OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\PSIONMAN.OPL e"BUQ- PsionMan.ODB \OPD\ INFLAG% QUIZ% PFLOOR% PACT% DFLOOR% DACT% PNAME$ DNAME$ ONAME$ PHONE% LOADIT CUTPICS% ALIVE \OPD\Psiman.prsW PsionMan Version 1.3O (C) A.Baldwin 1993( Email comments etc. toO andrew@zarquon.demon.co.uk Congratulations!( You have just providedO a new home for a littleO --- PsionMan ---O OdO-O DRAWSPRT CREATEFL CHECKIN PERSON1 PERSON2 PFLOOR% PACT% DFLOOR% DACT% ONAME$ DNAME$ PNAME$ Nice to see you, Hello again, Oh, it's YOU again. has died. It looks like has died! That was strange, + I thought the house was shaking! PFLOOR% Oe0\[L Oq0\[^ PNAME$ PsionMan Help Press Enter to talk to Press PSION-X to quit( Press PSION-E to evict PsionMan Version 1.3O (C) A.Baldwin 1993( Email comments etc. toO andrew@zarquon.demon.co.uk QUEST DRAWSPRT PACT% PFLOOR% QUIZ% Os8\[ Hmmm...I wonder what's on TV. +"Hey! A quiz show, big cash prizes! Why don't I enter? +"Just help me with these questions. Grrr....same old stuff. Hey, that was interesting. Wonder if I've got any email. I fancy a game of tetris. Hmmm. No email for me today. Great! I got some email. Grrr...I only got lines. Hey, I got lines. I think I'll play again. OdD[# I feel very ill! I don't feel too well. I feel tired. I think I'll go to bed. Op@[E Hmmm....all out of + dog food. food. +#Better go to the shops to get some. MON% Oh dear, no money! I'd better go to work. MON%$ MON% I'm going to win this quiz! +%I won! I'll never have to work again! MON%$ I came second MON%$ I lost MON%$ MON% MON%$ MON% +$Weather's good. I should get outside to make the most of it. O 0\[ +!That was good. Shouldn't stay out too long though. PACT% PFLOOR% PHONE% DNAME$ DACT% DFLOOR% Bathtime I think. The phone! I wonder who it is? +!Arrrghh, that stupid phone again, I REFUSE to answer it! Hmmm, the phone. The phone! I wonder who it is? +!I think I'll just phone a friend. +'I think I'll just phone about that job. I got sacked! It was a friend of mine. I hate telephone sales! Hmmm...no reply. I'm glad I caught him. Great! I got the job! I fancy listening to some music I wonder what's on the radio? Ahhhh, that was good. + I should do some piano practice. I feel like playing the piano. I hate scales! That went well. Hmmm...that didn't go too well. Ahhh, I enjoyed that. I feel hungry. ?NWBIx I think must be hungry. Here , come on boy, food. Oh no! + is dead! Hmmm...he seems a bit moody. Wonder if I've got any mail. Grrr...bills, bills, bills. Great, a letter from my sister. Come on , walkies! Oh no! + is dead! DACT% DFLOOR% PFLOOR% Os8\[ h|B[" DFLOOR% Oe0\[L Oq0\[e PFLOOR% DFLOOR% H0\[" H0\[" SAVEIT OxH@[ OeH@[ \OPD\Psiman.prs PNAME$ DNAME$ ONAME$ \OPD\Psiman.prs NAMES$ MON%$ George Julian Harry Russell Elliot Charles Steve Kevin Killer Gnasher Hello, my name is +"Thankyou for giving me and my dog, a home. What is your name? Come on, tell me your name! Well, hello NAMES$' PNAME$ DNAME$ ONAME$ \OPD\Psiman.prs NAMES$ NAMES$# NAMES$# NAMES$# NAMES$# ONAME$ PHONE% DNAME$ +#Go away, I don't feel like talking. What do you want? What is it? OK, don't speak to me then! MONEYO CASHO MON% I've got lots of money! MON% +#I haven't got very much money left! I've run out of money! Maybe I should get a job.... FOODO I've got lots of food. I'm running out of food. My fridge is empty! FOODO +#I've got loads of cans of dog food. Hmmm...only one can left. Oh dear, none left! WHATO TELEO TELLYO The goldfish bowl! A nature program. A great film! WHEREO WORKO I don't have a job! At the bank. WORKO MON% Yes, I should get a job! MON% But I have money! I've got a job already! No, I don't want another job FEEDO WALKO HUNGRYO GOODO TETRISO I'm great at tetris. OK, sometimes. COMPUTERO ADDICTO No I'm not! +!Oh dear, I'd better stop playing. +"Life, the universe and everything! has died. isn't looking too well. seems a bit moody. is just fine. HOW ARE YOUO FEELO I feel great thanks! I feel a bit ill actually. I'm in a bad mood, ok? WHEN O WHY O WHAT O WHERE O WHO O HOW O Hmmmm....I don't know. What ARE you talking about? H|RWBIx OOOP( OLOO( OPOI( QUIZ% +%What is the longest bone in the body? FEMURO THIGHO +#What planet was discovered in 1846? NEPTUNEO +%What is made by the bessemer process? STEELO OK, I'll enter now! MRPSION ALIVE HELP: PERSON1S PERSON2y) DCFE= DRAWSPRT CHECKIN CREATEFL SAVEIT LOADIT PAR%lN CUTPICS% QUEST CHECKIN CREATEFL SAVEIT LOADIT PAR%lN CUTPICS% QUEST