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MusicMaker 6 SE
eZedia 2.1 MX
AudioConverter 3
3D Flash Animator
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World City Guide
UFO Episode


Ulead COOL 3D 3.5
MGI VideoWave 5
Music Maker 7
FineReader 5
Access Folders 1.61
Hypertext Studio
Enterprise 4

Hypertext Studio
Professional 4

WireFusion 2.1
Tweak-Me Gold
SWiSH 2.0
3D Flash Animator
AceHTML Pro 5.03
eZediaMX 3
Paint Shop Pro 7
Repligator 8
AudioConverter 4

DrinkCompare 2.0
CD Menu Wizard 1.0
Cover Creator 3.1.0
Offline CD Browser
CD Tree 1.1.5
CDex 1.30
MP3 Cat 1.10
ATnotes 9.01
Absolute HTML
Compressor 1.12

Browser Pro 1.0
XP Bench
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Active Ports
Remapper XP
X-Setup 6.1
LogonUI 1.02
AimAtSite Toolbar
DNS Cache Tweak
Hotkey Control XP
Resource Hacker

Any Capture Screen
7-Zip 2.24
Acid Drop 1.25
Magic Tweak 1.83
IconPlucker 1.0
ToggleMinimise 2.0
Cacheman 5.11
Universal Explorer

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Ultimate Ride
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Combat Mission
Tiger Woods 2002
Star Wars Starfighter
Virtua Tennis
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RedAce Squadron
NASCAR Racing 02
Warlords Battlecry 2

Baldurs Gate II [1]
Baldurs Gate II [2]
Baldurs Gate II [3]
Caesar III
Civilization III
Command & Conquer
Tiberian Sun
Half life
Max Payne
Medal Of Honor [1]
Medal Of Honor [2]
Medal Of Honor [3]
Medal Of Honor [4]
Medal Of Honor [5]
Quake 1
Red Alert 2
The Sims
Tiberian Dawn
Unreal Tournament
Wolfenstein [1]
Wolfenstein [2]

Alien V. Predator

Battle Realms 2.02
Civilization 3 1.17
Paris-Dakar Rally

Demolition Derby 1.1
Evil Twin Patch 1
Gorasul 1.05e
Monopoly Tycoon 1.3
Rally Trophy 1.01
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Sub Command 1.05e
The Nations Gold Ed

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Beach Life, with Ian
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3D Flash Animator
Flash animation made easy

If you have your own web page, no doubt you are always looking for ways to improve its appearance. You probably sit there green with envy when looking at Web sites that contain Flash animations wondering 'if only I could do that on my Web page'. Up until now the two things that have probably been stopping you from having a go yourself: the cost of a package such as Macromedia Flash and the fact that it looks a little bit complicated for a mere mortal such as yourself. Well, you lucky people, the answer to this little dilemma can be found on this month's cover disc in the form of 3D Flash Animator. Not only is it completely free, it's also very simple to use.

A simple 3D text effect

Let's get started then. We'll begin with something easy, an exploding text effect. From the File menu choose New Project and select Movie. Choose the size of your movie Window along with a background colour and click on Create flash movie. The Flash movie will be opened and now you can go about constructing your animation.

You can work in two different modes, Simple or Advanced. The Advanced Interface offers more features but we'll stick to the Simple Interface for now. The next step is to choose Elements for your movie and determine when they should appear. Elements can be images, sound, text and so on. In this case we're going to be creating a title so all we'll need is text. Click on Add an element and choose Title text. Enter your text along with a font size and click on Create title. An additional window will appear, enabling you to make changes to the properties of your text such as colour and shadow. When you're done, close and return to the Flash Movie window to continue.

Add an Event

Events are things that happen during your movie. In this case we'll need to add two events. One will be our text appearing and the other will be the explosion effect. Move down to Events and click on Add an event and choose 'Show selected elements using a transition'. The Element we created earlier (our title) will be displayed, click on the Add event button. Go down to presets and choose how you want your title to appear, Gunshot will go well with the explosion effect we want to achieve.

Close the window and click on Add an event again and choose the kind of effect you want to apply; in this case we'll choose Explode selected elements. The Exploded title properties window appears and you'll be able to determine how long the explosion will last for along with its shape, we'll choose 3 seconds and Planar. Close the window and return to Flash Movie again. Scroll down to Events and next to Explode title you want to add a time delay so that the explosion takes place a short while after the text has appeared on screen. Click in the box and enter 4 or 5 seconds.

Go back up to the top of the Flash Movie window and click on the green play button for a preview of your movie. If you've got your movie set to loop and you find that it seems to start again before it has properly finished then adjust the running time of the whole movie and increase it by 5 seconds at a time until it runs smoothly. You will then be able to save you movie as a .SWF file and use it on your Web site. Click on File then Export as and make sure the file type is set to Flash (*SWF).

Product Details

Company: company name here


Price: Full program, as sold for £35

Minimum system requirements: Windows 9x, Me, NT, XP



Install 3D Flash Animator Install 3D Flash Animator


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