURHOLE% PLAYPAR% PLAYNAM$ Incredible! A Hole In One! Fantastic! + An eagle Well done, + a birdie Well holed! + made par Unlucky! bogied... Hard luck! took GCENTX% GCENTY% GCENTX% GCENTY% *gfffff *gfffff *433333 *433333 PROCH WLEVEL% AUTOSCR$ AUTOSCR% OLWCHPSAXKIBG Views+ OverheadOO+ Ball LieOL+ About P&POP Stats+ Who's shooting?OW+ Course CardOC Options+ SetupOS+ AutoViews O ExitOX Help!+ About HelpOH+ On KeysOK+ On HittingOI+ On ClubsOB+ On GamesOG KEYCLEAR ARROW KGET% WLEVEL% CURHOLE% LENGTH% BUNKY1 BUNKX1 BUNKY2 BUNKX2 PLAYERY CURPLAY% PLAYERX PLAYNAM$ Hole , Length m Par Bunker Tree! HO7|O KGET% CURPLAY% DRIVE$ WLEVEL% :\PITCH&P\LIEK .PICK + Ball lies nicely. GFI! in long grass in sand ... WLEVEL% +*Don't panic! Pitch & Putt is easy to play! +(To get help on which keys to use, how to +*aim your shots, hints and tips etc, please +&look at the Help screens listed on the +(main menu. Press a key now and then MENU when it's your turn next! PROCP KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% IDABOUT% DRIVE$ :\pitch&p\ball.picKO TRANSX TRANSY VIEWX VIEWY PLAYERX CURPLAY% PLAYERY TRANSX TRANSY VIEWX VIEWY BUNKX1 PLAYERX CURPLAY% BUNKY1 PLAYERY BUNKX2 BUNKY2 9@2\[ KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% THOLES& SCORE1% SCORE2% LENGTH% PLAYNAM$ PLAYPAR% Pitch & Putt SCORECARD LPOPHOF PLAYNAM$ TWOPLAY& THOLES& CURHOLE% Pitch & Putt Setup No. human playersO + No. holes Player 1 name:O Player 2 name:O IDCLUB% IDPAR% CURHOLE% PLAYNAM$ CURPLAY% SHOTCNT% - Shot K KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% CURHOLE% LENGTH% IDABOUT% Welcome to hole Length : O,O)O KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% PLAYPAR% PLAYNAM$ Pitch & Putt head to head ++ULT! RESULT! RESULT! RESULT! RESULT! RESULT KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% Thankyou for playing Pitch & Putt. +-If you have enjoyed the game, please register with the author, Steve Litchfield, 8 Grove Farm, Mytchett, SURREY GU16 6AQ Registration would encourage me +&greatly! Registration is 5.00 Thanks! KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% +'Pitch & Putt has been kept very simple, +#there are no game keys to remember! +(You can clear screens (like this one) by +)hitting any key. Likewise for controlling +'your hits, though you may find using a +)letter key gives more accuracy & control. KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% +)The method of taking a shot is similar to +'that of other computer golf games. Look +(first at the distance from your position +(to the pin, then at the average distance +(your current club will give you when hit at full power, shown at the More>>> +'Left edge of the 'Power Bar'. Take into +%account the prevailing wind or slope/ +%'Break', ie. direction and magnitude, +$and your ball lie ie. Good lie, Long grass or Sand, and decide what percentage of the power bar More>>> +"maximum you will need to use. Your +"ball lie is important because when +!playing a shot from long grass or +"sand, your effective range is much +%less. Before taking your shot, notice the cross-hairs and use the More>>> +'left and right arrows to aim your shot, + normally into the wind or slope. +'Poise your finger over a convenient key +(and use the '3-click' method of control. +'i.e. Once to start your swing, a second +(to determine power and again to time it. KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% +%Just as in real Pitch & Putt, in this +$game, you have a very limited choice +!of clubs! I've been generous, and +%allowed a 4-iron AND a pitching wedge +'as well as a putter. Selection of these +'clubs is totally automatic. You'll see! KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% +%There are two basic modes: either you +%can play the computer or a friend. Be +$warned when challenging the computer +(to a game, it's so good that its default +$name is set to N.Faldo! You can also ++choose to play less than the usual 9 holes. KEYCLEAR WLEVEL% The Pitch & Putt .PIC files were not found in a \PITCH&P directory. Please follow the instructions in the WRD file! Hit a key to continue! AUTOSCR% GOLFER{ SWINGz ROTANGLE TRANSX TRANSY VIEWX VIEWY TREEs DISTANCEi NOTE6 FLIGHT SLOPEC OOBOUNDS HITREPT SHOWCLUB CROSSHR INTHEHOLT$ TEEMARK6& CLUB_& PUTTERk( ARROW KGET% PROCO PROCL~0 PROCH PROCX INTRO 3 GREEN BUNKER PROCC PROCS REPDIST SHOWPAR PROCW HOLINTRO|> KEYCLEAR_? RESULT PROCP PROCKfB PROCI PROCB PROCG NOFILESkK PROCAlL