OPLObjectFile** LOC::D:\PSION\RISK.OPL` Risk.ODB \OPD\ FILE$ NEUTT% CHTO$ PASS% FARM$ FROM% PLAYER$ PSWD$ PMISS% PSWDCHK$ PLAYNO% NOARM% PARM% NEUTARM% OLDTERR% NEWTERR% REGION$ TERR$ MISS% ARMIES% PTERR% TERR% CARDS% PCARDS% CHCON$ CHNA$ CHSA$ CHAF$ CHEU$ CHAS$ CHAU$ PASS2% REGNAME$ INITIAL INISCRN NEWGAME VERSION VPLAY PASSWORD VMISS VTERR CARDS m:\riskpics\world.picW m:\riskpics\world a:\riskpics\world.picW a:\riskpics\world b:\riskpics\world.picW b:\riskpics\world File+ Load GameOl+ Save GameOs Setup+ New GameOn+ PasswordsOd View+ PlayersOp+ MissionsOm+ TerritoriesOt+ CardsOc Special+ AboutOv+ HelpOh+ ExitOx PASS% PASS2% PLAYNO% NOARM% PLAYER$ PSWD$ PTERR% PCARDS% MISS% ARMIES% REGION$ TERR$ CHCON$ CHNA$ CHSA$ CHAF$ CHEU$ CHAS$ CHAU$ Player 1 Player 2 Neutral North America South America Africa Europe + Australia Alaska Northwest Territory + Greenland Alberta Ontario Quebec Western United States Eastern United States Central America + Venezuela Brazil + Argentina North Africa Egypy East Africa Congo South Africa Madagascar Iceland Scandinavia Ukraine Great Britain Northern Europe Western Europe Southern Europe Siberia Yakutsk Irkutsk + Kamchatka Mongolia Japan Afghanistan China Middle East India + Indonesia New Guinea Western Australia Eastern Australia PSION Series 3a Version 1.01a Chris Gibbs 1994 Press any key to continue... INITIAL HOWMANY MISSION TERRITOR PLAYER$ + New Game? NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[P Players Name: PLAYER$ PLAYNO% NoneG NeutralG\[ PSWD$ PLAYER$ Change passwords- Are you sure? NoOn+ YesOy W7Oy@[ v+.Do you want passwords for missions/cards etc.? NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[i + passwords NoneG NeutralG\[ password: K PASSWORD PLAYER$ PMISS% MISS% NeutralC[* v+!What type of game would you like? Missions( World Domination( PLAYNO% PARM% NOARM% CARDS% TERR% PTERR% ARMIES% PLAYER$ O*|RO NeutralC[> NEWGAME PLAYER$ PLAYNO% PSWD$ PSWDCHK$ PMISS% Missions NoneG NeutralG\[ Name: Name: password: K NoneG NeutralG\[Y Player Missions- +!Conquer completely the continentsO ASIA and SOUTH AMERICAO +!Conquer completely the continentsO ASIA and AFRICAO +!Conquer completely the continentsO NORTH AMERICA and AUSTRALIAO +!Conquer completely the continentsO NORTH AMERICA and AFRICAO NoneG\[ Destroy O NoneC`[" Capture 24 territoriesO NoneG\[ Destroy O NoneC`[" Capture 24 territoriesO NoneG\[ Destroy O NoneC`[" Capture 24 territoriesO NoneG\[ Destroy O NoneC`[" Capture 24 territoriesO O @[k NoneG\[ Destroy O NoneC`[" Capture 24 territoriesO NoneG\[ Destroy O NoneC`[" Capture 24 territoriesO Conquer the continentsO EUROPE and SOUTH AMERICAO +%plus a THIRD continent of your choiceO +%Conquer 24 territories of your choiceO +%Conquer 18 territories of your choiceO +(and occupy every territory with at leastO 2 armiesO Conquer the continentsO EUROPE and AUSTRALIAO +%plus a THIRD continent of your choiceO WORLD DOMINATIONO + Conquer all continents and thus,O destroy all other players.O NEWGAME PLAYER$ Current Players NoneG[ Name: PLAYER$ PLAYNO% PSWD$ PSWDCHK$ PCARDS% m:\riskpics\inf.picW M:\riskpics\inf.pic m:\riskpics\cav.pic m:\riskpics\art.pic b:\riskpics\inf.picW b:\riskpics\inf.pic B:\riskpics\cav.pic b:\riskpics\art.pic a:\riskpics\inf.picW a:\riskpics\inf.pic a:\riskpics\cav.pic a:\riskpics\art.pic Cards NoneG NeutralG\[ Name: Name: password: K ODO:O ODO:O ODO:O ODO:O ODO:O NEWGAME PLAYER$ PLAYNO% PTERR% FARM$ ARMIES% TERR$ REGION$ Territories Player( + Continent( Player territories NoneG[ Name: Name: Player O+@`[ More...O O+@[ Continents More...O More...O Risk- HELP Game setup( 2 player game( Missions( Cards( Territories( Registration( Game setup +AThe Series 3 will automatically select Missions, Territories etc.O +Bfor all players. Placing your armies requires a bit of thought andO +Aplanning and for 6 players, this may take some time- however, it O will be worth it in the end.O +CHINT:- View territories by continents- this will show you where youO +Bare strongly placed and allow you to select your army positions inO +&order to quickly obtain a continent!!!O 2 player game +EFor a 2 player game, the rules of RISK slightly change. The 2 playersO +Chave 14 territories each and the remaining 14 territories are givenO +Fto the Neutral force. Neutral also has 28 armies (2 in each territory)O +%whereas the 2 players have 40 armies.O +CThe Mission is simple- World Domination i.e. destroy each other andO +>Neutral. When reinforcement occurs, the Neutral force is givenO +>half of the players armies (with a minimum of 3). Good luck!!!O Missions +>In total there are 14 missions selected by the Series 3a. SomeO +=are simple (Conquer 24 terrs.) but others require friendshipsO +If a player holds an entire Continent during the reinforcementO +1stage, additional armies are awarded as follows:-O +3North America- 5 armies South America- 2 armiesO +%Africa- 3 armies Europe- 5 armiesO +&Asia- 7 armies Australia- 2 armiesO +1HINT:- If you have a Continent- TRY TO KEEP IT!!!O 101-5320-759C[ Registration +/Thank you for registering this copy of Risk andO +$I hope that you will enjoy the game.O +/As a registered user, you will be automaticallyO +/notified of any further updates/ modifications.O Registration +@This is my first attempt at any sort of program. For this reasonO +BI have thought long and hard about registration. After consulting O +Amany guru's and the Well Of Many Things, it came to me. Provide aO +Afully operating game, but allow the more guilty of us to registerO +BRisk for a small amount ( 2). This will provide access to the loadO +Band save options and will allow me to invest in more books etc. toO +;improve the game, my knowledge and the state of the planet!O INITIAL FILE$ PASS% PLAYNO% NOARM% NEUTARM% PLAYER$ PSWD$ PMISS% PARM% PTERR% ARMIES% PCARDS% Load Game? NoON+ YesOY W7On@[ 101-5320-759G[ Load Game Files m:\risk\*.rsk Filename:- O .rskW .pinW .nosW LoadingO .rskK PASS% PLAYNO% NOARM% NEUTARM% PASS% PLAYNO% NOARM% NEUTARM% WHO% .pinK PLAYER$ PSWD$ PMISS% PARM% PLAYER$# PSWD$# PMISS% PARM% .nosK PTERR% ARMIES% PCARDS% PTERR% ARMIES% PCARDS% FILE$ PASS% PLAYNO% NOARM% NEUTARM% PLAYER$ PSWD$ PMISS% PARM% PTERR% ARMIES% PCARDS% Save Game? NoON+ YesOY W7On@[ There is nothing to save... 101-5320-759G[ \RISK\ \RISK Save Game Files Filename:- O SavedO M:\RISK\ B:\RISK\ A:\RISK\ .rskK .pinK .nosK .rskK PASS% PLAYNO% NOARM% NEUTARM% PASS%$ PLAYNO%$ NOARM%$ NEUTARM%$ WHO%$ .pinK PLAYER$ PSWD$ PMISS% PARM% PLAYER$' PSWD$' PMISS%$ PARM%$ .nosK PTERR% ARMIES% PCARDS% PTERR%$ ARMIES%$ PCARDS%$ Risk- Version 1.01a +%Based on the well known board game byO Parker Brothers U.S.A.( +'This is my first attempt at a Series 3aO +!program and I hope you enjoy it !O Exit- Are you sure? NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ NEWGAME PLACE REINF PLACE1 ATTACK PLAYER$ PLAYNO% PARM% PASS% NOARM% NEUTARM% NeutralC\[ NeutralC\[ PLAYER$ CHCON$ REGION$ CHNA$ CHSA$ CHAF$ CHEU$ CHAS$ CHAU$ PTERR% TERR$ ARMIES% PARM% PLAYNO% Place armies ( Continent:- Place armies ( Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- -1 army addedK You do not own that territory NOARM% NEUTARM% NEUTT% PTERR% OLDTERR% PCARDS% PLAYER$ PASS% ReinforcementK +#Do you wish to exchange your cards?O You have 3 Infantry- 6 armies.O NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[Y ReinforcementK +#Do you wish to exchange your cards?O You have 3 Cavalry- 8 armies.O NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[Y ReinforcementK +#Do you wish to exchange your cards?O You have 3 Artillery- 4 armies.O NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[Y ReinforcementK +#Do you wish to exchange your cards?O +#You have 1 of each card- 10 armies.O NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[2 O @[3 NOARM% NEUTARM% PLAYER$ CHCON$ REGION$ CHNA$ CHSA$ CHAF$ CHEU$ CHAS$ CHAU$ PTERR% TERR$ ARMIES% PLAYNO% NEUTT% Additional armies ( + You have Place armies ( Continent:- Place armies ( Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- - how many armiesK + You have + Armies:- O NeutralC\[; Additional armies (Neutral) Neutral has Place armies for Neutral ( Continent:- Place armies for Neutral ( Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- - how many armiesK Neutral has + Armies:- O +#Neutral does not own that territory You do not own that territory ENDGO PLAYER$ CHCON$ REGION$ CHNA$ CHSA$ CHAF$ CHEU$ CHAS$ CHAU$ PTERR% FROM% ARMIES% CHTO$ TERR$ + Do you wish to attack or End go? AttackOA+ End goOE W7Oe@[ Attack phase ( From where?O Continent:- Attack phase ( Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- +8You cannot attack with only 1 army occupying a territory You do not own that Territory Attack phase ( + To where?O O @[# O @[7 O"@[7 O#@[A O$@[A O%@[- O&@[# O'@[# O(@[# O)@[# Territory:- You already own that Territory Number of armies : Number of armies : Attack phase + You have armiesKO +"The minimum is 1, the maximum is 3 + How many?O Defend phase + You have armiesKO +"The minimum is 1, the maximum is 2 + How many?O |B\[7 |B\[C |B\[C 8\`[5 4\`[5 |B\[O 8\`[5 You cannot continue attack! + has won!K +)How many armies would you like to move toO : You can move: K + How many?O Continue attack? NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ PASS2% NEWTERR% PTERR% OLDTERR% PCARDS% PLAYER$ CHCON$ REGION$ CHNA$ CHSA$ CHAF$ CHEU$ CHAS$ CHAU$ FROM% ARMIES% CHTO$ TERR$ PMISS% PASS% Card issued. Card issued. Card issued. Card issued. Card issued. +%You have the maximum number of cards. +.No territories were conquered- no card issued. Would you like a tactical move? NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ Tactical move ( From where?O Continent:- Tactical move ( Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- Territory:- +6You cannot move with only 1 army occupying a territory You do not own that Territory Tactical move ( + To where?O O @[# O @[7 O"@[7 O#@[A O$@[A O%@[- O&@[# O'@[# O(@[# O)@[# Territory:- You do not own that Territory! Tactical Move Move how many armies toO : You can move: K + How many?O NoneG\[I NoneC`[ NoneG\[I NoneC`[ NoneG\[I NoneC`[ NoneG\[I NoneC`[ NoneG\[I NoneC`[ NoneG\[I NoneC`[ NEWGAME Congratulations You have completed your MissionO and are worthy of the titleO RISK CHAMPIONO REGNAME$ M:\APP\RISK m:\app\risk\risk.iniW m:\app\risk\risk.ini REGNAME$ m:\app\risk\risk.ini REGNAME$ REGNAME$# REG$# 101-5320-759G[ +'This is an unregistered copy of Risk... +7If you would like to register, please send 2 with yourO name and address to:-O +:Chris Gibbs C/O 15, Mulberry Avenue, Adel, Leeds, LS16 8LLO Would you like to register now?O NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ Enter registration details... Your name:- Registered No.:- 101-5320-759G[ m:\app\risk\risk.ini REGNAME$ REGNAME$' REG$' INITIAL INISCRN NEWGAME HOWMANYR PASSWORD MISSION TERRITOR VMISS VPLAY] CARDS VTERR VERSION PLACE;A REINF PLACE16R ATTACK ENDGO