When the Print Cover Sheet option is selected, the browser will automatically print a cover sheet of instructions with the patient exercise sheet. The cover sheet text is stored in the file COVER.TXT. The Browser can hold 4,294,967,295 patient records. If you enter a exercise program every minute, 24 hours a day 365 days a year it would take over 8,000 years to fill the database. When an invoice is entered for a new patient the browser initializes the billing and shipping values based on the Preferences settings. When the List, Clinics, Print Cover Sheet option is selected, the browser will automatically print Physio-Video's phone number at the bottom of the patient exercise sheets. This allows patients to order tapes from their home. The order form contains the exercise list for the video tape, the ordered items, and the shipping and billing addresses. After printing the form, FAX it to Physio-Video to place your order. Our toll-free FAX number is printed at the bottom of the order form. The patient form displays pictures of the exercises which will appear on the patient's tape along with descriptions of the motion. Five exercises can be printed per page. The patient (big) form displays big pictures of the exercises which will appear on the patient's tape along with descriptions of the motion. Two exercises can be printed per page. The File, Print Preview command previews the order and patient reports on the screen. As you type the patient's name, the browser searches the patient database for a matching name. Note: To make the searching easier, we suggest you enter the name as Last name, First name. When entering an new prescription for an existing patient, the browser initializes the new prescription with the same values the patient's previous prescription. When saving a prescription, the browser checks for any changes to the patient information (name, billing address, shipping address). If changes were made, the browser automatically prompts if you would like the new patient information to be copied to the patient database. The Ordered Items section allows you to select video tapes and exercise devices for the patient's Prescription Exercise Kit. When entering billing information, pressing the Clinic button copies the billing information from the clinic database. Pressing the Patient button copies the billing information from the patient database. When entering shipping information, pressing the Clinic button copies the shipping information from the clinic database. Pressing the Patient button copies the shipping information from the patient database. A stored protocol is a set of exercises which can be quickly copied to the selected exercises for a patient's tape. Examples of stored protocols might be: ACL Phase 1, ACL Phase 2, Intermediate Low Back. Stored protocols are entered from the exercise selection form. The view picklists allow you to reduce the displayed exercise Choices to a specific joint, pattern, or type, e.g., highlighting knee in the joint list, and extension in the motion causes the exercise Choices to only display knee, extension exercises. The view picklists can be multi-selected, e.g. click on knee, then while holding the control key, click on ankle. The exercise Choices will then display knee and ankle exercises. There are two way to add an exercise to the patient's tape: 1) Click on the exercise in the Choices window and drag it to the Selected window, or 2) Double-click on the exercise to preview the exercise. Then press OK. There are two ways to delete an exercise from the patient's tape: 1) Click on the exercise in the Selected window and drag it to the Choices window, or 2) Click on the exercise in the Selected window and press the DELETE key. To change the order of an exercise in the Selected window, highlight the exercise with the mouse and drag it to the new location. To preview a movie of an exercise, double-click on the exercise and press the play button >. Use the List, Patients command to view a list of patients in the database. To change the spelling of a patient's name, use the List, Patients command. Highlight the selected patient and press Edit.