ImageFileType** uwwww UUUUU UUUUU UUUUU UUUUU UUUUU UUUUU We are the knights that say Nee! Waiting to start ... Tetris high score table Columns high score table Please enter your name: Well done! High score attained Game Over Show next piece: Instant drop: SCORE Next: Time:00.00 Cursor left Cursor right Cursor up Cursor down Enter Space Rank #%d Rank: TOP Debris level: Medium Game: Columns Tetris Key for rotate left: Key for rotate right: Key for move up: Key for move down: Key for drop: Set keys Set preferences sStart game gNew game cChange game qSet preferences kSet keys hHigh scores xExit Special Tetrumns v2.02 Tetris/Columns info This version of Tetris/Columns was written by Steve Godfrey on May 7th 1995. This software may be freely distributed. Software and pic files are Steve Godfrey. Tetris Scoring The scoring is currently as follows: 10 points for 1 line completed 30 points for 2 lines completed 70 points for 3 lines completed 150 points for 4 lines completed In addition, completing 4 lines in one drop slows the game down very slightly Columns Scoring The scoring is currently as follows: 3 points for 4 touching shapes 6 points for 5 touching shapes 12 points for 6 touching shapes 24 points for 7 touching shapes Points double for each additional shape The game slows down if you remove 7 or more shapes in one drop Clear all the hollow shapes on each level to start the next level Preferences The following are stored on disk: Default game (Tetris or Columns) Show next piece (Yes or No) Instant drop (On or Off) Debris level (Off, Low, Med, High) Key definitions Please note that Debris level is only effective when playing Tetris The default game is only saved when using preferences, not when using Psion-c Tetrums LLWRQSP "X[YZ_ VRQSP X[YZ^ WVRQSP LLWRQSP X[YZ_ WVRQSP Z VRQSP X[YZ^ WVRQSP WVRQSP X[YZ^_ VRQSP X[YZ^ VRQSP X[YZ^ 2WVRQSP LLVRQ WVRQS3 WVRQSP VRQSP X[YZ^ WVRQS LLWVRQS WVRQSP WVRQSP LLWVRQSP olib.DYL hwim.DYL WVRQS [YZ^_ LLWVR WVRQS WRQSP3 X[YZ_ jWVRQS X[YZ^_ loc::m:\gpk loc::m:\gpk\tetris.ini loc::m:\gpk\tetris.ini Rank: %d Psion 3a Psion 3a CON:*