Title: HTML Viewer Description: Hi Fellow Programmers. This is a small example I made to view Basic HTML text. I was board so I desided to make it Only took 30 min to make. Anyway supports Bold, Italic, Underline, Images, Text Colors, Text Sizes, Hoz Lines you can have a picture background or a color background Also Added a Refresh to go to a different page. Anyway Got fed up after a while and desided to stop working on it hope you find it of some use. This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=56104&lngWId=1 The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.